The wp_kses_post( $content ); code at end of primary PHP file is removing the necessary LinkedIn Script tags on output.
For now I am just echo-ing the $content directly to resolve.
my Facebook Button inkl. Counter is not showing in my Sidebar.
Only the big facebook button is working…
Can you help me???
Is this Plugin up to date???
best regards
]]>Are the links to each social network rel-nofollow links? I was checking my site when I noticed some and they are social media ones. Maybe it’s a theme thing, just wondering. Thanks
the facebook follow button isnt showing up on my website. Only the big facebook button is working…
Can you help me?
Best regards,
]]>Hi Guys,
I really love your follow us badges.
Is there a possibility to add Instagram?
Best regards,
]]>Facebook User ID is natureswildest. The only time it shows up is if I checked “Check this to show the large button style that only the links to your social page..”. Otherwise the facebook follow me is not showing. The order is Twitter, Youtube and then Facebook.
Here’s the website:
]]>Tested with success in Chrome (Windows 7) and Safari (iOS 7.1), but Firefox (Windows 7) wont render the icons. Only text showing. Any clue?
]]>Look this site: and this other: ok, both can’t show the buttons except for the Pinterest one.
This is not happening here: and I’m wondering why, I really need to make it work on the first 2 sites. I can’t find any other plug in that shows a direct follow action to FB, Twitter and Pinterest (that’s what I need).
Help me, please!
]]>I successfully installed this plugin and I have its dashboard. But the settings are locked so I can’t configure anything! Help!
]]>Hi there,
does your plugin need special services like curl activated on my server?
I activated the plugin and cannot see the tabs, not the preview or anything else..
We need follow icon that do NOT link to facebook and twitter but allow to follow my social media profiles at once. But I cannot include your plugin since the setup seems to be incomplete.
]]>Hey there,
Everything worked perfectly in the beginning, but now Follow Us Badges is not showing the total number of likes my site has on facebook, despite the fact that i have about 4,439 likes on my facebook page.
Here is the link, where you can have a look at this issue (on the right sidebar of my widgets) .
And this is the facebook page url i have put in the user ID section of the Follow Us Badges
Please i need help
Thanks in advance.
]]>Using this plugin on two unrelated websites. Twitter appears on both, Facebook on neither. This used to work, but not recently:
with your facebook plugin set to:
with your facebook plugin set to:
]]>Is there a way to setup the Media Icons so that they are Placed Horizontally across the Top Right of the Page and above my content?
Any help would be appreciated.
I really need a horizontal layout because I don’t use side bars and want it displayed above my menu which is also horizontal. Is there anyway I can do this by changing the php code?
Is there another plugin I can use in conjunction with this one to make it a floating scrolling sidebar of sorts? I don’t want it to replace my sidebar..just hover and scroll beside it.
Thanks..great app by the way, I’ve been having trouble finding an app with follow functionality as opposed to only share functionality.
]]>I’m using the plugin to show badges with followers count for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter on this site. It works nicely, except for one thing: While I can change the language of the text on the Facebook and Twitter badges, the LinkedIn badge is alway in English, no matter what I do. It says lang: da_DK
in the code, so it should display in Danish, but it doesn’t.
]]>Can I get the widget to look like this screenshot?
]]>I prefer the custom buttons
rather than the official follow buttons
I was able to add them to a single page using a shortcode. However, they act as a link to my company page/profile rather than automatically make the user “follow” my page/profile.
Is there a way to achieve this? To use the custom buttons but with the follow behaviour?
Thanks for your plugin.
]]>When i updated our plugin to version 2.0.6 the shortcode at the bottom of this page quit working:
At the bottom where it says “Follow Us on Social Media” there were 3 buttons below that. I verified this on a dev site we have as well. I just updated that one and after the update the visible buttons were gone. The shortcode used is below, and it was 100% working prior to this update:
do_shortcode(‘[wpsite_follow_us_badges order=”facebook,linkedin,twitter” facebook_include_share_button=”false” facebook_link=”true” facebook=”cfnsocial” facebook_width=”210px” facebook_layout=”button_count” twitter=”biotechfn” twitter_link=”true” twitter_size=”medium” twitter_show_screen_name=”true” linkedin=”3859332″ linkedin_link=”true” linkedin_type=”company”]’);
Kind of stumped on debugging this one and figuring out the why part, not finding any error messages.
I am using the short code in a Text widget. I prefer the shortcode in a text widget because you allow the badges to be displayed inline horizontally, whereas your actual widget only displays the badges vertically. However I am having one problem with using the shortcode in a text widget. The badges display above the widget area in which the short code is pasted. Have a look at the screenshot at the first link below. You will notice that the Facebook badges are above the white sidebar widget area. Then have a look at the screenshot at the second link. You will see how I wrote the shortcode into the text widget.
Can you provide me with a way to fix this? Maybe via CSS?
BTW, I am only using Facebook badge now but I will add more if this problem is resolved.
]]>Seems like everything is working except it always shows 0 for followers/fans for twitter/facebook and google+
But when I click on the badges, it forwards me to the correct url
What did i do wrong?
]]>Is there a way to get it to only display a Facebook share button (without the like/follow button)?
]]>Using the shortcode, regardless of where I put it on the page, the buttons always display at the top of the page. How can I get it to respect the location I’m placing the shortcode to get the buttons where I want them?
]]>hello ,i am using your plugin.. your plugin saved my project hard work,no doubt .. but the problem is ,your plugin does not show any google or youtube subscriber link.please help
i codded something like this
<?php do_shortcode(‘[wpsite_follow_us_badges twitter=”WPsite” facebook=”WPsite” google=”WPsite” youtube=”WPsite” linkedin=”WPsite” youtube_count=”true” youtube_layout=”default” ]’); ?>
]]>For all Facebook icons there is a added white empty space above the icons. When ordering the icon the FB icon must be placed first in order to place the added white space before all icons rather than in between two of them. Is there any way to remove the added white space above the Facebook icon?
Issue can be seen here in the right sidebar:
When I click on the Twitter badge – a “Sorry Page is not found” error screen comes up for Twitter with a search box. I checked the username settings and my twitter page url was put in correctly. The same thing happens with the Facebook badge – a missing page comes up even though I have my page url correct in the username settings.
is there a chance to use the “standard” button style (like with twitter, etc.) for LinkedIn if this is only a person link? Using the “link” only I can choose “person”. But the link button does not look good. Uncheck makes it look what I want, but I do not have a company profile on linkedIn. So – is there a chance to use the company look and feel for a person?
Update: the link for “Get your ID” only brings me to a side where I can build my own button, but there is no ID used in that code… and the link (below the ID-box) reads “”112233″” when link is unchecked.
Thank you!
Best regards
]]>Hi, Is there an option to use custom icons?
I added the Twitter and LinkedIn widgets to the sidebar of my client’s site: but I can not figure out how to change the button appearance. I want the same style of button for LinkedIn as I have showing for Twitter. Can you help?
]]>Hi there,
Is it possible to have the nice widget icons available with shortcode?
Also, via the shortcode, I can’t seem to stop the number of followers appearing next to the twitter button (or the “Sign up to see what your friends like” text from next to the Facebook button). It would be great to have the nice looking widget buttons available as shortcode.