I get the table to render and don’t see any functional issues, but the following error appears at the bottom right of the table:
“Unexpected response from ‘GetSessionInfo’ command when fetching online analytics server info.”
I tried the following to troubleshoot but still get the above error each time:
1. Left all the block settings blank/default
2. Set a value on each block setting
3. Tried a sample table from https://help.tableau.com/current/api/js_api/en-us/JavaScriptAPI/js_api_sample_basic_embed.htm – https://public.tableau.com/views/RegionalSampleWorkbook/Storms
Thank you,
I’m pretty new to WordPress so I’m not sure if this is an issue of WordPress or Tableau Public itself. I’ve worked on this for more than a day and I’m still stuck.
I am trying to embed an interactive Tableau dashboard in my website through the plug-in. When I tried checking the preview of the viz from the plug in, it is showing properly. But when I try to preview the page, the full height of the viz is not properly showing and instead I get scroll bars with only half of the viz shown. My viz height is around 727px. I checked other posts and it seems they were able to embed dashboards which are even longer in height. I also tried other plug-ins (HTML and iframe) but all of them produced the same results.
Here is what it looks like: (I had to hide the dash because we have yet to publish it) https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/web.rover/viz/DashIssueWP/Dashboard1
The image in the left is the original size while the right picture is how it looks like in WP.
Is there anyway to fix this in WordPress? I am using the Gutenberg editor.
I have not yet launched the site but I put in just in case it helps in any way.
]]>Hello! I was trying out this plugin for a visualization and unfortunately the toolbar is not hidden even when I click on “Hide toolbar.” Instead, there is a small “B” that appears in the toolbar and when I hover over it it says “Debug mode: the text of this button indicates if we are rendering locally on the web browser (B) or if rendering is occuring server side (S).” Forgive me if I’m missing something obvious, I’m pretty new with this.
]]>I’m testing this plugin on a local server (so unfortunately, I can’t show you what is happening).
I’m using WordPress 5.7.1-en_GB with no other plugins. The URL I’m trying to display is https://public.tableau.com/views/Covid_16197661745310/Sheet1?:language=en-GB&:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link or https://public.tableau.com/profile/nhan.le7536#!/vizhome/Covid_16197661745310/Sheet1
Neither work, all I’m seeing on the page is a blank screen.
The page code is as follows
<div class=”site-content”>
<div id=”viz-container-Sheet1?:language=en-GB&:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link” data-url=”https://public.tableau.com/views/Covid_16197661745310/Sheet1?:language=en-GB&:display_count=y&:origin=viz_share_link” data-hide-tabs=”false” data-hide-toolbar=”false” class=”wp-block-wptab-wptab-tableau-public-viz-block”></div>
I’ve tried it with several different displays (including the one you use as an example (https://public.tableau.com/views/WorldIndicators/GDPpercapita) and I’m getting nothing at all.
If I embed the Tableau Dashboard as explained in https://community.tableau.com/s/question/0D54T00000C6X5fSAF/embedding-interactive-dashboard-into-wordpress-site it works fine.
Any suggestions please
]]>HI, when i clicked on new post in my wordpress site, i do not see the embed option to select the “Tableau Public VIZ Block” to select from. I don’t see the embed dropdown option at all.
Can you please assist?
I downloaded and installed WP-TAB Tableau Public Viz Block plug in via WordPress successfully but when I go to my page, I still haven’t got the Embed object to add in my page in order to link the page with my talbeau public view.
Are you able to help me with this issue?
I am using WordPress 5.5.1.
]]>Hello – is there a way to implement this plugin in a wordpress environment WITHOUT Gutenberg? The Theme I am using (Canvas) is broken when Gutenberg is active, but our website utilizes nearly 100 tableau vizes to portray important economic data.
Plugin has js error like “containerDiv is null” in the console in all the pages except the page on which “Tableau” selected in the Gutenberg.
Because this issue the whole js in the website is not working.
Please resolve this as soon as possible.
Thanks for developing this plugin!
I am trying to add multiple tables on a single page. The first table works fine, but when I try to add additional tables, the Tableau Public Viz block is grayed out. There is also no duplicate option for the block. Is it possible to have multiple table blocks on a page?
Thanks for help.