Wordfence is flagging up the Widget Block plugin as ‘abandoned’. Any chance of an update so we can continue using it? It’s a great plugin and I really rely on it. Thanks, John
at a sudden my website receives a message ” Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue”. In recovery mode I recognized that the plugin WidgetContentBlocks doesn’t load properly.
An error of type E_ERROR (very usefull!) was caused on line 15.
After deactivating the plugin the website works again.
Are any updates planned?
]]>I like this plugin very very much. Thank you for it. That’s why I have to search within more than 100 items.
Unfortunately the inbuilt search function doesn’t give any results.
In example: One item is titled “Vertrauen statt Angst” (German)
I type in “Vertrauen” to find the item.
But no results are found.
Any idea how to solve that issue?
Any plans to update this plugin? I fear that if it’s not compatible with future versions of WP then scores of my sites will be broken.
]]>Has this plugin been abandoned? Does anyone know?
If so, can anyone recommend a replacement?
It would be great if this plugin offered the ability to add a featured image to the widget block. That way my clients could easily upload an image which I will have previously formatted (size/position etc).
is the plugin compatible with WPML in order to have the widgets’ blocks translated in a multi-language site?
Hi @dvankooten,
I’d like to make the following requests for this plugin, for your consideration:
1) Could you add a field to the widget itself, which allows for adding a hyperlink to the widget title? There used to be a plugin (at https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/widget-title-links) which did this, but it hasn’t been updated in 5 years and is now unavailable in the Plugin Repository.
Basically it involves adding a field to the widget box where you can enter a URL, and a checkbox underneath for “Open link in new window/tab”, and that’s it. So it would look like this:
It would be really helpful to be able to easily add a link to the widget titles created with your plugin!
2) Could you add a unique Class or ID attribute to each widget, to make it easier to add unique styling on a per-widget basis? Currently the widget adds an ID like this: id="wysiwyg_widgets_widget-2"
and also a class like this: class="widget widget_wysiwyg_widgets_widget"
. However, the ID does not change when a different widget block is selected inside the widget.
It would be helpful to have an ID, or a Class, which is unique to each widget block. My suggestion would be to use the slug of each widget block as a class. So if I had a block with slug “my-address-details”, then this would be added as a class to the HTML of the widget, and would be there regardless of which widget position that block was placed into. So if the widget block were moved from one place to another place, the class would allow my styling to follow the widget.
3) Perhaps you could update the “Tested up to” version number of your plugin to include 5.0.x so that we can have the assurance that the plugin still works fine on WordPress 5, for peace of mind! ??
]]>Hello, we’ve used the plugin a long time on many sites. Recently we’re noticing a problem since updating to 4.9.2. The widget blocks aren’t saving in the widget areas. We can set one up and it shows as saved, but when we refresh the page it has disappeared. We’re just wondering if others have had this issue recently?
]]>I used to be able to customize the css for the #wysiwyg_widgets, but now all #wysiwyg_widgets in the WordPress sidebar no longer have the ID #wysiwyg_widgets. The ID shows up in other places, but not the sidebar.
Thanks for a fantastic plugin. I was wondering how to style with CSS the background on my header widget. I’ve tried longer and shorter variations of this selector with no luck:
background-color: yellow;
What do you suggest I do to achieve this?
Many thanks!
]]>I have debug on and I get this error when submitting:
Notice: add_option was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.3.0 with no alternative available. in /home/.../public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4023
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/.../public_html/wp-includes/functions.php:4023) in /home/.../public_html/wp-admin/post.php on line 197
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/.../public_html/wp-includes/functions.php:4023) in /home/.../public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1179
Please consider a tick box to prevent wpautop. Thanks!
It’s possible to do :
<?php echo widget_content_blocks id=”12″ ?>
]]>Hi there! I was just remembering our discussion from a couple of years ago ?? about the idea of allowing the user to change the menu location and the user role for your plugin:
I guess you never found the time to work on it back then, and I’m wondering if you’d still be able to take a shot at it sometime?
Thanks! ??
]]>Hi, thank You for this great plugin! I love it!
Today I found in a customed sidebar a list of 8 widgets, and 5 of them are named “Widget Blocks Widget”. Normally they are collapsed, so I can’t see immediately what content they have.
That’s why I propose to enrich the title shown in widgets area. Instead of “Widget Blocks Widget” You could take “WBW – <widget block title>”.
For example: “WBW – Contact me!”
Thank You!
best regards
We are using Widget Content Blocks with Bogo https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/bogo on some of our websites.
The language selection from Bogo appears correctly in the widget parameters but when a language is selected for a Widget block, the position shows up also on the pages of other languages but with an error message “Please select a Widget Block to show in this area”.
We are not sure this issue is relative to Bogo, Widget Content Blocks or both, that’s why we report it for both plugins.
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Site: https://www.cghospitality.com/
I am using the custom widget to display the text in the left header (“Come stay…”). However, there is a mysterious bullet that keeps popping up and no matter how many instances of list-style: none I try and add in, I can’t get it to vanish.
]]>Your widget plugin is simple but very useful and I like the fact of you add a custom post to manage the text widgets.
I just want suggest you mimic the markup of the default “wp-widget-text”. The default widget wraps the text content in a block that provides the ability to style this block.
You can check the default wp-widget-text file at line 68 (wp-includes/widgets/class-wp-widget-text.php):
<div class="textwidget"><?php echo !empty( $instance['filter'] ) ? wpautop( $text ) : $text; ?></div>
I modified your class-widget.php file line 47 to add the wrapper as:
echo '<div class="textwidget">';
echo $content;
echo '</div>';
The drawback is when you’ll update your plugin, I have to hack your code again ??
Of course, I don’t urge you to do this!
]]>I like this widget, but I’m a bit uneasy about the long time it not has been updated. Really no security problems in the meantime?
]]>I’m using Widget Blocks with ACF Pro and would like to know if the widget blocks are saved as custom posts or something else? If it’s saved as a custom post, how can I get the ID of the widget block custom post to show custom field value?
]]>Hi there,
I just added WPML support. The new version of class-widget.php is here.
Check where I left “edit 2016-05-25 (mirco): support wpml” comments.
I am trying to make the image clickable, but when I add the code, the text font in the widget reduces size to a point that it is nearly unreadable. I am placing the code in front of the “img src” code. Do not understand why this is affecting the font size. This also happens if I try to link the text. The font reduces to a miniscule size. Nothing I do increases the size of the font to a readable size. Help.
I can’t edit my widgets anymore, the editor stays blank and the HTML view too. These are existing widgets i’ve made with Widget blocks, i’m using 2.3.5, tried a downgrade to 2.3.4, but that ain’t working too. I also can’t create new widget blocks, i can only fill in the title.
My JS console gives me 2 errors i don’t know if this is an issue with with TinyMCE or Widget blocks:
tinymce-plugin.js?wp-mce-4208-20151113:36 Uncaught ReferenceError: daArgs is not defined
wp-tinymce.php?c=1&ver=4208-20151113:11 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘body’ of undefined
My TinyMCE works on other content in the admin.
Got any tips?
]]>I LIKE this plugin at LOT, and I’m so distressed that alluva sudden it no longer works. Mysteriously, it duplicates entries in the menu sidebar:
https://bazaar.typeheritage.com/ [under construction]
…and lost the image map that belongs in the space above the header–only the “alt text” appeared.
I have installed no new plugins (only updates of inactive ones)–it just stopped working. I have temporarily switched the image map to the Custom Post Widget:
This workaround will require re-jiggering the links with new coordinates.
Can you help me to figure out what went wrong?
Many thanks, Anna
]]>I’m trying to change the line height using <span style=”font-size: 10pt;line-height:90%;”> in the text editor but the line height code doesn’t appear to work. Anyone any ideas?
Hi ,
Is this plugin still alive ? Will you update for new version of wordpress ?
Thank you very much.
]]>Please allow editors to edit widgets. Surely it is the role of an editor to do this.
* Add Capability to edit widget block
public function add_caps() {
$caps_version = '1.2';
// did we add the caps already?
$db_version = get_option( 'wywi_caps_version', 0 );
if( version_compare( $db_version, $caps_version, '>=' ) ) {
$role = get_role( 'administrator' );
$role->add_cap( 'edit_widget_block' );
$role = get_role( 'editor' );
$role->add_cap( 'edit_widget_block' );
//update_option('wywi_caps_version', $caps_version);
I’ve created a widget-area on the homepage. Client can put in text and images. But the images are not responsive in any way. Even if I put % in stead of fixed height/width values in.
Any tips/ideas?
when ever i use hyperlinking, the phrase or the word disappears until i hover over it then it shows.
“the day i posted on a photo”
when i hover over it i get:
“the day i posted on facebook a photo”
-i use the latest version of wordpress
-and i am using direction: rtl
thank you