Since 2019-05-20, master branch contains dev version 1.7.x +. After ten years ! now contains latest dev with rewritten sources code with [WP Coding Standards](
**REQUIRES PHP 7.1+ !**
**pre-tested with WP 5.2 and newest xili-language trilogy**
See this repository in [Github]( for most recent version
]]>I’ve created the following shortcode:
[xilipostinpost query="tag=dossier" beforeeach="<div class='xi-item'>" aftereach="</div>"]
After saving end reopening the page, it comes out as either:
<div>[xilipostinpost query="dossier" beforeeach="
<div class="xi-item">" aftereach="</div>
<div>[xilipostinpost query="dossier" beforeeach="<div class="xi-item">" aftereach="</div>
xilipostinpost query="dossier" beforeeach="<div class="xi-item">" aftereach="</div>"
<p>xilipostinpost query="dossier" beforeeach="</p>
<div class="xi-item">" aftereach="</div>
None of these work as intended, effectively breaking the layout. The problem seems to originate at the embedded single quotes. Is it possible to add an extra parameter to add html attributes json style? Like so:
beforeeach = "div" beforeeachatt = "class":"xili-item","style":"color:blue"
That would prevent the need for embedded quotes.
]]>If you use widget, check the good settings. If you use shortcode, set the parameter showexcerpt= 0 showcontent = 1
I like this plugin a lot. But I need to show the full post, not just the excerpt. Is there a shortcode for that?
Thank you.
]]>What is wrong here?
[xilipostinpost showexcerpt=0 showtitle=1 titlelink=1 query="cat=36&showposts=3"]
[xilipostinpost showexcerpt=0 showtitle=1 titlelink=1 query="cat=70&showposts=3"]
All is displays is ‘no post no post’. Have 98 and 14 posts in each category respectively.
Thanks for your help!
as I can capture the value of the loaded custom field for each category?
For the post I call this way:
<?php $recent = new WP_Query("cat=18&showposts=5&lang=pt-BR"); while($recent->have_posts()) : $recent->the_post();?>
<h3 class="titulo"><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
<p class="data"><?php the_field('data_noticia') ?></p>
<?php endwhile; ?>
How do I call a specific category, the post only by language and custom fields?
]]>Hello, I’ve just installed your plugin amd tried to formulate the shortcode to display in a page all of the posts available of all the categories; after many attempts no good result; I wonder what is the right shortcode?
In the category list there is no ID for everyt category…
Thank you.
I have the custom post type : event
xili-language 2.16.1 is configured well and running with languages en_us and tr_tr.
I would like to display a list of ALL the events using the shortcode xilipostinpost 1.5.2 that is in the same language as the page it is in (en_US). No matter what I try, only one event is shown and that is the most recently entered event (which is in tr_TR). The lang parameter is ignored, the lang=cur returns 0 posts.
[xilipostinpost query=’post_type=event&posts_per_page=-1′ lang=’en_us’]
returns only 1 post : the latest one in tr_TR
[xilipostinpost query=’post_type=event&posts_per_page=-1′ lang=’cur’]
[xilipostinpost query=’post_type=event&lang=en_us’]
they both return : No post
How can I make [xilipostinpost] display ALL the posts that are in the same language as the page it is in?
thanks for your help
1. I installed plugin “xili Post in Post” everything works well except one: If I want to add a photo, this in “Media library” does not have any photos. As I turned off the plugin “xili Post in Post” it all works well.
2. Is it possible to do so as in shotcode to set that displays foto from post in post.
I am using Post-in-Post to show 4 categories on a single page in four blocks. Using code eg
[xilipostinpost query=”cat=18″ featuredimage=1 showposts=4]
It does the job but looks a bit ugly because I get the headline, then the image and then the text stacked on top of each other.
Is it possible to align the image so the text flows around it rather than sits underneath? I tinkered with Align instructions but could not get anything to happen ??
Thanks in advance for any thoughts or help.
]]>I really like your plugin since I couldn’t manage query myself. Thanks ??
One thing: I was wondering why the displayed posts don’t show date & time under the titles. Is there a way to achieve that ? How should I do ? (at least for the date, I don’t care about time)
Thanks in advance,
]]>I’m trying to get certain widgets to appear on certain pages. I have plugins which produce content on something that looks like a page or post, but has no page or post id. So I never know how to id these “pages” except by the url which displays. Is it possible to make a url conditional? If so, I may be able to use conditional shortcode to produce the widgets where I want them..