A client of ours has installed this plugin, not sure when it was installed.
WooCommerce is on the latest version.
When the client is updating the price of a product, he is getting the fatal error screen saying there is a problem and it’s been emailed to you.
When turning on debug logging and checking the log file, this is the fatal error that is being returned;
[22-Nov-2024 09:17:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * float in /wordpress/plugins/woocommerce/9.4.2/includes/wc-formatting-functions.php:136
Stack trace:
#0 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/xml-for-google-merchant-center/classes/generation/traits-xfgmc-simple.php(1106): wc_get_dimension('', 'cm')
#1 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/xml-for-google-merchant-center/classes/generation/class-xfgmc-get-unit-offer-simple.php(117): XFGMC_Get_Unit_Offer_Simple->get_shipping_xml()
#2 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/xml-for-google-merchant-center/classes/generation/class-xfgmc-get-unit-offer.php(65): XFGMC_Get_Unit_Offer_Simple->generation_product_xml()
#3 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/xml-for-google-merchant-center/classes/generation/class-xfgmc-get-unit.php(115): XFGMC_Get_Unit_Offer->__construct(Array)
#4 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/xml-for-google-merchant-center/classes/generation/class-xfgmc-get-unit.php(64): XFGMC_Get_Unit->create_code()
#5 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/xml-for-google-merchant-center/classes/system/class-xml-for-google-merchant-center.php(650): XFGMC_Get_Unit->__construct(31648, 1)
#6 /wordpress/core/6.7.1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): XmlforGoogleMerchantCenter->xfgmc_save_post_product_function(31648, Object(WP_Post), true)
#7 /wordpress/core/6.7.1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(false, Array)
#8 /wordpress/core/6.7.1/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#9 /wordpress/core/6.7.1/wp-includes/post.php(5060): do_action('save_post', 31648, Object(WP_Post), true)
#10 /wordpress/core/6.7.1/wp-includes/post.php(5162): wp_insert_post(Array, false, true)
#11 /wordpress/core/6.7.1/wp-admin/includes/post.php(453): wp_update_post(Array)
#12 /wordpress/core/6.7.1/wp-admin/post.php(227): edit_post()
#13 {main}
thrown in /wordpress/plugins/woocommerce/9.4.2/includes/wc-formatting-functions.php on line 136
I’ve tried rolling back the plugin to a previous version but that is bringing back the same error too.
When deactivating the plugin and then updating the product price in the backend, it works as normal, no errors.
When the plugin is activated and the price is updated in the backend, it shows the fatal error message screen HOWEVER the price on the frontend is being reflected.
Please can you take a look into this for me?
Let me know what information you would require from me.
I have the following in my error file:
PHP Warning: Array to string conversion in /home/websitename/public_html/wp-content/plugins/xml-for-google-merchant-center/classes/generation/traits-xfgmc-simple.php on line 821
Is this a bug with the plugin?
I read here on the forum that the function to set the identifier_exists attribute was added. But I can’t find this function in the plugin. Is it still there? How to set it?
]]>The plugin is making a 29GB+ file called “plugin.log” in wp-plugins folder. Can we turn this off?
I can not delete it via SSH
Hello i found a bug in export variables if i use the post_meta field for GTIN,MPN and Brand.
In traits-xfgmc-variable.php you use
get_post_meta( $this->get_product()->get_id()
please change it to
get_post_meta( $this->get_offer()->get_id()
Hi, hope you are doing fine. I have a question, I am using a DIVI theme and in my product feed, the description tab shows only shortcodes but not required text. I found the same problem written here and the suggestion was to contact plugin support team and ask about the option to turn off the shortcodes. Let me know where is such an option available in the plugin. Thnaks, attached the screenshot.
The problem given here https://support.google.com/google-ads/thread/161985039/google-listings-and-ads-show-code-as-product-information?hl=en
Добрый день! В консоле все время выпадает это сообщение
We are working on automatic file creation. XML will be developed soon. FEED № 8 Progress: -80 from 646 products.
If the progress indicators have not changed within 20 minutes, try reducing the “Step of export” in the plugin settings.
Мы работаем над автоматическим созданием файлов. XML будет разработан в ближайшее время. ФИД №8 Прогресс: -80 из 646 товаров.
Если показатели прогресса не изменились в течение 20 минут, попробуйте уменьшить ?Шаг экспорта? в настройках плагина.
Что бы я не уменьшала, это сообщение все равно выпадает, что с этим делать?
]]>Hi, thanks for the plugin, I faced an issue, after I uploaded the product feed, google merchant center lists a warning that there is a difference between language detected and declared. How to fix this issue? The site is in German as well as the products are in german, I am not sure why that does not match.
When available_date is enabled, it causes an error
I’m currently using your plugin in the free version and I’m having some issues setting up the options.
Can I set a supplemental feed (with discounted products) using this field https://imgur.com/a/Z0CCxlE or do I need to change other options?
Could you please help me?
Thank you
]]>O trying to buy the premium version of this plugin but i can’t because the plugin site doesn’t have a commom payment gateway like Paypal. is there another way to buy the premium version?
]]>Возможно, это произошло после обновления движка WordPress. При изменении настроек фида он не может сгенерироваться ни сразу ни по расписанию. Новые фиды также не создаются, постоянно пишет not created yet. Перепробовал уже огромное количество вариантов настройки — не помогает. В Debug page проверка проходит успешно. Помогите пожалуйста, подскажите, как можно решить эту проблему. Спасибо!
]]>Hello Team,
Your plugin helped us so much and makes our work little easier
but we are getting a issue
that link generated properly but why GTIN is not fetched?
Раньше Вы советовали Такое решение но после обновления файл offer.php пропал, как сейчас, закруглить до целого числа, без копеек?
Нам нужно срочно изменить имя фида на произвольное. Как уже писали к другому вашему плагину, порядковые номера с одинаковыми названиями для всех сайтов использующих Ваш плагин не есть хорошо. Фид легко вычисляется методом перебора и все товары без особых усилий парсятся конкурентами, с чем мы и столкнулись. Даже если защита от парсинга стоит, то в данном случае это не поможет.
Просьба обновить плагин и дать пользователям возможность менять название файла фида или генерировать случайные цифры и буквы, чтоб не так просто было вычислить.
]]>Скажите есть ли возможность удалить из фида товары из определенной категории или с определенным тегом или по типу товара (виртуальный/физический) ?
]]>Как создать фиды под каждую категорию товаров и подкатегорию товаров, с помощью плагина?
Например: Под страницу категорий https://kesandi.com/buy/leather-briefcases только вытащить leather briefcase
Под страницу подкатегорий https://kesandi.com/buy/business-bags только business bags
и т.д ?
Здравствуйте. Как добавить произвольное поле в фид?
We want gtin codes to come in feed xml. It comes in the link, but we couldn’t find where to add the gtin number in the plugin. Could you help?
I don’t want my out of stock products to come in the feed. How can I do that?
Good day!
Thank you very much for the created plugin.
Unfortunately, I encountered the following error. After the feed is generated, when trying to open it, the following error is returned:
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 2: StartTag: invalid element name
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
In previous times, there was no such problem and feeds were created normally. I also see in the console that the weight of the feed file for some reason is only 16 b, although the previous feeds weighed more than 5 mb.
How can this be fixed?
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>Добрый день. Не могу понять механизм добавления произвольных полей для поля Бренда. Бренд необходим для фейсбука, но на сайте реализован не через атрибуты, а через метки.
Since we start using your great plugin on old server with php 7.2 there is one small suggestion.
add 3 lines in xfgmc_get_first_feed_id function like below
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0') >= 0) {
return array_key_first($xfgmc_settings_arr);
} else {
return key($xfgmc_settings_arr);
So it will be working as usual without php fatal errors.
]]>Хочу поднять актуальность этой темы
Товары у нас на русском, но с помощью плагина WPML есть товары и на украинском.
Когда планируется реализация? и ведутся ли вообще какие то работы ?
Так как плагин один из лучших, работает четко!!!)
Благодарю за ответ.
In my backoffice I have defined the prices without VAT and on the frontoffice I show the products with the price + VAT.
How can I export the products to google merchant the prices with VAT?
Thank you.
Здавствуйте. Можно ли изменить размер изображения в фиде с 150*150 на 270*270px?
Возможно ли добавить поле для ссылки на другое изоражение товара?
Мы используем водяные знаки, которые не проходят проверку Гугла.
Hi, merchant center is showing some errors. how do i fix this. i downloaded a report but don’t know how to put it on here. here is what it is saying:
`Encoding problem (double UTF8 encoding) in attribute: title
Free listings
Attribute got truncated
Encoding problem (private-use range chars) in attribute: description
Encoding problem (double UTF8 encoding) in attribute: description
Encoding problem in attribute: description
Encoding problem (double UTF8 encoding) in attribute: title
I am syncing products that have no GTIN and Brand and it got disapproved by Google Merchant. How do I set the identifier_exists attribute to “no” or false for such cases?
]]>Здравствуйте, подскажите, есть ли возможность исключать из фида товары с заглушкой фото (default.png)?