Change line 10 of xmlgooglemaps_dbfunctions.php to:
if ( version_compare(mysqli_get_server_info($wpdb->dbh), '4.1.0', '>=') ) {
Okay so I figured out how to insert the map into posts.
Speed and elevation is showing as it should, but the map loads only for approximately for 0,5 second and then disappears.
What remains is a white space where the map used to be, the speed and elevation are still showing.
Any clues to what is causing this error and how to fix it.
Here is the link to the post which I’m having problems with:
]]>Error on the page of the post:
Warning: mysql_get_server_info(): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock’ (2) in /web/htdocs/ on line 10 Warning: mysql_get_server_info(): A link to the server could not be established in /web/htdocs/ on line 10
im tried to get a Google Maps Map with pictures and a KMZ route.
But the Map is only white and empty.
I tried to use a KMZ file with pictures and a GPS Route.
I had generated a Google Maps JavaScript API v3.
Can some help me to solve my problem?
Sorry for my bad english ^^
]]>Does XML Google Maps support the v3 of Google maps API?
]]>I tried to get this plugin to work without a google API key and to use the OSM layout. No Joy. When I went and got a Google API v3 key (which are retro actively good for v2 of the API) then the OSM would show up. However, I was trying to get my NextGen Gallery images to show up on the map and there was no joy there. It is supposed to be automatic with the [xmlgm ….] shortcode.
The author says this plugin is end of life due to a lack of time. It would be nice if the Google code portion were updated to v3 of their API (as google suggests) but also because version three of the API does not require an API Key.
I was really hopeful that this plugin would work for mapping my NextGen Gallery images.
]]>I cannot find the option to hide the graphical ‘XML Google Maps WP Plugin’ which appears on maps displayed via this plugin. Is there one? Why is this not an opt-in link?
Displaying this link by default contravenes the guidelines for plugins for inclusion within the plugin directory: point 10 at
The plugin must not embed external links on the public site (like a “powered by” link) without explicitly asking the user’s permission. Any such options in the plugin must default to NOT show the link.
]]>Thanks for your great plugin
I am trying to reuse this great jQuery code to make “XML Goole MAPS”‘s compatible with responsive design:
I am trying to get the jquery to work on the .xmlgmdiv <div> which wraps google map’s iframe
// Target your .container, .wrapper, .post, etc.
$(".xmlgmdiv").fitMaps( {w: '100%', h:'250px'} );
but it doesn’t work.
Any idea ?
That would be great if you could integrate this jQuery in the next version by the way…
]]>All of the sudden the Google Maps won’t show on my website anymore.
Instead this message is displayed:
Cannot get modified date from the file you like to parse! Like this, it is not possible to use this file that way!
I’ve tried the following:
– Deactivate all other plugins
– Reinstall the XML Google Maps plugin
– Upload a new file and tried to display that
Non of those resulted in a solution.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
I did find an other Google Maps plugin, but that one doesn’t integrate with nextgen gallery.
]]>Maybe there are two forums at wordpress I cant see my post in this forum:
Regards, SyncPulse
]]>Hello community this example is working
one by one copy from android phone from the open gps tracker
this copy edidited and exported by GPSprune (Linux Ubuntu 12.04LST)not
but the file works fine as drop down to google earth.
some one a hint what to inside the gpx export?
the kmz export is no alternaitve (also not working) from GPSprune because of speed and atitude profiles ..
open for any advice
…ist there a file size size limit at google ..i didnt read this funny 2 hours waste time disclamer for my api api key in every detail?
The OSM html cmd line is a very welcome feature
Regrads SyncPulse … Boris
]]>Hello community this example is working
one by one copy from android phone from the open gps tracker
this new tour a gpx copy was edidited and exported by GPSprune 13.4 (Linux Ubuntu 12.04LST)
but both files works fine as drop down to google earth.
some one a hint what to inside the gpx export?
open for any advice
Regrads SyncPulse … Boris
]]>I have some maps being displayed by xml-google-maps, showing tracks entered as .kml files. At certain map scales the tracks have chunks missing.
Have a look at this page and note the gaps in the orange track. Then scale the map up or down and note that the gaps disappear.
Any suggestions please?
Thanks for the plug-in, Patrick.
Is there a way to add a legend on the map to differentiate between colored markers?
eg.) Blue – Italian restaurants
Red – Cafes
Example like this here:
This would be a great addition to a great plugin!
I want to have the inserted gpx-file ( as an link (ok, that is easy ;-)) and not integrated in the post BUT the maps will be shown within fancybox by clicking on the linked GPX-file!?
is this possible? how can I do this?
]]>I get the following warning message when running any database connection with exec-php in WordPress 3.3.1. Temporary deleting of Google-Maps-plugin solves the problem:
Warning: mysql_get_server_info() [function.mysql-get-server-info]: Access denied for user ‘xxxxxxx’@’localhost’ (using password: NO) in /www/htdocs/w00e1956/ghf-blog/wp-content/plugins/xml-google-maps/xmlgooglemaps_dbfunctions.php on line 10
Warning: mysql_get_server_info() [function.mysql-get-server-info]: A link to the server could not be established in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/ghf-blog/wp-content/plugins/xml-google-maps/xmlgooglemaps_dbfunctions.php on line 10
Any idea?
]]>Hey there,
I was just trying to install and configure XML Google Maps, because I want to use the geotagging-features combined with NextGen-Gallery.
The settings page tells me to go to and receive an API Key. However, on that page, that option no longer exists.
So I tried if the plugin works without an API Key, but it doesn’t. At the position where the map should be I’m just getting a blank, white area. The source code tells me that there was an iframe created which is linked to plugins/xml-google-maps/xmlgooglemaps_show.php?myid=1; but that php generates nothing. The source code of the iframe is empty.
So… what do I do now?
Is there a way to get the plugin working without an API Key?
Did I do some stupid mistake?
Greetings from Germany,
Is it possible to use a dynamic KML file with this plugin? I have linked my Woopra account to Google Earth which successfully displays markers for each of my members accessing my site in real time. I have saved the KML and loaded it to my server. Is it possible to use this KML file with your plugin?
Thank you!
]]>Causes my site to crash (WP 3.3.1). Renamed folder in Plugins folder, deleted plugin, and all is well.
]]>I’d like to use this plugin in conjunction with a custom field that provides the URL path. Anyone done this?
]]>I’d like to be able to display a map created from a gpx file in the sidebar, rather than in the main body of the post. Is there any way to use this plug-in to do that?
]]>I add the link to the gpx file in the post, but all that shows up in the post is the linkable text, not the map.
]]>Interesting plugin…
Can registered users add locations and all location details?
]]>Problem: attempting to emulate the knowledge map at the link below for my own public educational tutorial…
This fellow explains how he developed the code to integrate with Google “my maps” to accomplish this…
Link to the code…
How to “insert” into my own wordpress site?
]]>Version 1.13.3 fails with:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function inval() in …/wp-content/plugins/xml-google-maps/xmlgooglemaps.php on line 312
Downgrading to version 1.13.2 solves the problem.
]]>Anyone out there that can help?
]]>I installed it, enabled it, and added an API key.
I tried to follow the first example here (hint: copying and pasting is quite difficult when the text is an image):
I added the following to a page since I couldn’t copy/paste the example: <a href=",-84.391125&spn=0.003992,0.008245&z=18">Map [maptype=G_SATELLITE_TYPE;panzoomcontrol=large;overviewmapcontrol=hide;scalecontrol=hide;maptypecontrol=show;align=left]</a>
But the plugin isn’t intercepting it. It’s just getting displayed as a link.
Any hints?
]]>I was getting these errors:
Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in .../plugins/xml-google-maps/xmlgooglemaps_googleMapsAPI.php on line 421
This happens when the url contains percent signs.
Fixed by following patch: (scroll to the right to see the change).
Even using a simple shortcode such as [xmlgm] results in the following error on the page. Any idea what is causing this and how it can be fixed? A small part of the map is seen under the error code, and the rest disappears of the page.
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tom\evis_build\cms\wp-settings.php on line 219
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tom\evis_build\cms\wp-settings.php on line 234
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tom\evis_build\cms\wp-settings.php on line 241
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tom\evis_build\cms\wp-settings.php on line 248
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tom\evis_build\cms\wp-settings.php on line 273
Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\tom\evis_build\cms\wp-settings.php on line 27
I’ve inserted a map with a Google search bar and was wondering if there’s a way to disable the AdSense advertisements that pop up when a search is done.