The add to cart button has a css
.single_add_to_cart_button {
transition: background 1s, transform 1s !important;
.single_add_to_cart_button:hover {
transform: scale(0.90) ;
among other css, but this is the part that stopped working.
the transform happens just not the 1s transition.
it worked fine with 1.1.5
is there any way to get that version to download?
After the V1.1.5 update, if you are logged into the website as a user and you “Add to Cart” from a variable product then there is an ajax error. This only occurs if you are logged into the website.
]]>With this plugin activated the add to cart only works on desktop, when trying on mobile it seems to work but nothing is added to the cart “Your cart is empty!”
Any suggestions?
]]>Hello, I am wondering how you can change the text for the “Product added to cart successfully” message on the product page after adding an item to the cart.
Is there a custom hook that I can use?
Thank you!
]]>Hi there, the plugin works great, but I have a small issue regarding the notice.
When I add to cart a product, and let’s say, I click on “view cart”, or navigate to another product, the notice is still displaying after loading the page.
It seems that the fragments are always refreshed, in the session storage I can see a “.woocommerce-notices-wrapper”, and if I delete it, the notice disappear.
Is there a way to avoid this?
Hi there,
I’ve just started getting this warning from iThemes Security Pro
Known issues in XT Ajax Add To Cart for WooCommerce v1.0.6
WordPress XT Ajax Add To Cart for WooCommerce plugin <= 1.0.6 – Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability
Is this something I should concerned about, and when will a fix be available please?
Thank you for your help!
]]>Dos not show the Add to card bottons…..
]]>Após clicar no bot?o comprar, o carrinho n?o atualiza. Isso ocorre na página sinlge product
Query: ?wc-ajax=xt_atc_single return erro 500. Isso só ocorre na página do produto.
After click the button, background color changes to black on desktop screen but on mobile devices it turns to white color. How can I modify background color for mobile devices?
Thanks in advance.
Could you please guide me to use a custom icon instead of “Add To Cart Button Added Checkmark” ?
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