Hi, please help!
I’m getting the following error displaying in place of the weather plugin on my homepage. The plugin was working until I updated to WordPress 4.4.2 but now the plugin fails 80%-90% of the time, every now and then I load the page and it works fine, but the rest of the time I see only the error message
Fatal error: Call to a member function get_forecasts() on a non-object in /home/wwwgreys/public_html/wp-content/plugins/yahoo-weather-forecasts/yahoo!-wheather.php on line 61
I have access to the site files but I am not the one who installed the plugin or setup the site originally. The cod referenced in the error is as follows. Hope you can help, thanks.
LINE 28 – 66
function yahoo_weather_simplepie( $woeid, $temperature = ‘c’, $show_credit = true ) {
if( empty( $woeid ) )
return __(‘Please provide the WOEID.’, ‘yahoo-weather’);
if( function_exists(‘fetch_feed’) ) {
require_once ( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/class-simplepie.php’ );
require_once ( trailingslashit( YAHOO_WEATHER_DIR ) . ‘simplepie_yahoo_weather.inc’);
$feed = new SimplePie();
/* specify the feed source */
$param = ‘https://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=’ . $woeid . ‘&u=’ . $temperature;
//$param = YAHOO_WEATHER_URL . ‘forecastrss.xml’;
$feed->set_feed_url( $param );
$feed->set_cache_location( YAHOO_WEATHER_DIR . ‘cache’);
// Initialize the feed
// Since Y! Weather feeds only have one item, we’ll base everything around that.
$weather = $feed->get_item(0);
* if the feed is broken, or having problem to get the feed
* and maybe there is no item in the feed then print the ‘content’
foreach ( $weather->get_forecasts() as $forecast ) {
$date = $forecast->get_date(‘l, F jS’);
$low = $forecast->get_low();
$high = $forecast->get_high();
$label = $forecast->get_label();
]]>Plugin is broken and created error in website core file.
the Yahoo! Weather Forecasts does work for the past few days on my end
any ideas why?
]]>Unit signs are missing from several places.
For example the temperature should be:
$content .= ‘<p class=”temperature”>’ . $weather->get_temperature() . ‘ °’ . $weather->get_units_temp() . ‘</p>’;
(the “$weather->get_units_temp()”) was missing.
]]>Well, that’s odd – the forums seem to have marked my post as closed before it’s even been opened.
So, reposting my simple bug report:
On line 96 of yahoo!-wheather.php, if credits are not shown, $credit is undefined, throwing a “Notice: Undefined variable” when WP_DEBUG is set to true.
The simple fix is to define it as empty on the previous line, ie:
$credit = '';
if ( $show_credit ) $credit = ' & <a href="https://zourbuth.com/plugins/yahoo-weather/">zourbuth.com</a>';
]]>Great plugin. The only question I have can I display the forecast for a day or two ahead rather than just the current day? Thanks.
can your plugin be modified to only show the weather forecast for a specific date/weekend, as soon as there are some informations available?
This plugin doesn’t seem to be updating very often. I’d like to change the settings so that it’s getting cached every 5, or maybe 10 minutes. Where do I specify this in the php?
]]>This plugin would be awesome, except for the lack of GeoIP abilities, to autodetect a visitor’s location.
Weather apps, without this ability are useless. Why would anyone want to set the weather for a specific city, when the people visiting their website can be from all over the world?
Check out https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/weather-for-us-widget/
…for how GeoIP should be integrated into a weather app. Though there are still some very basic, functional issues with this plugin, too, they are working to improve on it.