Hola, estoy probando la versión gratuita y necesito mostrar unos atributos con imagenes. El problema es que cuando creo el atributo guarda la información salvo la imagen. No sé si es porque en la version de prueaba no se guardan imganes, si es por la extensión webp. …
Agradezco muchisimo su ayuda.
En la página de producto se duplican los atributos de yith con los que vienen predefinidos.
]]>Hi! New to your plugins and starting enthusiastic. I saw the label and colorpicker working, loved it! But… I have installed the essential kit, activated labels and colors, but when I change variations to label instead of standard, it does not show on product page, so people cannot select. Switched of plugins, same. So I think it is theme-related but since Im new to your plugin and really want it to work, I thought let’s check with YITH. Hope you can help. Checked all statuses, all fine. Best regards, Remco
Cuando creo nuevos atributos o a?ado valores a atributos ya creados, por ejemplo una nueva talla, esta no aparece en el selector de la pagina de producto. En cambio si aparecen los valores creados anteriormente.
En el selector por defecto de Woocommerce si que aparece (el que está oculto cuando está activo vuestro plugin) y contiene los valores nuevos.
Tengo instalada la última versión del plugin gratuito y la versión 9.1.4 de Woocommerce.
Me pueden ayudar?
]]>Hi there,
I had installed your plugint “YITH: Product Add-ons & Extra Options” but when later I installed the “Color and Label Variations” plugin it shows twice or duplicates the extra options fileds created to show at products pages.
Right now I’ve only enable this extra options to the link I posted here so you can see it happening. But it shows the same in all product pages if I enable for the whole products.
WP version: 6.5.5
WooCommerce version: 9.0.2
Extra Options plugin version: 4.11.0
Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches version: 2.9.0
I don’t use Elementor. My theme is a child-theme from Astra and if I activate the Astra theme and not the child’s it’s still happening.
If I deactivate the Color and Label Variations plugin the extra option fields shows correctly.
Hope you can help me fixing this (not by setting any custom CSS).
Thanks in advance!
]]>We’d like to create a set of common attributes (Color, Size, etc.) then reuse them multiple times on a single product, under different names. For example, let’s say I create an Attribute called Color with Red, Green, and Blue terms. Then I create a product called Hat. In this product, I’d like to create Top color and Brim color attributes, both which pull from the common Color attribute. If this isn’t currently a feature, could it become possible in the future?
Thank you!
]]>Ho scaricato, installato e attivato la versioen gratuita. Inserito per ogni variazione prodotto l’immagine, ma lato frontend proseguo a vedere il solito menu a tendina.
Il tema installato è Astra.
]]>Buongiorno, ho installato plugin gratuito. Ma non capisco dove posso settare che le variazioni siano viste non con menu a tendina.
]]>Hello team,
I am using the Free version. I don’t know why the swatches I used only display plain text without background colour and no selection background colour as well.
Could you please help?
]]>I recently installed the “YITH Color, Image & Label Variation Swatches for WooCommerce” plugin in its free version for my online shop. The prospect of presenting product variations in a visually appealing manner immediately intrigued me, and I am certainly willing to upgrade to the pro version should the plugin meet my needs.
My aim was to display the various product variations as small images. Given that my online shop already encompasses over 1000 items, it’s especially important to me to apply this function retroactively, to enhance the user experience on my website.
Unfortunately, I’ve encountered an issue: despite correct installation and setup of the plugin, the variant images are not displayed as expected. I’m using the Woodwart template for my shop, which might lead to compatibility issues.
I sincerely hope you can assist me with this matter. A detailed guide or suggestions for potential solutions would be extremely helpful in leveraging the full potential of the plugin and ultimately making the switch to the pro version.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards,
Sandro Alves
Translated from German to English. ??
]]>Yith entirely removes the possibility to have dropdowns to select product variations. Sometimes, there are so many variations into a specific attribute type, that a beautiful dropdown is, in fact, the best option. Wonder if it’s possible to have this option in the future and, meanwhile, if there is a way to suppress Yith Variations only for an specific attribute. Thank you for this great plugin!
We are testing the free version of this plugin and it seems to be working fine for standard woocommerce Variable products.
When we try to use it with Variable Subscriptions, however, the selector fields disappear. (Using Woo Subscriptions)
When i disable YITH, the variable subscription selector drop-down appears and works fine. When it’s turned back on, it disappears again.
I was advised by YITH that this plugin may not support variable subscriptions, which is kind of a bummer.
Unfortunately, with the plugin turned on, even if we only want to use it for standard variable products, the variable subscriptions that we have activated on the site also all stop working. (On load, i can see the class drop-down selectors pop into view for a split second and this disappear as YITH tries to render; so the fields are there, somewhere, just not in view when YITH is activated)
Is there a way to:
Perhaps there is a work-around we can implement here?
We’re looking to install this across multiple websites, but if it is breaking our variable subscriptions then we, unfortunately, are unable to use it.
Thank you for your consideration and any assistance you can provide.
i have error in php8.2
Creation of dynamic property YITH_WCCL_Admin::$custom_types is deprecated
I have an issue with my product for a website I am building for a customer. The plugin is working great on the page product, everything is fine but when I want to insert the product on the home page of the website (as required by my customer) I have a drop down menu and not the images anymore. I’ve tried everything and I don’t know why it is not working there. Can you help me please ? I don’t have a link as the website is under building mode.
Thank you so much !
Here are the pictures of the product page and the home page :
I am using DIVI as a builder under WordPress 6.4.3 and WooCommerce 8.6.1 and YITH 2.4.0
If I have a product with 10 colors but only for 8 I saved the rgb codes, the other two are totally missing. Isn’t possible to show them anyway, with a neutrral color, or an “X”. I import hundreds of products automatically and is not easy to check one by one that the rgb codes are all saved.
It would be great if with some function I could set a default alternative rgb color (or if you could change the plugin to avoid this problem).
Is it possible to display color attribute terms on the shop page for each external/affiliate product?
]]>Hello everyone,
I’m using both Yith plugins Color and Label Variations and Product Add-ons & Extra Options (free versions).
For one specific product, I want to show different options (with a dropdown list). Depending on the option selected, a different input text field appears. Each option has an additional cost.
But the options on the product page are showing twice. When I desactivate Color and Label plugins it works fine… But i need this plugin for other options for other products.
Can you help me with this issue please ?
If you need further information please let me know.
Thanks !
]]>Hi. I′ll like working with this plugin if i can get and put from rest API. I need add red color and its hexa #ff0000. Is it posibble from rest API? I look for documentation and i dont see nothing. Can you get and put type for this?
I only receive this, i don’t see hexadecimal
I wonder if it’s possible link variations to the top then clicking on one variation, as it is so many and you need to scroll up after choosing one at product page.
]]>Plugin veramente eccezionale, ho da un anno la versione di prova e lo trovo fantastico. Da ieri però qualcosa ha smesso di funzionare correttamente. Una volta selezionata la variabile prodotto preferita, non visualizza il prezzo della selezione non abilitando il bottone acquista e non permette quindi l’accesso al checkout. Praticamente è impossibile acquistare i prodotti. E’ un problema che avete riscontrato nel vostro plugin?
]]>It would be really good if when you change the attribute type to Label, that the label defaults to the name of attribute. Twice now I’ve spent ages trying to work out why I have no labels showing only to realise that field needs to be manually set (which it doesn’t with the standard select).
]]>Hello I have a problem on my website. I made a product with images variations. But on computer the images are really small, is it possible to make them bigger ? or make a zoom effect ? ( on mobile the size is fine )
Thanks a lot for your answsers
My products in WooCommerce + Yith have three variations: color, logo and size. But not all the hoodies are in every color or logo or size… When I choose a color, I would like my product to show only the logos and the size we have… not all of them… As a matter of fact, it works properly when I do not have many colors and logos, but in the “big product” I have almost 30 colors and 20 logos… if I choose a color, it does not hide the logos not use for that color.
Could you tell me how to display the product in this way: I choose a logo, and shows only the colors you can combine, and the sizes we make it? Thanks a lot!!
]]>Hi, we currently use this plugin on our site and recently the photos haven’t been uploading correctly and it doesn’t look very professional, i was wondering if you could figure out why as i have tried multiple solutions and it doesnt seem to change anything
I’m using YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations on my product pages but ever since I’ve installed the plugin, the woocommerce variation arrows (used on the normal dropdown variation field) is still appearing.
I have tried the code you offered as a solution to another user, but this one didn’t help for me.
.variations .select_box_colorpicker ::after {
display: none !important;
.variations td.value span:after {
display:none !important;
This is a link to a product of our shop: https://visit-bikestore.com/produkt/simplon-pride-ii/
]]>Hi Guys, in a previous ticket, you helped me with changing border color for the selected variant option (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/change-color-of-label-when-selected/#post-15824038).
I wanted to reach out as I dont think the border color adjustment (via custom CSS) is working anymore. I have entered the custom CSS:
.select_option.selected {
border-color: #4175FC;
Was something changed in the plugin by chance? You can view a working page at: https://www.avalongolf.co/product/mens-golf-joggers-gray/`
And to provide additional info, it does seem to change the border color after the item is added to cart (but not when initially selected before adding to cart as i would prefer).
Thanks in advance for your help
is there a way to change background color of label based on current variation stock?
J’utilise le plugin YITH en complément du plugin Extra Product Option afin de personnaliser un maximum mes fiches produits.
Le problème que je rencontre: depuis que j’ai installé YITH, mes options provenant du second plugin sont en double.
Quand je désactive YITH, le problème dispara?t.
Pensez-vous qu’il s’agirait d’incompatibilité de code entre les 2 plugins?
Je n’ai pas trouvé réponse à mon problème jusqu’à présent.
Du c?té de Extra Product Option, tout semble à jour.
Avez-vous déjà rencontré ce genre de problème?
Merci par avance pour votre aide.
I’m using YITH WooCommerce Color and Label Variations on my product pages but ever since I’ve installed the plugin, the woocommerce variation arrows (used on the normal dropdown variation field) is still appearing. Here is an example of a product page: https://iamcocooning.com/produit/collection-flanelle
Could you please help me fiw the issue?
]]>Hi i have activated the plugin on my website but it does not change the variations to label swatches or anything. The variations are still the drop down box. i changed the theme to the hello theme but it still does not make any changes. im using ekommart theme.