I have installed the plugin Your Classified Ads, but I get the error “You do not have sufficient permissions to create new ads.” Why is that? What ca I do to solve this?
]]>I want to add geo-search and contact advertiser to yclads but I don’t not how. Can you help me please. Donate page doesn’t work anymore by the way.
Kind Regards,
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined function yclads_get_invites_for_user() in /home/daniel/public_html/wp-content/plugins/your-classified-ads/bp-yclads-loader.php on line 412
I installed the plugin and i had this error, i dont know what is it abou but it could be an plugin confict.
Thank you
]]>Hi. I have installed both One Quick Post and Your Classified, both set to 777. When I try to add an ad, it won’t let me telling me I do not have enough permissions to do so. Any ideas?
]]>Just want to show you my classified ads website
]]>Installed One Quick Post. OK. Installed Your Classified Ads and got a FATAL ERROR message. It also removed the Admin bar for the Admin. This plug in has multiple conflicts. Very frustating.
]]>I installed this plugin and all my widgets disappeared from my sidebars. Avoid.
]]>when will you stop trying to make different Breant and start using default WP/BP css protocols… your engine is great, but you always replace default styles and classes with your own, which BREAK about everything…
go back to the default and add a simple “body class” to the script so WE can edit the CSS properly as you can’t.
stop focussing on the look of your engines, start being efficient.
i have to recode your engine entirely to make it happen because nothing works fluidly in Buddpyress – which you worked hard to make compatible with.
]]>I’m using the latest version of wordpress. After installing this plugin. I am unable to see images insert into regular posts.
]]>In network installation of WP 3.0.1, activation of Your Classified Ads caused the Web forms for Dagon Design Mailer to no longer display. Not sure if it’s a clash in functions or the markup in the page which involves inserting a comment.