Hi, this is just a quick note for those having issues with the plugin not working with PHP8+, specifically with this error message:
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 1223 of the file /wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function create_function() in /wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php:1223
Simply replace that line of code with:
add_action( 'widgets_init', function() { register_widget( 'YoutubeChannelGallery_Widget' ); });
I’m not a big fan of editing plugin files directly but this should get the plugin working for now. The plugin has other code issues and it seems like it hasn’t been updated in a very long time, so I’d recommend looking for alternative solutions (not a good idea to use abandoned/unsupported plugins on production sites).
]]>the link to the above is in error state.
we were trying to find out why the Saturday new video has not been uploaded, and noticed this error link.
]]>Hi there,
I am trying to update to php 8.0 but keeps throwing an error. Error states the issue is the:
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 1223 of the file /var/www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function create_function() in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php:1223
Checked to see if there was an update for the plugin but nothing.
How would I resolve this?
Hi, Instead of the videos showing, I just got
Error type: "Forbidden". Error message: "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota." Domain: "youtube.quota". Reason: "quotaExceeded".
It was working fine as a widget on the home page until I moved it to the sidebar. Any idea how to fix this? Thank you for your time.
]]>What is now to do?
Error type: “Bad Request”. Error message: “No filter selected. Expected one of: {0}” Domain: “youtube.parameter”. Reason: “missingRequiredParameter”. Location type: “other”. Location: “parameters.”.
Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.
Check in YouTube if the id $$$$$$$$$$$ belongs to a username. If the user id is correct, check that the channel of the user has list of “favorites”. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.
]]>здравствуйте ,пользуюсь приложением unigram ,но столкнулся с проблемой ,что не могу добавить больше 3 аккаунтов ,есть ли возможность снять эти ограничения и добавить больше чем 3 аккаунта ?
]]>I recently added YTC to only my homepage (not my other pages since I have other YT videos playing on those throughout my site). Every time I reload the page the Random Video works but the Autoplay feature does not. (I noticed Random ONLY worked if User Controls were Enabled…weird glitch)
Anyway, I was wondering how to get Autoplay to work with Random Video on reload. As well wondering if I can set the volume level instead of just Mute. Lastly is there a way to keep it from expanding on the page when clicking on the video.
]]>I have an R9 270x 2GB video card, I am using Windows 10, and I am having problems with this video card in games such as Fortnite, Hello Neighbor (It may have something to do with the Unreal Engine), so in Fortnite when I launch in full screen mode, the game stops on the screen, but you can hear that the game has not frozen, that is, the game is working and if you click on Start, the game will change frame and freeze again on a new frame, the same with the new game Hello Neighbor 2, and sometimes the game only works instead of real I see the colors of the game as if it were negative, the most interesting thing is that I tried to download old versions of drivers (for example amd-catalyst-14-12-win8-1-64bit (despite the fact that it is intended for Windows 8.1, it worked perfectly on Windows 10) there is no such problem, I hope for support. (I know that I wrote everything in one sentence, I apologize for that)
I’ve updated my YouTube settings to fit the new API 3 YouTube coding. After getting my page to link with me personal YouTube channel – I notice that some of the videos that it shows do not have the thumbnail for that video showing. Instead, I just see a grey screen with a play button on it (the standard default YouTube thumbnail I guess). If I click that video – it works fine and the video plays – but users cannot see the thumbnail which does appear correctly on YouTube.
However, other videos do indeed show their thumbnails. It seems selective. Makes no sense. Have I done something wrong? Can you help me to get to show all the thumbnails for all my videos?
]]>I′ve an AMD Radeon RX 5700 and i cant stream games, bacause that′s so low quality. So I′ve better Qualiti with the 750 Ti.
Please optimize all drivers from AMD for streaming or generally.
I get the following PHP notice when running version 2.4 of the plugin.
PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 1223
This can be fixed by using anonymous functions instead. Anonymous functions are supported as of PHP 5.3+.
add_action( 'widgets_init', function() {
register_widget( 'YoutubeChannelGallery_Widget' );
} );
As WordPress has increased the minimum version 5.6 it is viable to increase the minimum version of the plugin too.
Is it possible via CSS or any other method to force the right margin not to expand when the arrow is visible vs those not visible so all align correctly?
]]>I turned on WP_debug and this long error displayed.
Notice: Undefined index: ytchag_search_input_text in /www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 626 Notice: Undefined index: ytchag_search_select_options in /www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 627 Notice: Undefined index: ytchag_search_select_default in /www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 628 Notice: Undefined index: ytchag_search_select_show in /www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 630 Notice: Undefined index: ytchag_prev_text in /www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 644 Notice: Undefined index: ytchag_next_text in /www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 645
I do see this plugin has not been updated for a long time. Is this still been maintained?
]]>Getting the following error in current YouTube gallery plugin(version 2.4)
PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /www/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 952
I am using the cache option of the plugin and its working great. I would just like to know the specific time the plugin “refresh”. Let’s say I add the cache of 20 hours. When does the cache resets? Is it 20 hours later after you add the shortcode? or is there a specific time like 20 hours later after a specific time in your code?
In my website I have several widgets using this plugin.
There is one widget where I change the playlist id everyday.
So everyday the page on my website have to show another Youtube Playlist.
Since yesterday I cannot SAVE my changes in this widget anymore.
I changed the name of the playlist, I changed the playlist ID… But when I click on SAVE, nothing happens anymore. Before I had no problems with that, but now I suddenly do.
I thought it was a browser problem, but it wasn’t.
I also tried other computers, but no difference.
Any ideas?
We have a page that displays videos from Youtube via this plugin. However, the page takes an extremely long time to load (about 12 seconds). Using a browser’s developer tools, one can see that it is the server’s response that is causing the delay. This does not happen on any other pages, and we found that the response time scales with the number of videos on the page (ie. for only a few videos, it may only take a couple of seconds rather than 12, though that is still long).
This struck me as quite odd since it’s not like the videos are being embedded into the page and sent along with the html; they’re loaded from YouTube asynchronous as needed later. In fact, the page itself is only about 70kB, so I’m not sure what the server is doing for 12 seconds!
If anyone has any insight into this issue, it would be much appreciated.
]]>The shortcode appears to be breaking pages after I upgraded to PHP 7.x. Sometimes it loads, but other times it breaks the page and fails to load. Is this related to PHP version? I never saw this problem prior to the upgrade.
]]>Hello there, we are not using the internal cache option of Youtube Channel Gallery because 1 h updating is too slow. When we have a new YouTube release, we don’t want it to appear on our website more than 5 minutes later at most.
So I have tried the “Widget Output Cache” plugin which seems to work fine. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/widget-output-cache/
After activating this plugin and second reload of the home page, the first page of the Youtube Gallery loads in under 1 sec, which is great, but the link to the next page (“?ltere Videos ?”) won’t work at all. ??
I’d like to use the cache plugin because it as I understand it updates every time in background when the page is loaded while displaying the cached version very quickly.
Can you do this with the internal cache? This would be the greatest solution of all, I guess!
Or any other recommendation?
]]>Hi there,
I have YouTube Channel Gallery installed on my website where I have had it running successfully before. Checked back on there after a while and noticed the following error:
Error type: “Bad Request”. Error message: “Bad Request” Domain: “usageLimits”. Reason: “keyInvalid”.
Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.
Check in YouTube if the id EtherCAA belongs to a username. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.
I have tried almost everything, but can’t get it to work again. To check whether my API key, username, etc. as well as the plugin is working properly, I set it up as a widget on the website side panel – it worked fine!
I am now going round in circles and seem to be hitting a dead end. Any help here would be highly appreciated!
Hello. I have one problema about this widget in my footer. Since a few days ago I can’t see my playlist in the widget, only I can see this message:
Tipo de error: “Forbidden”. Mensaje de error: “Project blocked; abuse detected.” Dominio: “usageLimits”. Razón: “accessNotConfigured”.
Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.
Comprueba en YouTube si el id UCn6G7wYeQ7DIZs6xSi42llA corresponde a un channelid. Revise el FAQ del plugin or envíe los mensajes de error a support.
]]>Hello. I have one problema about this widget in my footer. Since a few days ago I can’t see my playlist in the widget, only I can see this message:
Tipo de error: “Forbidden”. Mensaje de error: “Project blocked; abuse detected.” Dominio: “usageLimits”. Razón: “accessNotConfigured”.
Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.
Comprueba en YouTube si el id UCn6G7wYeQ7DIZs6xSi42llA corresponde a un channelid. Revise el FAQ del plugin or envíe los mensajes de error a support.
This is my URL: https://evangelizacionvalencia.org/
Any suggestion about how to solve this problem?
Best Regards.
I have a youtube playlist in one page of my site here:
and it show in the asc order (the older video 1st to the newer), but I want the newer video 1st, but it doesn’t show, I’m using desc order, look my code:
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed="playlist" key="AIzaSyCYVCdiaBIZcKvRKUOLJ3GLZFty1uaeISA" user="PLev70ey7PsZxrWnIATrTBOKpvEInJk1yS" feedorder="desc" videowidth="50" ratio="4x3" theme="light" color="white" quality="small" autoplay="0" rel="1" showinfo="1" thumbwidth="200" thumbratio="4x3" thumbcolumns="3" maxitems="99" title="1" description="1" thumbnail_alignment="left" descriptionwordsnumber="15" ]
What’s wrong with it ?
]]>Guys, I’m trying this shortcode: [Youtube_Channel_Gallery identify_by=”channelid” user=”UCKhyk9LmNGNtXUVBAi_h_Iw” key=”MY_API_WORKS_FINE” player=”2″ maxitems=”9″ thumb_columns_phones=”2″ thumb_columns_tablets=”3″ title=”1″ description=”1″ published_date=”1″ duration=”1″]
But i get the message:
Error type: “Bad Request”. Error message: “Invalid channel.” Domain: “youtube.search”. Reason: “invalidChannelId”. Location type: “parameter”. Location: “channelId”.
Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.
Check in YouTube if the id UCKhyk9LmNGNtXUVBAi_h_Iw belongs to a ”channelid”. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.
Can you help me??
]]>Error type: “Forbidden”. Error message: “Daily Limit Exceeded. The quota will be reset at midnight Pacific Time (PT). You may monitor your quota usage and adjust limits in the API Console: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/youtube/quotas?project=579206224478” Domain: “usageLimits”. Reason: “dailyLimitExceeded”.
Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.
]]>YouTube user id or playlist id: the user id of the user’s Youtube videos you want to show or the id of the playlist. Shortcode attribute: user; value: String. (Required).
Playlist ID NOT WORKED when using shortcode on Post / Page.
Only the USER ID working.
Please Let me know, if anyone using playlist ID shortcode on post / page and working fine.
]]>Hello there.
The link to show the next page of the feed is not working anymore – it just seems to be dead suddenly. It has been working at first, and I cannot exactly say when it stopped working. Noticed that it’s dead a couple of days ago.
Tested in Chrome and Firefox. You can see it here: https://exzessiv.tv/
]]>Hi @javitxu123 !! ;.)
Well pretty much as the subject title says.
It’s a nice plugin/software you have crafted, it would be a shame if its discontinued. So is this plugin still supported or left to rot in the graveyard?
Thanks a lot for your answer…
Cheers! ??
]]>For many weeks I get thousands of these errors in my logs:
PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /home/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-gallery/youtube-channel-gallery.php on line 952
Any way to fix this?
Been using this plugin for years and love it but I do have one big issue right now.
I’m going through a lot of old videos and want to upload them to YouTube, however, I don’t want them to display on the YouTube channel widget on the homepage as it’ll make the site look outdated.
Is there any way to hide certain videos from the widget? Perhaps if they have 2016 in the title? I’m a young web designer so if you could just point me in the right direction I could possibly work it out but I have had a little look and I’m worried about messing the whole site up above anything else.