I know that it is possible to hid related videos that normally disply at the end of my video by appending the embed URL with ‘?rel=0’
However, since this plugin works with the channel and does not require any embed URLs for specific videos, I cannot control the related videos.
Can you add a function (attribute) to the shortcode to hide the related videos at the end of each video?
I do not understand. Is this plugin currently being updated? Up to WP1? We are at WP4.
Thank you
]]>I created a youtube channel, but I dont know what the *name* of the channel is, nor do I know what the main video code is..? Any help? I could find this information on someone elses youtube channel, but I cannot find this information on my own channel.
[ytchannel channel=”dont know what to put here” showcase=”dont know what to put here” limit=”6″ showcase_width=”630″ thumbnail_width=”200″]
]]>I want to set my page to look like your screen shot. How do I get columns? Please help…I see alot of questions unanswered in this forum that would have helped me.
]]>My plugin has just stopped to work and on my website gives me this message “Youtube Channel “mychannel” not found”
Does something changed in the 3.6 wordpress?
]]>When I installed this, one issue is that the videos overlapped the navigational menu on my top bar.
I tried hardcoding:
$iframe_src = ‘https://www.youtube.com/v/’ . $_GET[‘entry’] . ‘?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata&autoplay=0&wmode=transparent’;
$iframe_src = ‘https://www.youtube.com/v/’ . $_GET[‘entry’] . ‘?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata&autoplay=0&wmode=opaque’;
into the code, but that hasn’t worked either. I’ve tried adding massive z-indexes to the menu items, but that doesn’t work either.
Does anybody have a solution for this? Thanks!
]]>I’m unsure what I’m doing wrong; using Catalyst, but when I embed the shortcode into a page, I have an issue.
The videos show up (a) above my header AND (b) in the body of the page (where it should show up). So I have two sets of the same videos showing … and obviously nothing should show above the header.
Does anybody know what might be causing this?
I’m looking for a way to prevent auto play?
]]>Can you show how to customize the CSS exactly to allow for more than one video per row? I’m not a newbie to CSS but wondering if you could give me a jump start, which style, what parameters I’m guessing it’s the ‘youtubechannelEntry’ class that needs to have the width reduced?
]]>The larger showcase image does not appear when viewing the website in an iPad.
Any one run into this problem? Any solutions on how to fix this?
]]>It worked perfectly on my localhost, but when I pushed live I’m gettting an error:
Youtube Channel “mychannel” not found
any thoughts?”
]]>Is there a demo of this I can check out?
I’ve installed the plugin on my website and added this short code to my page… [ytchannel channel=”AMerehomage” showcase=”JTMQ27km0K4″ limit=”6″ showcase_width=”630″ thumbnail_width=”200″]
But for some reason I’m getting an error…
Youtube Channel “AMerehomage” not found
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c06/h04/mnt/92807/domains/merehomage.com/html/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-showcase/youtubechannel.php on line 41
This is the channel I want to show… https://www.youtube.com/user/AMerehomage?feature=watch
This is the video I want to feature… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTMQ27km0K4&list=UUyXGljk4ZQN1IM0lbakIrvw&index=1&feature=plcp
I’m not for sure what I’m doing wrong.
]]>Upgraded a client’s site to WordPress 3.4 and it seems that the plugin is displaying the youtube channel videos immediately after the body tag in the header and in the page as well.
]]>My channel has 75 videos, but I can’t set the limit to anything over 50 without it saying “this channel can’t be found” and not displaying any videos. Even when I hardcode in the limit it does this.
Is this a limitation with the plugin or with Youtube?
]]>Hello! A friend would like to use this plugin so I thought I would give it a whirl in a sandbox WP installation. The showcase width works but the thumbnail_width does not. When the width specified at “200” in the shortcode, the thumbnail displays at 478×300 on the page. I added .youtubechannelEntry {height: 200px; width: 200px !important;} to the stylesheet and get no response, although I do get response for the height.
In the html being rendered, there’s a / in the width of the img src. This is what it looks like:
I tried to find where this could be being generated in the PHP but am not sure. I’m not super familiar with the single quotes and double quotes syntax or preg_replace.
Line 75
$entries_output .= "<img src='" . $thumbnail . "' width=" . $thumbnail_width . "/>";
if ($showcase != '') { $entries_output .= "</a>"; }
$entries_output .= "</div>";
You must Fix the readme file of this plugin.
It says that is compatible up to V1 of WordPress.
It must say that is compatible up to V3.3.1 ??
]]>when i changed limit number to 60 or more, i received a error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\teatro_wp\wp-content\plugins\youtube-channel-showcase\youtubechannel.php on line 41
you know why?
]]>I get this when I try to create the page:
Youtube Channel “soccer” not found
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/viptech2/public_html/ievilstudios.com/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel-showcase/youtubechannel.php on line 41
I even put the recommended code.
please help!