just wondered if a user can edit this code and make for their needs?
]]>Hi Just a little question about the embed of playlist. Your PLugin works well but it “only” takes 200 vids on the playlist (some of them are near 500 on my Youtube channel). Is there a way to have them all?
Thanks a lot
The plugin works fine for many years but it suddenly stop to works, now it only display some HTML code. Please help to fix it.
]]>I’m only producing Shorts on YouTube so how can I set the width of the embedded window so that it only shows the shorts?
Also, the video is showing the short video but the bigger embedded portion behind it shows the short in full screen. I just only want to show the short portion. Possible?
]]>Posting channel to page shows this error:
YTC ERROR:?Reason: forbidden; Domain: global; Message: Requests from referer https://www.domain.com are blocked.
I am using your plugin and it generates “//” in header links after “youtube-channel”. SEO says it’s bad. Please tell me how to fix this?
It looks something like this:
<link rel='stylesheet' id='bigger-picture-css' href='https://mywebsite/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel//assets/lib/bigger-picture/css/bigger-picture.min.css?ver=3.23.2' type='text/css' media='all' />
<link rel='stylesheet' id='youtube-channel-css' href='https://mywebsite/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel//assets/css/youtube-channel.min.css?ver=3.23.2' type='text/css' media='all' />
After updating the plugin today I experience the following.
Video title: Inside thumbnail options are bugged. Title gets HTML encoded twice therefore not displaying properly.
Shortcode parameter:
<h4 class="ytc_title ytc_title_inside ">Title</h4>
<h4 class="ytc_title ytc_title_inside ytc_title_inside_bottom">Title</h4>
Instead of:
<h4 class="ytc_title ytc_title_inside ">Title</h4>
<h4 class="ytc_title ytc_title_inside ytc_title_inside_bottom">Title</h4>
Hello. After performing updates in my client’s WordPress dashboard, I ran a Wordfence security scan. The plugin “YouTube Channel” was flagged by Wordfence for the following reason:
Can you please advise on this? Is the issue being fixed for it to be added back to the repo? If not, I will need to find a replacement plugin.
Is there a setting or easy way to give just a bit of space between thumbnails? I am displaying 4 but they are glued one after another and would be visually nicer to have like a line break in between.
For some reason, the widget generated Youtube viewer on our home page has started displaying the following error:
YTC ERROR: cURL error 28: Resolving timed out after 5514 milliseconds
What does this mean and how can I fix it?
When I put the shortcode, the video opens in a new window in YouTube. Is it possible to make the video work as a player and play on the original page?
]]>I have just updated WordPress to version 5.7.2 and when I try to update the YTC Personal plugin it shows the following error:
Download failed. cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
I have a valid licence, have tried deactivating and reactivating, but with the same issue.
]]>It will pull in favourites etc but Not Liked videos the one thing I wanted it for LOL
YTC ERROR: Please check did you set the proper Channel ID. You set to show videos from Liked videos, but YouTube does not recognize UCtxq9Fu8gyQJnqa6yNMjdEQ as an existing or public channel.
For some reason the widget generated Youtube viewer on our home page has started displaying the following error:
YTC ERROR: cURL error 60: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘www.googleapis.com’
What does this mean and how can I fix it?
Hi, I tried to add a playlist using your plugin but I got “video not available”.
Even youtube example doesn’t work <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLx0sYbCqOb8TBPRdmBHs5Iftvv9TPboYG" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I am a long-time user os YouTube Channel. I did have it off for a few months while not needed it, and now that I’ve turned it back on, I’m immediately getting the error:
YTC ERROR: Reason: quotaExceeded; Domain: youtube.quota; Message: The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota.
When I upgrade my server to PHP version 8.0 I get the following notice:
Deprecated: Required parameter $ratio follows optional parameter $width in /home/mypath/public_html/mypath.com/wp-content/plugins/youtube-channel/youtube-channel.php on line 1015
The first item in the specified channel is a “live” video happening now. However, the webpage using your plugin to display the first item in the channel, instead shows the previous video.
The shortcode is:
[youtube_channel num=1 width=200 norel=1 nobrand=1]
where I specified the channel ID in the plugin settings.
A second problem is demonstrated here: the width parameter seems to have no effect in the context I used it — in a shortcode block with no other container.
Using Graphene theme.
I added your great plugin but doesn’t work the autoplay and ramdom video from the list.
I set up everything and my shortcode it’s:
[youtube_channel ramdom=1 autoplay=1]
I hope you can help me.
Many thanks!
]]>I have a few questions that kind of link together.
1) Can I possibly set the video width to a %? I would love to have 4 videos per row and set the width to 25% for each video.
2) If not, is there an easy way to center my content? I’m using a theme builder and when I turn responsive off, I can’t fill the entire width so instead it’s floating left.
3) Alternatively, is there a way to do a grid with responsive on?
I’m not really that skilled with this stuff so forgive me if I sound a bit dumb.
I just want to basically mimic what a YouTube channel page looks like and it would be great for it to be responsive (which would center it properly, too).
Love the plugin though, many thanks.
]]>I recently added YTC to only my homepage (not my other pages since I have other YT videos playing on those throughout my site). Every time I reload the page the Random Video works but the Autoplay feature does not. (I noticed Random ONLY worked if User Controls were Enabled…weird glitch)
Anyway, I was wondering how to get Autoplay to work with Random Video on reload. As well wondering if I can set the volume level instead of just Mute. Lastly is there a way to keep it from expanding on the page when clicking on the video.
]]>Хороший плагин. Если нужен русский перевод – вот возьмите.
Это машинный перевод, но меня вполне устраивает.
Хотел поинтересоваться(попросить), можно добавить к плагин функцию вывода комментария?
Хотелось бы иметь возможность добавления комментарии с YouTube, задавать минимальный размет текста комментария, и количество комментариев.
Буду безумно благодарен за такую функцию.
P.S. Я подумал, расскажу для чего это надо.
Комментарии к видео – это уникальный контент. Контент относящийся непосредственно к видео. Комментарии YouTube не индексируются поисковиками. Если их оформить в виде постов, получится просто бомба сайт с уникальным контентом.
I know that I have to post all the info, but maybe this is a very quick question and a very quick reply (like yes/no) is enough.
I’m looking at an AMP page and the video is not showed. Does it work for you or is an AMP limitation?
Thank you,
Hi Aleksandar, I love your plugin and I have a suggestion for a feature.
I’m using the code generated from your plugin with Ad Inserter, in this way I have my youtube feed in my post without adding them manually.
What I would like to reach is this result.
Title of the post
[latest video]
[latest video-1]
[latest video-2]
[latest video-3]
In this way I have all my four latest video without modifying everything manually.
Right now I’ve set it to take the latest four videos and do the random thing and then I posted the same snippet four times with Ad Inserter. The problem is that sometime the same video is choosen by the random algorithm.
What do you think, is it possible?
Thank you in advance and have a good day!
I’m getting this for the past couple of months from my YouTube Channel plugin sidebar widgets:
YTC ERROR: Reason: quotaExceeded; Domain: youtube.quota; Message: The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota.
This is on my **very low traffic** WordPress blog. I’ve searched and tweaked many things, but have yet to find how I can find the right settings.
Are there any tips on what to do (I’m assuming on the YouTube API end ) ?
First, thank you so much for an awesome plugin!
My client is seeing this error on their website and their latest youtube video is not displaying:
“Failed to retreive video ID”
(this error message is near the bottom of the Home page, under “Stay Updated”)
This recently happened and I’m not sure how to fix it. The plugin had been working flawlessly since we installed it a while ago, but it just stopped working.
The shortcode we use to generate the video is this:
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[youtube_recent channel=”client channel id is here”]’); ?>
I made sure to include the Youtube Data API key and the Youtube Channel ID under Settings > Youtube Channel > General.
I got the Channel ID from my client’s youtube account, and I got the api key from here. For the api key, I made sure to add a restriction by selecting “Youtube Data API v3”.
Any ideas on what could be causing this error?
]]>It’s more a suggestion and a bug:
1.- the tittle of the video could be a link to the video, that would be a big improvement, and,
2.- this is more a bug: the thumbnail in a desktop is very blurry, but in the phone is high resolution. If I stretch the navigator window in my pc, to emulate a phone, the resolution of the thumbnail change.
Great plugin anyway, thank you very much.
]]>Can we add watch later option to video??
]]>I add this plugin to my widget section,I click on autoplay button still when I load my website or when I open new page or new blog the video doesnot autoplay it reguires to tap play button