Does this plugin feature batch and product expiration management?
]]>Hi Guys… Does it support lot/batch stock control?
I discovered your plugin today and it is exactly what I need. I translated all into Spanish (Spain). Anyway I see that plugin has more phrases/words. How could I get a .mo and .po archives to help you?
]]>How to change currency it is showing me in dollars $ i want to change it to AED so please tell me how can i do it
Thanks for the awesome plugin.
Unfortunately, I saw that the search in the Contacts section does not work. After entering the request, I get the first page of contacts. Is it only on my site?
When I click on the “About” link, I get an error: Call to undefined method Z_Inventory_Manager3 :: version ()
Just updated a client site to v2.0.2 and had to go in to recover it.
Error reported:
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 24 of the file […]public_html/wp-content/plugins/z-inventory-manager/zi2/12wooitems/boot.php. Error message: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method HC4_App_Factory::bind() in […]public_html/wp-content/plugins/z-inventory-manager/zi2/12wooitems/boot.php:24 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: ZI2_12WooItems_Boot->__construct(Object(HC4_App_Factory), Object(HC4_Settings_Database_Implementation), Object(HC4_Html_Href_WordPress_Implementation), Object(HC4_App_Router), Object(HC4_Html_Screen_Config)) #1 […]public_html/wp-content/plugins/z-inventory-manager/hc4/app/factory.php(112): ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(Array) #2 […]public_html/wp-content/plugins/z-inventory-manager/hc4/app/index.php(88): HC4_App_Factory->make(‘zi2_12wooitems_…’, ‘hc4_app_index’) #3 […]public_html/wp-content/plugins/z-inventory-manager/zi2-base.php(95): HC4_App_Index->boot() #4 […]public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): ZInventoryManager2_Wordpress->_init(”) #5 […]public_html/wp-incl
Hi there,
I downloaded your plugin to try.
All stock levels are 0 in the inventory page.
Latest wordpress and woocommerce.
Any advice?