I moved the site to a Cloud and did a fresh install of both programs using wp 4.8 and zen-cart 1.5.5. I got these same results with the images. Therefore I updated to wp 4.9.1 because if you are going to fix things it might as well be for the latest version.
The images where displaying but are showing up way to large as you can see in the images or on the website.
Can you fix this?
Please help! I will send the login info if needed.
]]>I moved my website to a new Cloud hosting service and Zen4WP is still looking for the same products_id’s that it found on the old host. Is there something else that needs to changed.
For example https://artandofficesupplies.com under “Products on Special” (scroll down to the bottom of the page to see it). It shows the “Bob Ross Floral Set” as item https://artandofficesupplies.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=65&products_id=294 but this is a totally different product. You either get the wrong product or “Sorry, the product was not found.”
It appears that it has to be reset or something so that it can find the products on the new Cloud hosting service. Please Help!
]]>Is there a way to change the widget so that the items are not so compact at the bottom of the page? I’d prefer that the widget and items take up 100% width of the page (subdivided by the number of products that I have it set to show, obviously).
I found this code that allegedly changes the footer width, but I can’t tell if it changed the footer widget width or not (i.e. is WP using 100% but Zen4WP isn’t).
*Change width of the footer widgets*/
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.fl-page-footer-widgets .col-sm-3:first-child {
width: 40%;
Product was working just fine until the last WordPress update. It then started to show 0 as the prices for all items after the WordPress 4.5.2 update. I currently run Zen-cart v1.5.4 and WordPress 4.5.2 update. I was thinking of updating to Zen-cart v1.5.5a as well.
Visit https://www.qualitygiftshopping.com/ WordPress site
and https://www.qualitygiftshopping.com/store Zen-cart site
Please help!
]]>Doing a basic Google search I found instructions for importing and exporting mySQL databases: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+import+mysql+database&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
These instructions are adapted from some of the results found.
You may export or import data from your MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. A link to phpMyAdmin can be found in your hosts control panel (cPanel or Plesk depending on your hosting package).
Finding phpMyAdmin in your Control Panel (BASIC cPanel and Plesk Instuctions)
Export Your Database
Import A Database
trying to get the DIR_FS_CATALOG directory figured out. I can’t seem to find it in my Zen Cart setting.
this is the error i keep getting.
No configuration keys were found in the table configuration. Either the value you entered for ZEN_DB_PREFIX on the Zen4WP Settings Page is not correct or WordPress and Zen Cart do not share the same database (a REQUIRED prerequisite as CLEARLY stated in the Zen4WP readme.txt). Go to Zen4WP Settings Page to check your settings and properly configure Zen4WP.
]]>Does this plugin work on WordPress 4.3.1
I have everything setup correctly (all the prereqs). I have the WP4Zen setup in my ZenCart and that works fine.
In WordPress on the Set Zen4WP Options Page, after I input all the correct settings when I click the update button it brings me to a 404 page not found and none of the settings take.
When asking for help, please include the following information along with the issue you are describing. (please don’t say “it broken” or “it doesn’t work” as this isn’t nearly as descriptive as is needed to help)
Setting up this plugin is pretty straight forward.. Issues occur if the prerequisites are not met or if one of the admin options does not match your Zen Cart /includes/configure.php file.
Does your WordPress/Zen Cart setup match the required prerequisites??
Prerequisites for Zen Cart for WordPress (zen4wp)
Note: If your store/blog configuration does NOT match these prerequisites, then Zen Cart for WordPress (zen4wp) will not function
If your WordPress and Zen Cart setup meets the prerequisites, then set the plugin option settings to the value of the like-named entry in your Zen Cart’s /includes/configure.php file. They need to match EXACTLY..
Regarding the database setup required:
It doesn’t matter which one you install first (Zen Cart or WordPress), but during the installation when you are asked for your database information you MUST use the SAME database information for both. (DB name, DB Password, DB Username)
Regarding database prefixes: The default Zen Cart database prefix is ” (i.e. none) and the default WordPress prefix is ‘wp_’. While PERSONALLY I prefer using a DB prefix for BOTH Zen Cart and WordPress (i.e. Typically I use zen_ for Zen Cart and for WordPress I use wp_), as long as the prefixes are different, you should be good-to-go!
Changing the table prefix for the Zen Cart tables is pretty easy, but NOT REQUIRED. For anyone who has already installed Zen Cart without a table prefix (the default), and now WANTS to add a table prefix, there is a very SIMPLE script you can run to add a table prefix to one’s Zen Cart install.
SELECT Concat('ALTER TABLE ', TABLE_NAME, ' RENAME TO my_prefix_', TABLE_NAME, ';') FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'my_database'
Your result set will be a bunch of queries that you can copy and paste into your favorite MySQL editor (phpMyAdmin, whatever). Just paste those in and execute, and you’re all done.
Once the script its run, an update to the store and admin configure.php files to include the new table prefix is all that’s needed..
]]>I have installed this much needed plugin today, I have both WP and Zencart running from the same database. The products from zen cart are displayed on my sidebar along with the product image and product name, however the price is not shown and where I believe the price should be displayed is “0
Sale: 0 Save: 50% off”
You can see the sidebar with missing price information here: https://www.beehavendesignz.com/blog/
I would appreciate your guidance is a fix / solution for the price to be displayed or the removal of the pricing information. Ideally i would like the price to remain and display as it should in zen cart.
]]>I have my zen-cart store installed and I have my wordpress website. The thing is I want to integrate my zen-cart store to my main website so that I can display products from my store to my main website. That’s why I used this plugin. The thing is I’ve encountered error upon configuring the settings. It states that:
“Either the value for ZEN_DB_PREFIX is not correct or the WordPress database is not shared with your Zen Cart“
I want to add screenshot but I cant upload image here.
I already did the instructions upon configuring the settings, and I think the problem is because of the prefix part.
Hope you can help me. I need answers as soon as possible because this site is urgent.