Due to abuse received from plugin repository users we are ceasing development of free WordPress plugins and this is the last release of this plugin. It will be removed from the repository in due course. Our pro-bono plugin development will now be exclusively for the ClassicPress platform.
]]>Hi, I just wanted to mention that not everyone is using this kind of plugin folder structure:
$this->plugin_folder = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/' . PLUGINDIR . '/' .
dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/';
It would probably be better to define it as:
$this->plugin_folder = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ );
This is e.g. the case for users using the wp-skeleton structure.
]]>PHP5.3 error appears on PHP5.6 Server. I’d troubleshoot, but I don’t really need the plugin on this site, so I’m setting that aside for later.
Also, somewhere in there, you’ve hardcoded a file to pull from wp-content. Not everyone keeps their plugins in wp-content; maybe use the constants.
Your new updates crashed my wp install with a really dumb error box.
Rolling back I get it working again and I will go to my hosting to ask about php upgrades.
Wouldn’t have been smarter to pop a dialogue and deactivate the plugin rather than crashing our running installs out to a plain dialogue with no recourse?
Disappointing effort.
I have “Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /xxx/yyyyy/www/zzz/wp-content/plugins/zigwidgetclass/zigwidgetclass.php on line 107” suddenly appearing under every occurence of a widget I applied a widget class to ages ago. Can you tell me what’s going on and how I can determine where the issue is coming from so that it can be fixed? The site is a mess…. (Using last version of zigwidgetclass)
Thank you for your help,
]]>While using this plugin, alongside a Dynamic Widgets plugin to allow custom widget sidebars per page/post/category/etc… and all work, except Categories. When trying to add a class to a widget on the Edit Category page, I get the following errors.
This one is above all widgets:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /nas/wp/www/cluster-1997/tpain/wp-content/plugins/zigwidgetclass/zigwidgetclass.php on line 102
And this one displays if I try saving a class:
Notice: Undefined index: post_id in /nas/wp/www/cluster-1997/tpain/wp-content/plugins/wp-page-widget/wp-page-widgets.php on line 1037
Any help would be great appreciated!
]]>When I activate the Remove WPMU Dashboard Install Nag, it knocks out the ability for ZigWidgetClass to work (and vice versa). I also posted on the support tab for that plugin, but am not sure why these two plugins disable each other.
]]>When I activate the plugin it hides custom widget areas from the widget admin area. They still appear on the site, but cannot be edited.
Correction: This was regular wordpress behaviour apparently. Added widget areas to a page template so they display in the inactive widgets section.
]]>So a bit of a newb question here, but what do you mean when you say “It only works with widgets created by extending the built-in multi widget class.” and how do I get that working with my widgets.
tried it but it doesn’t work. I’m guessing it is because I havent done the above.
I’ve noticed a conflict with RS Events widget and ZigWidgetClass plugin.
]]>This plugin is great, and works fine with Widget Logic, but as of the latest versions of WP/ZigWidgetClass, it is not compatible with WP Widget Cache: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-widget-cache/
If Widget Cache is installed & activated, the CSS classes in ZigWidgetClass are ignored when Widgets are displayed on the site (but they do show up the in Admin Widget screen panels)
Perhaps the author could check this out? Until now, the 2 plugins played nicely together.
Many thanks from all us WP devs!
]]>i think it is better for the designer to specific specific classes which the admin can choose from
it is simple to modify… something like this:
<SELECT name='widget-<?php echo $widget->id_base?>[<?php echo $widget->number?>][zigclass]' id='widget-<?php echo $widget->id_base?>-<?php echo $widget->number?>-zigclass' class='widefat'>
$css_options = "default,white,black,clear";
$css_options = explode(",",$css_options);
foreach($css_options as $css_option){
echo '<OPTION VALUE="'.$css_option.'" '.($css_option == $instance['zigclass'] ? 'SELECTED':'').'>'.$css_option.'</option>';
the designer could thin put some filter in the functions.php to enumerate the class list.