Hi, receive this error in due to putting meta element outside head.
The Content Security Policy ‘default-src data: ‘self’ *; media-src data: ‘self’ *; img-src * ‘self’ data: blob:; script-src * ‘self’ ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘unsafe-eval’; style-src * ‘self’ ‘unsafe-inline’; font-src * data: ;’ was delivered via a <meta> element outside the document’s <head>, which is disallowed. The policy has been ignored.
createContent @ fbc.default.js:2
Interestingly enough, I have a live chat button on all my pages but not on the homepage.
Is this a known issue?
]]>When using the promo bar, it looks like the zotabox plugin adds an inline style of margin-top: 63px to the body element. However, I’m on a theme that has a floating element that doesn’t get moved down by this. So I need to be able to add the same top margin to it.
Could you tell me Which file holds this markup, and how I can add it to another element?
Hi, I would like to edit the style of the facebook like button to look more like the actual like button that facebook uses. Is this possible or could you consider updating the style to match? Thanks!