Thank you for your feedback!
Regarding the /feed URL and lack of icon: I’m afraid there is nothing we can do here. Since this is not HTML anymore (but RSS, I suppose), the notion of “favicon” does not apply here. I also guess that some browsers may still display a favicon because they will remember the favicon of the site and use it as a default icon.
Regarding the Windows 8 live tiles: unfortunately, this is beyond the scope of the plugin/service. W8 tiles are not very popular and adding feed support is a huge feature. I have loads of things to address before this point, sorry :-/
]]>Regarding Windows 8 Live Tiles ̬ I had read that article, but I don’t use them myself, so I don’t know much about them. If you say they’re not popular, then I certainly won’t worry about it ?? And now I’m wondering, based on your comment and the announcement of Windows 10 coming out this summer, whether the Live Tiles will even be continued in 10…
Regarding the /feed icon — I’m not sure I follow what you’re saying. At least, it doesn’t make sense to me so I hope you don’t mind explaining a little bit more… Or maybe I didn’t explain myself properly! Let me try again. I’m talking about the favicon that appears in the browser tab. It displays on the public side of my site and on all admin pages including the login screen, so why wouldn’t it work on urls ending in /feed? To be clear, I’m not talking about displaying a logo on the /feed page itself, but only in the browser tab. I have seen plenty of other sites that display a favicon in the browser tab on the /feed url, so it seems highly doubtful that this powerful plugin can’t do that… Clarification would be appreciated ??
Thanks again for your help!
]]>Regarding feed and RSS, yeah, that can be confusing. I understood what you said about the icon and tab in the first place. You are talking about the icon in the tab, not in the RSS itself.
When you surf the web, you are actually navigating to HTML pages. In this universe, favicon make sense: it is declared in the HTML. Alright. But when you are navigating to other resources (RSS feed, a Zip file, a PDF file… whatever), you’re suddenly out of the HTML and favicon realm. For example, if you visit (the RSS feed of this conversation), there is no information about the favicon in this document, because this is no HTML. So your browser is on its own. For example, IE is smart enough to look up for the WordPress favicon, although I didn’t ask for anything. But Windows Safari isn’t. Here, there is nothing we can do. Browser’s choice.
]]>Also related, though not really the same, is that I noticed the icon doesn’t show up in the browser tab of the coming soon page (the site’s not public yet). I’m using the SeedProd Ultimate Coming Soon Page plugin…
Thanks, and cheers!
]]>About “coming soon”: yep, this kind of plugin hides everything you do and that covers the favicon. Everything should show up magically for the grand opening ??