I could use some help in setting up the post sliders. I want to take the posts from the left side (Main Sidebar) and when you click on them they appear in the middle page as a more featured and complete article.
Ist es m?glich, Gruppen zu erstellen und damit den Zugriff auf eine Kategorie/Seite zu erteilen?
i want to activate infinite scroll at my blog, but who is the option?
Thanks for your help,
Stefan Draeger
Any chance to size posts width to use right space?
Also it is possible to center the menu?
Thanks in advance,
I really like this theme and would like to use ist on my site.
But I need to do a little optical change on the category site, the page where all post of a category are listed.
The title should be a bit bigger and the categories should be smaller. I tried so change all values in the style.css tp point out, which is the correct one, but no changes appeared.
Does anybody know, who to change the font sizes for this list? Thank you.
Sorry, English is not my first language.
German Version:
Hallo zusammen, ich mag dieses Theme echt gerne und würde es gerne nutzen, aber leider müsste ich dafür noch eine Anpassung vornehmen.
Auf der Kategorieübersicht (der Seite, wo die Beitr?ge einer Kategorie gelistet sind), passen die Schriftgr??en noch nicht. Die überschrift sollte gr??er sein und dafür die Eintr?ge in der Liste kleine.
Ich habe mich schon mal durch die style.css durchprobiert und alles m?gliche testweise ge?ndert, um zu sehen, wo der Wert festgelegt wird, aber ohne Erfolg.
Daher hoffe ich, dass mir hier jemand weiterhelfen kann und wei?, wo die Gr??en gesteuert werden und wie ich sie anpassen kann.
Vielen Dank.
]]>Out of nowhere, I have a row of stars across the top of my main menu of my page. The seem to link back to other pages on my site, but I don’t know where the stars came from or how to get rid of them.
Can anyone help me out getting rid of them (or at least find out what caused this)?
SandMark Media, LLC
I would like to center the featured image on any post / article of the site. How can I do this? I have tried a lot of CSS attributes, but unsuccessfully.
Thank you.
Best regards
I’m rebuilding our self-hosted WP 5.2.2 site with ThemeZee’s Admiral theme, but this issue applies to ALL themes I’ve tried.
There is no Header Image option in Appearance → Customize
I have tried:
Disabling ALL plugins (yes, ALL)
Unmodified default themes that allegedly support Custom Header Image
…and the result is the same.
Any suggestions anyone?
]]>Ist es m?glich, die Anzahl der Beitr?ge auf der Startseite (keine Extra-Widgets aktiv) zu ?ndern ?
Bei mir sind imm6 Beitr?ge, ich finde nict die STelle um das auf z.B. 8 zu ?ndern. Danke !
Maybe this time there will be an answer slightly faster then 2months and 2 weeks …
Google is missing auth and updated tags …
How can I fix this ?
brgds worels
I just realized, that the WP search of my Admiral Child Theme is pretty useless.
It finds little, and the results (of static pages) are no clickable links.
I use WP primarily as a CSS and try to make/code as much as my possibilities will allow on my own …
So I mainly use pages instead of posts and some of them are custom-post-type pages. Some of them consist only of metabox custom fields.
No matter, what I’ve tried, the search results I get do not meet my needs. The biggest pain is, that, even if I use plugins like Relevanssi or curry-search or search-everything, the post results of static pages just show a part(excerpt) of the found entries, but WON’T LINK to the pages, where the entries were fond. That is pretty USELESS.
The next pain is, that the search doesn’t find terms in the metabox custom fields in the custom post type pages …
It must have something to do, how admiral organizes and format it’s search/results, but I don’t know how to change this
So what can I do, to force my search to find entries in:
Static pages
Custom post type (static)pages
(Metabox) Custom fields content
Custom post type pages
(Categories, Tags ? )
AND, and that’s important: display them ALL as clickable links to the pages, the found entries come from ….
I hope my English is good enough, to make clear, what I mean.
Tnx in advance
I’m trying to create a page-template, that is pretty similar like the Standardtemplate (split sidebars right end left ..), with just a few changes.
So I created the template file with the correct header and copied the code from the page.php to have a base for my changes …
When I assgin the template to a page, it looks completely different (no split sidebars .. etc.).
I assume, that is, because somehow the information abot columns etc. gets lost, but how do I solve this ?
(I hope, my english is good enough to make this clear ?? )
Hi, we are thinking about switching our website theme to this one. Does it support nice organized mega menu? Or in case not, is there a plugin that works nicely with it?
How can i change The positions and size of the sidebar?