How do I put images before posts titles?
See picture:
I would like to use a third level menu but it seems the Albino Theme doesn’t support that. Is there a way to make a deeper menu level visible?
many thanks in advance!
Since I have changed the theme color, the “send comment” on the submit button is barely visible and only readable with mouse over. Where can I change this in the CSS?
Best regards
Ich habe bei einer meiner WP-Seiten das Albino Theme genutzt und nach der Aktualisierung wird pl?tzlich die Child-CSS nicht mehr geladen. An was k?nnte das liegen?
]]>Good Morning.
Need to know why the custom menu is not updated with the theme “AlbinoMouse”. I customize the menu to my taste but you can not see in real time. But if I go into “Personalize” if changes are made.
]]>I am really enjoying your AlbinoMouse theme, however I want to change Comment to different languages ‘????’. In the comment.php file, I did tried to locate it but, couldn’t find it. Could you please help.
I am trying to use WP-PageNavi, but I cannot locate the calls for next_posts_link() and previous_posts_link() . Where would these be located?
]]>Is there a way to change the color of the page titles?
]]>When I Create menu with sub menu items, the parent item is displayed correctly (with arrow) but when I click on it I get 4 errors “Empty string passed to getElementById().” and nothing happens
When I hover over the item nothing happens
Normal menu items work correctly (without arrows)
]]>Hello, I have created an author archives page in my child theme. It works just fine but I have also added an author profile box above the author posts on the author page. Only problem is if a user has not posted then their author page is blank and does not show my custom information. I wonder if you could help me on how to show the author info box even when the author has no posts. Thank You!
]]>I really love albino: should be awesome to have thumbnails displayed on excerpts posts view. even two columns view, in home could help a lot.
is this easy to coding into? or have i to forget about this? ??
ciao from italy
I’d like to have an excerpt of my posts in the home page other then the full, long article.
searching the web, point my to add some code in the functions.php file but it doesn’t work. any idea?
here is the code:
add_filter(‘excerpt_length’, ‘my_excerpt_length’);
function my_excerpt_length($length) {
return 20; }
(20 is the line number displayed)
Hi there,
Thanks for the update, all appreciated but the secondary navigation menu seems a bit redundant (sitting as it does, just under the main menu).
Is there a quick way to toggle it off? Or a line of code to change?
Many thanks,
Andi Northrop
Could you please make next release of the theme to be HTTPS friendly, by changing:
It seems that this hardcoded reference to Google Fonts is the only one that forces an HTTPS site into mixed content mode.
Thank you!
]]>Hello, I love this theme, but I am having problems adding a custom header background. I am using a child theme and just cant seem to get it to override the header-gray background. Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks
]]>Every time I try to fix my colors I changes the link color and the background color at the same time so you can’t read them dude to lack of contrast. to to fix it in the .CSS and it didn’t work. Also is the footer color supposed to extend past the actual footer and into the post background? Thanks in advance
]]>Hello there! Like title, I tried to move the footer bar to always at bottom (due to short content on some pages). Tried with code below but it stuck at where its initial place . How should I do this?
/* Pad footer from bottom */
.site-footer {
Thanks in advance.
How do I lessen the spacing between them? BTW, I removed the entry-header / entry-title part on content-page.php
Great theme, thanks~!
]]>HI there,
How do I change the font type for the title on mobile devices. I would like it to match the font type I’ve assigned to navigation menu.
]]>Great theme! I have few questions – like title, how do I remove the breadcrumb and H1 heading for “Home” like in this image:
]]>hi mate, is there a way to put a break line in the motto?
tnx for this great theme.
ciao da bologna, italy.
I made an ugly mistake in AlbinoMouse 2.0.3
Word breaks are wrong.
Change style.css line no 5997 to
-ms-word-wrap: break-word;
and no 5998 to
word-wrap: break-word;
The next update is on the way.
]]>Hi.How can i add a Home link in top bar?I tried creating a new empty page and gave it a title using hyperlink of “Home”.It does work but the home page title does not visually match the other page titles.
Any help would be really appreciated?
I’m using albinomouse on my blog, and the videos are showing up too flat, I can’t adjust the height for them. I didn’t have this problem with the theme I was using before. Any help or assistance would be much appreciated.
]]>I am looking to either edit or add a new post format using another icon from the set.
I feel it’s easier to just edit one of the current ones to suit my needs but I am not sure where it lives in the theme.
]]>On some of my pages, it gives the option to “leave a reply”. How do I remove this feature from everything except my blog posts?
]]>Just curious if it’s possible to integrate simple woocommerce into albinomouse?
I’ve been looking at this write-up
and tried the first option (replace the loop) but I just get a blank page once I do that. The part I’m replacing in the new woocommerce.php file (a duplicate of albinomouse page.php file) is:
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'page' ); ?>
<?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>
<?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
any thoughts on a remedy for this or integration?
I’m wondering if there is a way to shorten my blog posts and have a “read more” button. And I’d like to know if I can add a banner or picture to the top… kind of like this website
]]>I have another small issue. Looks like all of the iframe height’s are set at 150px no matter what I set the embed to. Is there a way to fix this too?
]]>When I choose the social media buttons they start showing as cool looking blocks. Then when I mouse over they change to a smaller button with a number beside them. I would like for it to stay as the blocks as it matches the theme better. Is there a way this can be done?