I have been having a nightmare with this theme both the Free and Pro versions. Free version is more uopto date thatn the paid Pro version currently Free V3.19 Piad Pro version within the bundle deal that I purchased directly from your website is outdated its currently on V1.0.1.
I have had more success with the free version of this theme but cannot find a way to disable the animations within the Templates that come with this version.
The paid Pro version 1.0.1 layout editing with the crazy custom block editor that is comes with will not change anything on the front end or sometimes it does but not all changes are saved or shown on the front end. This is not a cache issue and not a settings issue this is an issue with the theme that comes with the bundle zip download after purchase.
I have been emailing support directly through their website and support email address, but I have had no reply at all to any issues.
If I cannot get any help from support to resolve the issues with the paid version, then I will have to request a full refund as this package deal is completely useless and not fit for its designed purpose.
This is my final attempt to try and amicably resolve these issues. Please get back to me ASAP and help me with this that’s all I am requesting.