Dear all, I installed the free theme automobile hub and imported the demo content. When I make changes through customizer I cannot save them. When hitting publish button it gives an error message “Something seems to have gone wrong. Wait a few seconds and then try again.” But whenever I try again, I get the same error – I switched on WP DEBUG, but it’s not showing anything. Any ideas what this might be? thx in advance and brgds, Alex
These strings use the?esc_html()?function and are not translated:
]]>I have followed the instructions
and set up some demo pages for the slider, but my site doesn’t show the slider with the pages.
My wordpress version is 6.4.2
]]>I could not change it from style.css ,could you please guide which file should I edit to change text and link text color?
]]>Cuando instale y activo el theme Automobile Hub. No me carga ningun contenido de demostracion, imagenes slide, ni cabecera ni nada, solo texto.
Como instalar el theme con todos sus datos para poder trabajar?
I’m trying to remove the shadow that appears in slider’s images. Anyone know how?
thank you