New to this theme (and not terribly experienced with WP anyway), having trouble figuring out how to edit the sample widgets under “Features” on this site. Would love to re-purpose them to taste, rather than just remove/replace them with text (which editing one of the sidebars causes to happen).
Any guidance?
Or suggest a more-appropriate theme?
]]>Is it possible to have page level control over the header image?
]]>Is it possible to prevent the header from floating when scrolling down the page?
]]>Is there any way to use icons that are not from Font Awesome in the featured boxes?
]]>Hi all:
I am just about done with my website using Avis Lite, and it is looking pretty good.
One question I have relates to how the “bold” text appears. I would think that the font and typefaces etc. would be consistent across pages, but apparently they appear differently for some reason.
For example, on the home page of, I have made several words and phrases bold, but one can hardly tell because the bolding is quite faint. If you notice the phrase “Understanding Your Situation” on this page, I have bolded it but it looks almost exactly like the regular body text. Code for this phrase is Understanding Your Situation, and I have not modified any of the fonts in this website. From what I can tell, this problem ONLY affects the home page.
However, when one visits, the bolded text appears much more bold – and better, in my view. For example, when viewing that page, the text line “Energy 713 Advisors focuses on serving clients. Our team has found…” has the words “serving clients” in bold. Code for this phrase is serving clients, so it’s the same as above. Other areas where the bold looks good include:… And other pages…
Any suggestions? Why would the home page font selections be different from those on the “regular” pages?
Also, is there a way to change the overall font selections, or is that baked in to this template?
]]>Hello all: I am new to WordPress and have been working with the Avis Lite theme. I have a few small questions that seem independent of one another, so I will separate them into different posts.
My site is This question relates to the menus on the home page.
On the home page: the upper right menus look good – I like the way they appear as Home – Serving Clients – Experience – Firm Focus – Contact Us. The drop downs that appear when you hover over them look good too.
However, the bottom menus look awkward and take up too much space. Is there a way they can be spread out a bit to the right? What about just showing the top level ones (Home – Serving Clients – Experience – Firm Focus – Contact Us) instead of a link for each of the ~17 pages? I seem to have plenty of space to the lower right, so is there a way to spread the menus horizontally to the right some so they won’t appear so tall?
Many thanks for your help.
]]>Hello all: I am new to WordPress and have been working with the Avis Lite theme. I have a few small questions that seem independent of one another, so I will separate them into different posts.
My site is This question relates to the ability to add photos to the top of pages that are NOT the home page.
I can’t seem to place a photo at the top of each page. Is there a way to do this, in lieu of the gray box that appears at the top?
For example, it would be great to be able to include a photo of a ship at the top of, but I can’t seem to do that.
Ideally it would be a narrow image, not as tall as the one on the home page; also I would like to be able to select a different image for each of the rest of these pages.
Many thanks for your help.
]]>Hello all: I am new to WordPress and have been working with the Avis Lite theme. I am mostly done with it but have just a few little tweaks to make my website really look good. I have a few small questions that seem independent of one another, so I will separate them into different posts.
My site is This question relates to disabling the items related to posting on the right hand side of the pages that are NOT the homepage. My current homepage does not include information on posts, and I like it that way.
How can I NOT show the posts etc. section on the right hand side of all the pages other than the home page? I don’t want to see any of it (Archives – Popular Post – Search box – More Links) on the right hand side. Please take a look at, say, to see what I am talking about.
If this is doable, is it possible to then utilize the freed-up space on the right for the main content? For example: ideally the text on, say, would be able to be a bit wider. If that isn’t possible, that’s OK, as that is less important than getting rid of the posting capability information.
Please note: This is a static site, at least for now, and I would like to hide all this posting stuff until I can generate some additional content.
Many thanks for your help.
]]>Works great on laptops but is unuseable on smart phones because all the writing gets squashed together and the header photo is squashed up too.
]]>I uploaded a new image of the recommended size while playing around with the theme but I can no longer make it go full width.
Site is here – – any ideas what I’ve done?