Hi. Really nice theme. Is there any way to move the sidebar from the right side to the left? Thanks.
]]>Just downloaded BlogKori theme.Really love it hey. Thanks so much. I am putting my website together now.
May I ask for a little help ?
(1) I was wondering if there was a way to move the tagline up closer to the main header title.
(2) Also is there a way to widen the page width at all without losing the sidebar.
(3) Can you show how to make on a page, text boxes with the colour blue if possible.
Don’t know a lot about code, bt can perform basic tasks .. Thanks for any help. Thanks again for assistance,
Warm regards,
The new version adds a new theme options page. Now you can add Google analytics code inside your site very easily.
]]>how do i make summery on category page …
i have gone under setting and check summery posts but it isnt changing ..
]]>I’m using the BlogKori theme and having trouble with Excerpts. Want to use them on the home page sort of like an intro to the post, but the excerpt isn’t showing up there. The entire post comes up on the home page.
Except View is ticked in the Screen Options. I’ve added the text to the Excerpt box and Updated the post. Still no Excerpt. All the forums I look at are suggesting a lot about adding code. I’m not a programmer and coding would be my last-ditch option.
I’m a newbie at WordPress. What am I missing here?
]]>This new update has a new page template that let’s you add a no sidebar fullwidth page in your site.
]]>Hi, thanks for using blogkori theme. After releasing the theme to public, I noticed the mobile hamburger menu was not working on various sites. So I went down today and fixed it. The new 1.2.14 update should now show up your menu as a dropdown in mobile. Be sure to update it today! Thanks