I don’t know where are the place of the function wp_list_authors()
in posts & pages, for replace it with the plugin’s function coauthors_wp_list_authors()
Can you help me?
If exist another method for a non advanced users, please tell me.
Thank you in advance.
]]>I too am having issues with the drop downs. They dissapear when I try to mouse over them. Their was a previous thread with a solution, I tried to do it (not sure if I was correct, line 491 of style.css was what I changed), but it did not work.
I have 10 headings in Menu 1 (the gray bar under the header picture) and they have spilled onto 2 lines. How can I change the font size automatically to make sure all of my headings stay on one line, no matter how many I add or what size the screen is? It looks strange and is less user friendly to have my headings on two lines… My website is https://www.shewenttospain.com if you need to see it. Thanks!
For just a single post, I want to remove the sidebar and make the whole post 100% wide. I used this WordPress tutorial to create a single post template in my child theme to remove the sidebar, but now there’s just a blank space where the sidebar used to be. When I inspect it in preview mode, I can change the width from 63% to 100% but it doesn’t save. How can I stretch the main content area across the screen (and keep it responsive)?
]]>I really like the layout of blogsixteen, hope to use it for 2 of my cycling blogs.
One important feature, or setting, for me is allowing users to see an entire blog post instead of a a preview, when users first view the blog.
How can I remove the preview or allow full posts to appear, when users first view my blog?
Thanks in advance,
]]>I was having an issue with the drop down menu where the sub item would disappear before I could mouse onto it. I resolved the issue by moving the sub items slightly further up. I made the following change to the css:
.main-navigation ul ul {
float: left;
position: absolute;
/* top: 2.5em;
*/top: 2.35em;
left: -999em;
z-index: 99999;
The difference in appearance has been negligible, but it’s allowed my dropdowns to work as expected.
]]>I created a custom header in PicMonkey so I could inlcude an avatar and text of my own. In Customization/Site Idenity: If I leave the Site Title and Tagline in, they show up over the custom header. I’ve read that these should not be deleted for SEO purposes. Is there a way to hide them? Side note, even if I do delete the Site Title and Tagline and/or uncheck the box for “Display Header Text”, this odd line shows up. I can change it’s color in the Customization, so I’m guessing it’s part of the Site Title…I’d like to have it go away as well.
Much appreciation for any assistance.
]]>This issue is in the BlogSixteen theme.
I am trying to get my header image to insert correctly and it keeps cutting it off. I tried the recommended size of 1200×400 and the bottom cuts off. I inspected the element, and made it 1583×400 and the bottom cuts off and it stretches. Please help me determine what the size should actually be so that the entire header image shows. The website address is: https://tillbusinessdouspart.com/
]]>I would like to add additional menu options at the very top, an example of this would be this site which I believe is using the BlogSixteen theme.
I am only simply adding tabs with borders around them.
In addition, I would like to add an image carousel on the home page.
Please provide specific directions, not general, vague instructions please.
]]>I’m setting up a blog site using your blogsixteen theme. I’m surprised that it don’t seem to have a widgetized footer area where I can add text and custom small menu to the bottom of each page/post. Is this available and I’m not finding it, or is this something you can add to the theme to make it more useful to me and my client? I really love the clean and open look of this blog site theme, so I hope this is an issue that can be addressed. I also couldn’t get the site preview to load in the theme Customizer so something funky is going on. Thanks.
]]>I am trying to show full post on the homepage, not just excerpt. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I really like this theme but it doesn’t show any images in post preview. Is there a way to fix it?