So on this Bluesand demo page it shows the featured image at the top of the page (the one with bowls of soup on it) stretching across the entire page and then the sidebar showing up below it. Also, the image shows up even though the page is not a static page, but instead has blog posts listed below it. How do you actually get that to happen?
The only way I can get an image to stay at the top of the page is by setting it as the featured image for a static page, which then makes the blog posts not show up. Even then, when I do that, it doesn’t stretch across the entire page. Help would be great! Thanks!
]]>On the homepage the Title shows up in the center… look good.
On the pages it shows up left justified… how can I change that to center?
Is there also an option to delete the Title(s) altogether?
how do I get pages to be a selection for the header menu?
right now I can only select categories or social icons.
How do I get all my posts to be displayed as excerpts?