I’ve noticed that this theme treats publication dates on posts really oddly.
Can you help? I’ve checked that my settings use the correct local time zone, so it’s not that. Plus, the issue disappears when I switch to a different theme
I’ve currently put the site into maintenance mode so these issues are not visible to the public.
I’ve just installed the theme and need help with a few things.
Inconsistent capitalization in site header and menu
I’ve noticed that the typography formatting for the site header changes from page to page, and I’m not sure why. When I go to my home page, the site name is in block capitals. But when I go to other pages, like the About Me page, the site name is in title case (a mix of upper and lower case). How do I ensure the capitalization is consistent?
Likewise, when I try to customize my site, the menu appears in title case, but when I visit the live site, the menu is in block capitals. How do I keep it as title case all the time?
Odd container size on About Me page
When I go to my home page or a regular blog post, the size of the main post container and the side bar widgets are normal. But on the About Me page, the post container and the widgets are both much smaller, so there’s a lot of empty space on the left side of the page. How do I fix this?
Odd grey banner on Archives page
On my Archives page, the page title shows up in a weird grey banner block at the top of the page. None of the other pages or posts on my site have this banner. How do I remove it?
Social media icons
I’d like to add links to BlueSky, Mastodon and RSS in my menu. However, the social icons list for the menu doesn’t include these options. Can they be added in?