I am new the WordPress operating system. I created different “pages” by making them categories instead of “menus” or “pages” because I wanted to be able to click on the title in the navigation bar at the top and have a list of posts related to that one topic on the page. However, in doing so, I cannot remove the “Category: Book Reviews” from the top of the page. I do not want this to show up on any of the pages I have, so I need to know how to get rid of it. I’ve looked on ample forums and websites on how to put Custom CSS into the theme, but no code is working for me. I even installed the “Remove Category Word From Title” plugin by Ausaf Malik, but of course that only removed “Category:” and left “Book Reviews.” Is there a code I can use for this theme to remove the whole title, or a plugin that I can install?
Also, if possible, I would like code or a plugin to remove the category title from the top of every individual post as well.
Thank you,
Few Mods if someone could point me in the right way:
– Make Single Column, Grid would imply there is only the grid, but there is still 2 columns
– Truncate 100% textual post on front page (grid format) – it shows the entire post, not a excerpt/snippit
– Single Post View, make 80 or 90% width (based on browser size), single column again
– Categories on post, list only Parent categories on Post
– Categories on post, move to bottom
– Page Preloader – reduce display time, eliminate from all pages besides front page
Point me in the right direction, I’m not guru, but far from novice. Get me to the code, I can probably edit to make it work the way I like.
]]>The ‘subscribe’ button located in the footer on my website doesn’t seem to do anything. When I enter my email as a test, nothing happens. I can’t seem to locate the settings when I look in customize and then footer. My website is https://www.passionatelyselfemployed.com. I use the Breviter Pro premium theme. I tried switching back to the TWENTY SIXTEEN wordpress theme to see if the subscribe button exists without my premium theme, and it doesn’t – so the feature seems to be tied to my theme.
As I’ve added a subscribe feature in the sidebar using a mailchimp widget, I’d rather delete the one located in the footer. I can’t seem to find where I can access settings or code to remove this button. Can anyone help? Is this complicated to do?