Hello, I had installed you theme and I forgot how to set related posts like this style: https://youtu.be/MW06KIeoYsU?t=29 (in video at 29second)
actually related posts looks like this: https://onlinefilmy.patwist.com/rychlo-zbesilo-6-2013-online-film/
]]>Hello, My site https://www.beautifullyinked.us has a bar on the mobile version that is blocking the viewing and use of the LOGO/MENU I can’t figure this out…Anyone able to help me? This problem is seen on MOBILE ONLY. Everything looks fine on the desktop version..
This is my header…I figured it would probably be coming from here?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
<title><?php wp_title('·', true, 'right'); ?></title>
<meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/style.css" />
<link rel="profile" href="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11" />
<link href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/genericons/genericons.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>" />
<?php wp_head(); ?>
<body <?php body_class('lt-480'); ?>>
<div id="page-wrap">
<div id="page">
$blogTitle = get_bloginfo('name');
$headerImage = get_theme_mod('careta_header_image', '');
$headerShowName = (bool)get_theme_mod('careta_header_showname', true);
$headerShowMenu = (bool)get_theme_mod('careta_header_showmenu', true);
<a id="mobile-menu" href="#menu"></a>
<div id="header">
<div class="wrap">
<div class="inner">
<a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" title="<?php echo str_replace('"', '\'', $blogTitle); ?>">
<div id="blog-title"> <?php if ($headerShowName) echo $blogTitle;?> </div>
<?php if ($headerShowMenu) { ?>
<div id="menu">
'theme_location' => 'primary',
'container' => false
<?php } ?>
<?php if (get_theme_mod('careta_social_location', 'header') == 'header') careta_draw_social(); ?>
<div id="main" class="wrap clear">
Hi, so i’ve started using the theme for this site, and i’m finding that in places where I create a link TO an image, the text life breaks as well, rather than continuing on the line. It makes for some awkward line breaks and does not happen for other A HREF links, just those to an image file. Can’t seem to find the cause myself in the CSS fine, looking for some insight into why it happens and what I could do to tweak that. This page has a couple of examples of it.
The name “Cathy” and the words “a baby daughter” are both forced onto their own lines of text in chrome & firefox. Note the links to audio files earlier in the same post don’t do this, just the two i made to jpgs. They seem to be intriguing a gallery link but I don’t want them to do that.
]]>After the latest update of Careta, the boxes on the main page are overlapping, sometimes all, sometimes only a couple. In IE the theme performs best, in Chrome and Safari there are isssues. Not only on my Win 8.1 machine, on my MacBook Air i see it to with Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Idem my iPad.
A refresh of the page does fix it sometimes. You can see/test it here: sunfishklasse.nl.
In order to solve this, i allready removed the theme completely, and performed a clean install. Needles to say that i did not change any .CSS in the theme…
Once again, thank you for this wonderful theme!
I’m applying a related posts by taxonomy plugin’s shortcode on the post content area and the results don’t display in accordance to the shortcode [related_posts_by_tax format="thumbnails" image_size="medium" posts_per_page="2" columns="2" title="Quero Mais!" before_title='<h3>' after_title="</h3>"]
The thumbnails are aligned but half-way on top of each others and no titles.
When I add
add_filter( 'use_default_gallery_style', '__return_false' );
to the functions.php of my child-theme and the CSS styling to the style.css also, it stacks the thumbnails in 1 column on the left without substituting the gallery_style.
I love the responsive style of dimming the other thumbnails when we hover over one of them, though; but I need it in columns and with titles below. What could be the conflict? Can you help?
I was experimenting with Virality theme before I found Careta and it was working there, until I made the theme change. I really like Careta :p Please throw some light to me.
I’m in my localhost, so, only screenshots available.
First of all, I’m very pleased with the display of this theme and options offered. It’s wonderful for what I want to do – a social cause viral website. Thanks for all your beautiful work.
What I need help with:
After moving the social platforms links to the footer, there is space between the top limit of the content area and the header that I would like to either seize with a random posts thumbnails plugin, or just expand the top of the content area and align it with the sidebar. The sidebar is touching the header; can I lower it? I thought the space where the social media icons were was part of the header. How can I move these limits to align them?
I know how to create a child-theme but then I don’t know what parameters from the CSS to add to it.
Can someone throw me some light?
Is there a way to make the post color dependent on the category? It seems like there would be, since the post color selection menu is under a tab titled “category” but I can’t see how to make the color variable by category name.
What I’m actually trying to do is make the post color on the main page variable by AUTHOR, but I haven’t found a way to do that and I think I can do a workaround with the Author Category plug-in if I have the capability to make post color variable by category.
Thanks for any help.
Im having quite a hard time finding the way to change the default opacity settings for the post list.. I’d like it to be the opposite of what it is. So, opacity 1 for default and .5 when it’s hover.
Thanks a lot for your help !
Here’s my website : ki-ne-sis.com
Everything about that theme is fantastic, but I would like to have a same size posts previews on home page. (fixed posts preview size)
Lets say 300px in height each. If I have a little text it will be empty space below text in post box preview, If I have a lot of text the post preview stays the same size with […] at the end of last line, If there will be picture in post and a lot of text, picture have higher priority so it takes some space from post preview box, and rest will be filled with text … no matter what is the post content the preview boxes on home page stays always in same size.
Oh and I need the picture to be at the bottom of preview box…
I was looking for some settings in style.css and functions.php but with no luck.
many thanks for any help with that.
Maybe you can help me, I’m using Careta theme and I cannot see my images from each post displayed on the home page (I set Careta to display on the home page the latest posts). Basically on each post box I see a blank (white) space where the images should be displayed and below is displayed the text.
Thank you,
Careta is pretty perfect for me, but after using it for a bit, I realised I need to have the events calendar showing up either on the left or on the right. In other words, I need a sidebar instead of the fourth content column. Can you help me through that (rather than letting me breaking your design)?
Thank you for your time.
]]>How can I get all the posts to show on mobile devices? I do not have a sidebar – I don’t believe I do because the only widgets are for the bottom footer area.
When I go to view on tablet – only 3 of 4 posts show up on the first row, but there are Four (4) posts – and the fourth (4th) one doesn’t view at all or show up on the next line.
And on the Android cell phone – only One post from the left column shows up – none of the other 3 posts (of the 4 on the first row) show up or place themselves below in a single line.
How can I fix this?
I love this theme and want it to show All my posts on tablets or androids no matter which side up or size phone.
looks fine on PC
]]>Now that the first problem concerning the display of the posts on the posts page is solved (see previous support ticket; thanks you Lizwinterborne!), I have a corresponding issue. The NextCellent Gallery is now displayed 20 pixels from the top, which looks better than a zero margin, I think. But…
The posts are aligned to the left. This means that there is hardly any (grey) space on that side, but more on the right hand side. It would look nicer if all the posts were centered between the two sides (equal margins). Could anyone help me with this?
My website:
The posts page is here: https://www.bonabene.nl/jouw-bijdrage
I really love your theme but this one has me stumped. In all other browsers any flash or flashfallbacks are fine but in Firefox they’re hidden. For example https://waterlookidsread.wpl.ca/?page_id=122
I’ve deactivated plugins but no go. Any ideas?
]]>Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me. Im having some issues with wrapping text around images with the Careta theme and I am going a little bit cross eyed trying to find the problem.
Im considering just creating a new page template which allows me to have a page that looks the same as theirs but with the ability to wrap text around the images. Can anyone help me with this as Im losing the will to live. I dont need a side bar or anything fancy, just the ability to wrap. Currently no matter what I do, I can only get the first line to wrap an image.
If anyone could help that would be fab here is a link to my site. Although Im not sure if it comes up on IE yet, it does on chrome:
Dolphin club Page has an example of what it does when I try to wrap text at the moment
]]>Great theme! However in IE 11 it seems to be ignoring the rem values. https://waterlookidsread.wpl.ca I’ve tried re-installing the the theme in case I did something wrong while doing some minor hacks, no difference. IE should be able to recognize the rems but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Any ideas?