I installed this plugin on another server with PHP gettext installed and that breaks this plugin. Because it’s using ngettext() in migrate_users.php. According to the Codex (https://codex.www.ads-software.com/I18n_for_WordPress_Developers#Plurals) it’s possible to use plurars without ngettext.
]]>I’m getting a 404 on the stylesheet since I updated to V 2.0 on WP 4.2.1
]]>Is there a way to allow contributor role to edit widgets?
]]>Fatal Error on update to DD_Roles 2.0.
/functions/get_online_users.php not included in zip file for installation. Can you supply please?
In the Other WP capabilities
You left in a print or echo statement in your php.
stdClass Object ( [create_posts] => ) is showing up.
]]>Hello, just updated to 1.5, and got the below… Have been running the previous version for a long time with no issues…
This is the gist of the whole screen, hoping it helps, sure would like to keep the roles I’ve set up, hopefully intact…
Downloading update from https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/dd-roles.1.5.zip…
Unpacking the update…
Installing the latest version…
Removing the old version of the plugin…
Plugin updated successfully.
Plugin failed to reactivate due to a fatal error.
Warning: require_once(inc/functions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home5/purelig2/public_html/spiritawake/wp-content/plugins/dd-roles/dd_roles.php on line 28
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘inc/functions.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/php/54/usr/lib64:/usr/php/54/usr/share/pear’) in /home5/purelig2/public_html/spiritawake/wp-content/plugins/dd-roles/dd_roles.php on line 28
Kind regards…
I think DD roles menu item should be under users menu and not the settings menu.
Feature request
It would be nice if all the roles could be grouped by post type,
Great plugin
]]>As you can see from the screen cap nothing is lining up correctly.
Just reporting some bugs I found ??
When clicking the “Role” table header, it doesn’t order by role, the page reloads and the link changes but nothing happens.
When clicking the “Capabilities” row there’s an error in the link, it goes to “https://loc.blank.nl/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=ws_drinks&orderby=date&order=desc”, guess this was from another plugin.
]]>Dear Wouter, first of all thanks for your plugin. We discovered a type-o which causes your plugin not to work ok.
In dd_roles.php you refer to three files. As you should you use .$plugin_url_path. (instead of the static wp-content). After that you use dd_roles to refer to your plugin but it should be dd-roles!
After changing that everything seems to work ok.
]]>Would be nice if there was a setting where we can say when a user needs to switch in another role.
For example i have 3 roles:
When a users had 10 posts, he need to be switched to the medium role, when he has 20 posts he needs to become a Pro for example