Thank you for producing such a wonderful theme. I need some help with how I can post a header across the full width of the theme. Right now it appears to be limited when I upload a logo and does not span across the the entire header area. If anyone know how I can stretch the image across the full header area above the menu (in place of the Site Title), then that would be great!
Thank you!
]]>I’m using the Church child theme and I’m having trouble figuring out the “proper” way to add text to the the right of the site logo in my header.
I’ve tried using the CSS “after” psuedoclass, to no avail, as in this code:
.title-area:after {
content: "St. Elizabeth Missionary<br>Baptist Church";
float: right;
position: absolute;
wrap: wrap-word;
margin-left: .3em;
font-size: .8em;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
min-height: 10px
background: limegreen;
I tried attaching that to other classes instead like .site-title
and .site-title img
. Unfortunately, I learned from this post (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5843035/does-before-not-work-on-img-elements) that using after: on images isn’t supported.
So, the only way I can think of that is left, is to customize my child theme by manually editing the header. But, I’m not good yet with understanding the mechanics of frameworks (hooks, add_action, remove_action, registering functions, etc.), but I can follow directions and I can add code in functions.php just fine.
Anyway, I’m having trouble finding where to add in the code. I can build an HTML snippet that incorporates and image with text floated to the right, that wraps based on the container div dimensions. The problem is, I can’t figure out where to do it.
I looked at header.php and found this:
<div class="<?php echo omega_apply_atomic( 'site_container_class', 'site-container' );?>">
do_action( 'omega_before_header' );
do_action( 'omega_header' );
do_action( 'omega_after_header' );
<div class="site-inner">
<?php do_action( 'omega_before_main' ); ?>
I figured the do_action( 'omega_header' )
was probably the part I needed, but then I ended up chasing a rabbit hole trying to find the function or file that actually modifies the code. These are the files I ended up chasing:
There’s more … but I gotta go. Hopefully you know what I’m talking about.
Any help is appreciated.
]]>Using church theme v0.7.7. Currently using the CSS code:
.entry-meta {
display: none;
… which removes all (date, author name, category) from posts. Noticed that this was asked here but none responded.
How to remove only category? E.g. posted in: default
This is most annoying.
There are three elements: date, author name, category. Would appreciate how to remove each one separately and/or together. In both: front page of posts and when opening certain post.
Tried several variants but none worked. Could remove only all or nothing.
Would appreciate if there could be the list of classnames available for usage in CSS. Also any combined variants that can be used.
]]>Good morning
Im creating a simply web with wordpress in a bitnami wp server. I have 2 issues with church theme.
First of all i can not change the chapel Photo of header, well, i can change, but when i publish It i can see It only on pc, but not in a phone.
I have change the width of Photo to 980.
But un the phone IS not displayed.
Second issue is i am not able, ir i dont know how, to reduce a little the top of Page.
I havent got any public web Page ti share with you. Im Glad to send you the captures of my problems, and any Code you require.
Another thing is until i dont delete the last image i wont put un header instead i publish the default header It cant be displayed in a mobile
Is the Church theme compatible with WordPress 4.9.5? I’ve been putting off upgrading as I’m not sure that it is, can anyone confirm that they have it working with this version of WordPress?
]]>So I want to show the full post as it looks when you click on it (https://www.trilbychurch.org/2018/02/20/vacation-bible-school-volunteers-needed/) on the homepage it’s the Help Needed post. I don’t want this to affect the other posts as they are fine. Any help is appreciated. Oh and I am using the Church theme which is a child of the Omega theme if that helps.
]]>I used a custom image on my site. OK, so the photo is a scanned copy of a photo, so it sucks until I can get to Vermont and take real photos. That’s not the only issue.
The real issue is that I can’t for the life of me get ANY image to be the narrow banner size that the default Church theme image is! I’m not a developer. I can’t crop the images to fit, the pixel resizing to get the images to 468×60 doesn’t work. What do I do?! I cropped a stock image and even that is yelling at me but I couldn’t deal with crap quality image of the original pic I used. I REALLY HATE THIS THEME AT THIS POINT. Have had so many issues. HELP!!
]]>My Logo isn’t showing up anymore even though I went into the customize section and uploaded and saved it under branding. Which it shows that it is saved there, but the logo isn’t showing up on the website. Any help would be great. Thanks!
]]>When I tap the parent link on the menu bar, instead of opening the sub-menu, it opens the page attached to the parent menu item. How do I go about fixing this?
]]>Hi – I am using a static front page and on desktop versions there is a black bar above the main image with “Welcome!”, but on mobile version it displays the mobile navigation menu (3 stacked horizontal bars) and “Welcome!” is displaying below the main image.
How can I remove the navigation menu on mobile and have “Welcome” displayed above the image?
Site is https://www.prayhungrysouls.com
Thank you!
I am new here. I have a problem with themes church created by Han, when i click on menu in mobil device, some menu not works. These are Den levende tro, information and links not work on mobil device
here is link of website i make for our church https://sanktnorbertskirke.dk/
I hope someone here can help me. Thank you very much
Best regards
I want my header image only on the home page. I searched the forum and found the following solution.
You might need to set a static home page…
– Go to customize
– Static front page
– Select “a static page”
– Set your front page
When I did this and the selected the option for the header image on the home page only, it worked just fine for me.
The problem is that I don’t see an option for header image on home page only. Where is that option?
I would appreciate any help with this.
]]>Hi, I’ve been given a task of looking after our church website, I’m new to word press and I’ve done a mistake of updating it from it’s admin panel and unfortunately all our pages contents have now gone blank, I’m asking if I can get your help to fix or revert it back to show the content as it was, I’ve tried after deactivating and after activating all plugins but no change, only switching to another theme will show the contents but we want to keep using the church theme, a link to an example of this issue is below, would you please advice what I might need to do to get that fixed? any help would be appreciated. Thanks and best regards.
I’ve been using your “Church” WordPress Theme and like it very much.
I want to hide the author name and date when I post a blog entry.
How and where do I fix this?
Thank You
At the top of style.css, it references the google fonts over TLS. This should be changed to the protocol independent URLs so that users running this theme on an HTTPS site can use the theme.
They should be fixed to look like this (or at least it’s one possible fix):
@import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300,700);
@import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Oswald:300,400);
My site is not live because I am converting a FrontPage website to WordPress. I love the Church theme but I am having a problem with the menu. When I place my mouse over any of the items on the menu, the cursor seems to be a white “block” so it obliterates the words. I have searched the forum and found something similar but the reported fixes did not work for my problem. Any help to fix this is appreciated.
]]>I am trying to get rid of the “About The Author” text in the author box. How can I do that?
]]>I’m working in The Church theme from Omega.
The example has the church’s logo and tag line on the left…with an address or some other data on the right. Is that part of the graphic file for logo, or is there somewhere to insert that information into the “Branding” section?
I do not know how to use code but I am looking for a step by step instruction on how to make my widget text Bold in the Church Theme
Is there any way to have different banner sliders on each page?
I would like to replace the Featured banner image on each non-home page with a unique slider.
]]>I use the Image Rotator Widget (version 1.0.7) to insert a simple slideshow into my home banner area. This has worked well with the Church theme for the past year and a half that I’ve been using it.
When I upgraded to 0.7.5 yesterday, it stopped working, and there was no banner image. I typically manage my widgets from Appearance->Widgets, but as I was troubleshooting, I went into the customizer and noticed that the Home Banner was not available as a place to put widgets (I do not know if this is new behavior, since I don’t usually use the customizer).
I’m wondering if the banner fixes in 0.7.5 wiped out this capability somehow?
As a stopgap, I am using the theme’s randomized image selector to put up a static image, but I still have the widget loaded into the Home Banner area if you want to see the behavior at https://www.ankenyucc.org
Thanks, Han, for all you do on this excellent theme for us folks in low-budget church land.
]]>The Home Banner widget area has stopped working on my website (assume as a result of the theme upgrade)? I also noticed the Home Banner widget area doesn’t show up with the other Church widget areas in the Widgets section of the Customizer.
The website is .
The original content of the Home Banner widget area is a Meta Slider shortcode.
I attempted disabling plugins and putting different content in the Home Banner widget area. Nothing has worked.
Any help is appreciated!
]]>I can not get the menu to be responsive below 980px wide using the Church theme. When I disable all plug-ins the problem still exists. I would like the menu to at least wrap to a second line when viewed below 980px wide.
Site in development:
When I select a Featured Image in a Church theme post today, this featured image, no matter how I re-size or adjust, hijacks the default main page Header Image and completely obscures it.
The featured image displays properly in the post as it should be, but unless I remove it, the default header image won’t display at all.
I have never had this issue until the Theme and WP update today and all past posts display correctly.
Sorry for a very beginner question.
I’m trying to make a page with multi-languages, using the plugin Multisite Language Switcher.
There is an additional plugin to have the switch (national flag+language name) fit in the navigation menu, it has worked but somehow the switch went into the second line, and I can’t find any function to resolve this in the wordpress dashboard.
My website is https://kicf.koyukai.info/.
Would someone please point me where I should go to fix this, or is it impossible to have the menu in one line?
]]>How can I display the Header Image on only the Home Page? I added some custom CSS which hides it on all pages, but cannot figure out how to get it to display on the static front page. Here’s my CSS:
.banner img {
I tried adding
.home .banner img {
But, the image is not displaying on the home page (or any page).
]]>i can’t seem to be able to add an image right where the address is shown in the Church theme template, just to the right of where a logo would go.
In fact i can’t even put an address there also if i wanted.
Any ideas?
When I create a Custom Link to put in the menu, it never shows up in the list on the left side to check off to be added to the menu, but the Custom Link Box shows up in the Menu list and can be moved up and down the tree. And it never shows up on the menu of Sub Item list on the webpage.
Has anyone else seen or had this problem and what do you do to fix it?
]]>I am having trouble removing the title of each page from the current website I am building. For example – the “about” page – I would like for it to not repeat “about” on the page after you have already clicked that link. Any advice? Thanks.
]]>Just trying to increase the overall site width. I’d like it to be about 75%. Any help?