When I have CSP enabled with the following options, the page is not showing completely. I can’t see some media and also the theme editor doesn’t work.
Header set Content-Security-Policy “default-src ‘self’; http: https: data:; upgrade-insecure-requests; frame-ancestors ‘self’;”
When I change the CSP option and make it less secure (which is not what I want) then it works.
Header set Content-Security-Policy “script-src ‘self’ ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘unsafe-eval’ http: https: data:; upgrade-insecure-requests; frame-ancestors ‘self’;”
]]>I’m loving this theme, save for my inability to remove the featured image from appearing at the top of every post. Any ideas for how I can remove that?
Im looking to add Etsy as well as other Social Media icons to the social menu. can you please tell me where I can find a list of them? Thank you in advance!
For some time the thumbnails images on my archive page and blog is no longer the correct size. Do you have any idea where this might come from?
this theme is beautiful thank you for this creation!
Thanks in advance
]]>Hi everyone! First off, I hope this makes sense as my head is muddled from all of the work I’ve been doing trying to fix this.
I have removed the social menu from my header and code, and there is still a blank space between my primary menu and search icon that I cannot get rid of. This in turn is causing the primary nav menu to be on two lines, and I can’t get that to be in one line either. I’ve gone through various WordPress forums, google, and called BlueHost (where I have my WordPress site hosted) as well, with no luck. Please help me! I haven’t coded in awhile, so I am a little rusty and I made no headway when I was trying to go through the customizer. I also have been unable to change the size of the text in my footer, the location and email I have there. It is an h2, but when I try to change the h2 text size, nothing happens. Also, I am using the CleanPortfolio theme.
Thanks in advance!!!
I can’t figure out how to make the logo in the upper lefthand corner larger. I want the image to fill the header bar (height-wise, which I believe is 180px), but right now I can’t get it to go larger than 100px.
I am using Clean Portfolio theme. How do I get rid of the gray overlay on the header image? I have tried various plugins to customize the header and it still shows up.