I have used an apostrophe in a photo caption on the main page. When the page is displayed, the apostrophe is replaced by num code for an apostrophe. So instead of the caption including the word Souza’s, it displays
When I look at the code, this is what is shown
Cant figure out how to hide posted by and posted on .. this theme?
Any help please ?
I am using the D5 Socialia theme. I’d like to put the slider on home page. my home page is latest post but i want to remove the slider from the other page and blog page. Does anyone help me to do this?
]]>I can’t change the logo to our nonprofit logo, even using CSS. What am I missing?
]]>I can’t change the logo to our nonprofit logo, even using CSS. What am I missing?
I do no understand why my webpage is shown such an ugly footer?
How to make sure that the credit line is showing at the very bottom of the page?
How do I remove the ugly bit below the orange part?
Im using ” D5 Socialia “. on my blog at: https://cartoonmonsters.net/
and the main slider is wacked out when it first starts. why is that?
Can someone help me?
]]>Hi everyone,
Even though I have installed the French WordPress, I get bits of English here and there with this theme and it is unprofessional.
I have a very simple question which I have not been able to find a good answer on for some time:
How do you target specific HTML text within you site in order to translate it to another language. For instance, in the page below, I want to switch ‘Search’ for ‘Recherche’ in my top search box.
Click here to access the reference site
This is a skill I find I must master if I am going to be serious about creating a multilingual site with this theme. I am familiar with Firefox and have a good basic knowledge of PHP.
Anxiously waiting,
Hi how can i move the sidebar from right to the left on d5-socialia theme?
]]>The theme updater tells me I’ll lose any customizations if I update. I’m using a child theme, so that shouldn’t be a problem, right? It’s only customizations made within WordPress to CSS that are lost, yes?
]]>The original slide-image code for two pictures:
<a href="#" class="show">
<img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/slides/(1).jpg" alt="D5 Socialia by D5 Creation" rel="<h3>Welcome to D5 Socialia Theme Previewing, Visit D5 Creation for Details</h3>D5 Socialia is a WordPress Theme which is Ideal for Social Organizations, NGOs, CBOs, Environmental Organizations, Societies, Climate Change Related Progrms.You can Chnage these Images and Captions by Editing the <?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/slide-image.php"/></a>
<a href="#" class="show">
<img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/slides/(1).jpg" alt="D5 Socialia by D5 Creation" rel="<h3>Welcome to D5 Socialia Theme Previewing, Visit D5 Creation for Details</h3>D5 Socialia is a WordPress Theme which is Ideal for Social Organizations, NGOs, CBOs, Environmental Organizations, Societies, Climate Change Related Progrms.You can Chnage these Images and Captions by Editing the <?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/slide-image.php"/></a>
I have changes these to my personal settings like:
<a href="https://www.mysite.com/page2" class="show">
<img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/slides/water.png" alt="water" rel="<h3>Water – Walk for water</h3>Walk over water week."/></a>
<a href="https://www.mysite.com/page3" class="show">
<img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/slides/sun.png" alt="water" rel="<h3>sun</h3>The sun week"/></a>
Like you can see, I have changes the link to our page2, it’s sad the slide-image doesn’t open the URL when you have 2 or more slide pictures with a link.
Is there a solutions for fix that?
I am new to WordPress and new to working at the code level.
This issue seems to be throughout the posts, pages and slide-image.php.
Style css specifies
font-size: 15px;
One example: In the Visual Editor for Posts Heading 4, H5 and H6 are in a different font and all about 20px. My test site.
You will also see my attempts to figure out the font sizes in slide-image.php
Please advise where I can look to fix.