Rating: 1 star
Warning to all potential users: Do not buy! Updates are not included and then your website starts giving these annoying update notices but you have to purchase the updates. A waste of time and money. There are much better designs out there that do not require payment for normal updates.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Klar, die Sch?nheit liegt in den Augen des Betrachters… aber dieses Theme gef?llt mir ausgesprochen gut. Schade ist nur, dass es keine übersetzung in Deutsch gibt und dass die M?glichkeit fehlt, im Blog den n?chsten und den letzten Beitrag anzuklicken.
Sure, the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder … but I really like this theme. It’s just a shame that there is no translation into German and that there is no way to click on the next and the last post in the blog.