Hi! How do I make the same design as the demo on your link https://www.luzukdemo.com/demo/expert-lawyer/, is there documentation? I set the width to the full screen, but there are still large margins on the sides and all the content does not turn out to be full width.
]]>HI I am interesting to buy this theme but before buying may I import the demo content in my website. Beause I will show the demo to my clients.
]]>Hi. I have used the Expert Lawyer theme for our website for several years. I just uploaded the latest update. Unfortunately, the update has introduced a new top line banner image at the top of every page (LAW CASE). It was not there previously. It has now impacted on the site.
How can I remove it please?
Would appreciate your advice in this regard, please.
Kind regards
Hi. I wonder if you can help. The bullets in the “Welcome to Expert Lawyer WordPress Theme Version: 0.3.9: are to far left when shown on a PC and do not show up on mobile phone. The font is larger and more emphasised than the norm font used in the theme. Could this be corrected or can you advise how I could change in CSS please?
Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks Tony
how can I Expert Lawyer theme content import on my site. Thanks.
i made website but images not showing on mobile devices, in localhost images are showing in both desktop and in mobile devices but when i upload website in hosting so cant see images in mobile. Below you can find link of my website and please check in your mobile so that you can check images not showing on mobile
link: websrow.com
please help me to resolve this issue
I created the most basic child theme for this theme. The child theme was created but there were elements of the header that weren’t created. On another forum it was said that the Expert Lawyer Pro couldn’t have a child theme.
– can this theme have a child theme?
– why weren’t elements of the header created?
– how can I fix the header to make the child theme complete?
Thank you
The Expert Lawyer Theme is great. I’m new to this WordPress stuff but this theme fills our needs perfectly.
I’ve have complaints about the behavior of the Contact Us button and the Google map on the footer. When filling out the contact page with cached values like first name, last name, the contact form is forced off screen by the expanding Google map on the footer.
How can this behavior be stopped yet, retain the map on the home page?
Thank you
]]>I’ve successfully moved the test site to what will be the live site but the remaining problem is the Logout link and Profile links in the upper right corner. Where does this get changed? I’ve read about adding Logout links by adding a Shortcode but I need to find where this can be edited.
Thank you
Buonasera, vi contatto per chiedere supporto legato ai temi. Il problema che ho è che dopo aver installato per la prima volta un tema, dove i contenuti sono identici all’anteprima, ossia c’è un header,, dei tab cliccabili, delle aree di testo, delle aree con immagini e testo etc…, successivamente ho pensato che il tema sopra non andasse più bene per il mio sito e quindi ho installato il tema expert-lawyer. Nel momento in cui ho fatto questo passaggio non riesco ad avere le immagini e i contenuti identici a quelli dell’anteprima del tema scelto. E’ tutto sfasato: non ho un’immagine centrale, non ho paragrafi di nessun tipo ma solo delle immagini giganti con per esempio una mega freccia, un mega cubo etc…
E la cosa brutta è che quando ritorno al tema originario anche quello è sfasato. Temo che il problema non sia legato ai temi. Vi prego aiutatemi
Does Expert Lawyer work with WPML or Polylang plugins for different languages?
The help pages say that the theme must have Internationalization : “Take care that your theme must come with the corresponding .mo files (Polylang automatically downloads them when they are available for themes and plugins in this repository). If your theme is not internationalized yet, please refer to the Theme Handbook or ask the theme author to internationalize it.”
Can anyone confirm that Expert Lawyer has .mo files?
Thank you!
Доброго времени. Недавно сменила тему на сайте и вот что заметила:
Некоторые странички сайта при просмотре с мобильного телефона имеют пустые поля, т.е. шаблон при уменьшении экрана тоже уменьшается и справа остаются пустые поля.
в частности вот на этих страничках:
[ redundant link removed ]
На остальных переписала текст и все заработало в норме.
Написала неделю назад разработчику, но еще не ответили. А хочется уже побыстрее пользоваться сайтом. Спасибо.
Добрый день. Скажите , пожалуйста, действительно ли тема Expert Lawyer не совместима с Elementor ? При активации Elementor на сайте пропадают значки “ТЕЛЕФОН” и “ПОЧТА”. Сайт на мобильном при активации Elementor сайт вообще становится не удобным.
имеются два сайта на которых планирую установить тему Expert Lawyer и плагин Elementor.