I am having an issue where I don’t have the option Featured Image:
As is documented here: https://docs.themegrill.com/flash/docs/customize-single-post-of-site/
Can you help me?
Thank you!
I’m a new user of wordpress and I’ve almost completed my hockey blog, Get Pucks Deep.
I’m having problems with the mobile version of the website. When I scroll down on a post or a page the content sticks to the top. The content is paragraphs, headings and pictures. This makes reading/viewing content further down on the post impossible.
I don’t have this problem with the desktop version, just the mobile version. I used to have it on the desktop version as well but I amended the layout from ‘default layout’ to ‘full width’ and this fixed the problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
hope anybody can help me….
i use the flash theme, there is a slider.
How can i STOP the slider?? or make muuuuch more time, so that customer does not see that the slider moves…..
best solution would be to replace the slider with a image….
i tried a lot but i did not found the solution….
can anybody help me with this issue??
thanks in avance….
]]>Добрый день!
Вчера заметила, что если открыты настройки темы, то шрифты те, которые настроены мной, которые нужны. И картинки неодинакового размера не требуют обрезки (подгоняются). Если закрыть настройки темы и убрать ссылку настроек после “/”, то шрифты меняются и картинки соответственно тоже. Фото товаров я уже начала менять по одному размеру. Но почему пропадают настроенные шрифты? Прикрепляю три фото https://photos.app.goo.gl/E6NVkBmrpwLsGxr56
Hello, I have been using flash theme on my personal website for two years. A few days ago, my font broke, I tried but I couldn’t fix it. I ask for your help. Thank you.
I would like to remove the word “category :” in the title of the category both in posts and woocommerce. How can i do that please ?
Thank you to answer
]]>Hello, i have my website where i use the Flash theme. But there’s a problem on the homepage. Every 24 hrs(or less) the css of the homepage is not loaded. I have to open my admin panel(/wp-admin) each time before coming back on the homepage to see it normally. And it only occurs on the homepage, the other pages don’t have this issues.
I have created threads on discord and read some articles but without success. After a period the css is not loaded again on this page, the customer angry with that i have to open the admin panel each morning(very early) so that each day the homepage looks normal.
Any idea to resolve this please ?
]]>In a header box, depending on the browser, sometimes more or less of an H3 heading is cut off.
With the identical formatting, the display in the right box next to it occurs without this problem. I don’t know where to look for the error because it’s not understandable to me.
The left heading is (actually) Comquass 4.0.
Cache and browser cache have been cleared…
Please help ?? Thank you very much.
Hi. I have had trouble with the FT: slider widget on our homepage. There is a large gap between the row or widget – however I have set spacing to zero both on row and the widget itself. See screenshot here: https://snipboard.io/2GrcAp.jpg
Resolved! OOPS. I set it to not be full viewport height which fixed the issue!
]]>Hello! I’m setting up a store with the free version of Flash. Is it possible to change the size of the titles on the product page? They are currently disproportionately large compared to other texts. The font I use is Montserrat.
]]>From the landing page I am able to navigate to all the page subsection from main menu. But if I navigated to any blog or any other sub page, the main menu is not bringing back to the main landing page, it is not giving any action. Could some one suggest how to fix this?
I am planning to purchase the license for this theme. But I am worried whether this is the bug in this theme.
I have completely cleared the homepage and want to build a new page with elementor in the flash template, but I cannot get the page to full width. I already have the stretch on at elementor. Is there an option for this?
I have a blog widget on the front page, and I need to remove the date in the top left corner. I have set the date and author not to show on blog posts, but I can’t seem to find a way to stop it showing in the widget. Any ideas?
I want to change the color of the stickey header. I can change the color of the header at the top of the page. But when I scroll down, the color change to grey and white.
Where can I change the color?
Best redards,
]]>Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am interested in the Flash theme. I have already installed it on WordPress and entered the data.
Unfortunately I have a problem with the header. My pictures are much too small.
What format do the images have to be in?
Greetings Christian
blog and image XXX-XXX
I created a website with your theme.
On some pages I have a vertical scroll with blanc space.
When I scroll down the page just a little bit the vertical scrollbar disappears.
I can’t find my mistake.
Beste regards, Flo
]]>I want to present my archive in two columns. How can I achieve this?
]]>I have a four columned layout on the Desktop version of my website and i have a some pages from a book laid out in order – however on the mobile version the columns are placing the images out of order – as though they are being read top to bottom, and not left to right to keep the desired order of appearance. Why would it start setting the images into the mobile view from the rows instead of in order of the columns?
I really need a fix for this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I want the images i place on my desktop view of my site to “read” the in the same order when they adjust to mobile view. in order of appearance from left to right and then the next row left to right. not top row leftmost image then bottom row leftmost image then top row 2nd column….etc.
any ideas for a quick fix for this?
UPDATE! Somehow it is all of a sudden displaying correctly now on mobile view as well. Thanks!
]]>I am using Flash template. !If I add a link, when I try to format the text (bold and highlight colour), the link options dialogue opens and covers the text so I cannot format it because the block menu is covered. If I format text first (bold / highlight colour) and then make it a link, the highlight colour is removed. The only workaround is to move the text over to right side of page, so dialogue does not cover it, add formatting and link, and then move it back again
But this is really annoying and time consuming!
hi there, the main page and right sidebar are too condensed, how can I space them out please or at least reduce the width of the sidebar? is there a CSS code somebody can help me with please it would be most appreciated. thanks in advance.
Two questions that I couldn’t find answered in the documentation or in this forum:
Thanks in advance. My site is ccacf.org.au but it will most likely be in maintenance mode if you try to check it, sorry.
]]>My blog hs a shortcode “[blog grid=”3″]”, where can I preview the blog grids in the theme? I may want to change it. I use the free version…
]]>I want to change the color of the heading for the slider because the text is hard to read. I have checked in Customize > Theme Options > Slider > Heading Color, but I doesn’t change the color of the header. Through the same I was able to change the Top heading color and every other aspect of the slider but the header. Also, I looked in Theme File Editor under Stylesheet.css and here seems like its called jumbotron where I found this code:
.jumbotron .jumbotron-caption .caption-heading h1 {
margin: 10px 0 15px 0;
font-size: 32px;
color: #ffffff;
and even changing color in this file, it doesn’t change the color of the heading.
]]>How can I change the colour of the preloader in the Flash theme?
]]>Good afternoon, you can display the text on the slider in the mobile version. I know that somewhere in css I need to write something, but I don’t know the layout language html and css
Display description in mobile slider and set fixed size
Добрый день, можно сделать отображение в мобильной версии текста у слайдера. Я знаю, что где-то в css надо что-то написать, но я не знаю язык верстки html и css
I just want to share my sollution for others. I had problem with plugin WooCommerce. There is a table at cart page, which is not rendering properly. To repair this, you just need to add CSS for custom table width.
Go to Appearance – Customize – Additional CSS
/* At WooCommerce cart repairing table width */
.wp-block-separator, th {
width: auto;
Hope it will save time to someone else!
I can’t seem to find the reason why my favicon is not showing up on Google SERP. I followed all the guidelines required by Google.
Some places say that it is not guaranteed that Google must display my favicon. Is that true?
]]>How do I move the copyright text so that it is in the middle, which was previously on the left, thank you.
]]>The primary menu icon for the mobile view is very small and obscure… how can I make it appear better for visitors?