I am having such troubles with uploading media into a post on my website after the new update. It may let me add a few images but then it can not save and returns the JSON error on my WordPress admin dashboard and then crashes my whole front end site with page 502 showing. I then wait approx 20 minutes and my website is back up again.
I have checked in my host (cloudways) and also Cloudflare and neither can find an issue on their end. I have done a plugin conflict, uped the memory limit value in PHP, checked my htaccess file and Apache permissions, and changed cron job time. Oh and i have also reverted back to just using the classic editor but still the same issues.
What else could be happening here please, it has only been happening since the last wordpress update and for about 4 days…
Thanks so much in advance,
Warning: Declaration of WPDI_Plugin_Installer_Skin::feedback($string) should be compatible with WP_Upgrader_Skin::feedback($string, …$args) in /home1/**mysite**/public_html/wp-content/plugins/classic-editor-addon/vendor/afragen/wp-dependency-installer/wp-dependency-installer.php on line 526
With 5+ million installs, will you be issuing an update today?
Or can you offer a solution so I can login to the cPanel and update a file?
Fingers are crossed.
]]>Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wpseo_invalidate_sitemap_cache() in /vagrant/public/wp-content/plugins/wpseo-news/classes/class-sitemap.php:64 Stack trace: #0 /vagrant/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): WPSEO_News_Sitemap->invalidate_sitemap(35001) #1 /vagrant/public/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #2 /vagrant/public/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /vagrant/public/wp-includes/post.php(3747): do_action(‘save_post’, 35001, Object(WP_Post), false) #4 /vagrant/public/wp-admin/includes/post.php(628): wp_insert_post(Array) #5 /vagrant/public/wp-admin/post-new.php(70): get_default_post_to_edit(‘post’, true) #6 {main} thrown in /vagrant/public/wp-content/plugins/wpseo-news/classes/class-sitemap.php on line 64
Thanks a lot
]]>Im not at all an experienced web builder, but I’m in charge of my sportsclubs website now since the last webmaster quit. I’m having some trouble with adding read more tags to my latest posts. (www.kcdoorn.nl)
I’ve not encountered this problem before, but since today when I add a read more tag to a post and press save it goes to a 404 page. Though when I take out the tag I can change and save anything I want like normal. The problem only occurs with the read more tag.
If you check my homepage you’ll see its quite important tot use those tags to keep the site tidy.
Any ideas what is going wrong?
EDIT: I just tried to go to the settings of the element that loads the posts. There I changed the settings to it automatically cuts the posts shorts and adds a read more tag. But here also I coudn’t save the changes… Translated error: “Failed to save, something went wrong while saving your page. There might be multiple causes…”
]]><a href="...">...</a>"
) when I update it, I’m sent to the 404 “Page not Found” page, and the post is NOT saved. Here’s a video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OQZ9k5f_jxbxsT4SEyD-pH28FSIMoQlT/view.
I added some debug code to wp-admin/post.php
to see if it’s getting called when the POST request is sent, and it isn’t. The request is somehow going to index.php, and there’s no URL rewrite for that, so it becomes a 404.
I was suspicious that the plugin “Auto Affiliate Links” was the culprit (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-auto-affiliate-links/), because it changes hyperlinks to be affiliate links, and was having some error. But the error still happens when after I’ve deactivated the plugin.
In fact, I temporarily switched the site to a use a fresh DB (all default settings), with default (twenty seventeen) theme, NO plugins active, and I still get the same problem. However, when I copied the directory containing WordPress’ files to a local copy (running VVV), I did not get the issue.
So it seems very unlikely that it’s a plugin causing the issue, because the issue persists with all plugins deactivated, and even on a fresh DB (so they couldn’t have changed something in the database). The only way a plugin could be the culprit would be if they changed WP core FILES, right? But if that were the case, I would have expected to reproduce the issue when using those same files on my local VVV site. Right?
I don’t think it’s a WP configuration issue because I get the same issue on a fresh install of WP.
I was suspcious that maybe it was a .htaccess issue, but here’s my vanilla htaccess file:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
Looks pretty regular, right?
The last possibility, I think, is the hosting company, uniserve (https://www.uniserve.com/) has something running on the webserver that’s intercepting the request for /wp-admin/post.php and instead sending it to /index.php, but only when the post content has a hyperlink in it. Maybe it’s an attempt at blocking some spammers from creating posts with backlinks to their site or something.
]]>This issue started yesterday and I can’t figure out why.
When I’m in Wordress (not my website) in All Posts and type in a keyword to try and find a particular post, I hit Enter and it just goes back to the same list of all posts. Doesn’t matter what keyword I type, all posts comes back, not any in particular.
Second issue – when I’ve finished a new Post and click Save Draft, it comes back with a totally blank post – as if everything has been deleted and not saved. When I go back into All Posts though, it HAS saved.
I haven’t installed any new plugins in the last few days, I have the updated version of WP and it’s coming up with the issue on Google Chrome and IE.
Any suggestions welcome please as this is really annoying!
]]>1. I am able to login to these sites on my iMac, using my username and password.
2. I am able to create a post in these sites.
3. When I add any content to the post, such as writing to the body, titles, tags, SEO information, I either timeout of my connection from WordPress, or my page loads until eventually I received a “501 Method Not Implemented” error. The full message reads:
“Method Not Implemented. GET to /wp-admin/post.php not supported. Additionally, a 501 Method Not Implemented error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”
4. I also received errors when trying to upload images to my content or selecting a feature image. The image error reads: “An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.”
I have done logs of online reading, including WordPress forum posts and tip sites that I find from Google Search. However, I have not been able to find a solution to my problems. These are actions that I have taken that were suggested but did not solve my errors:
– Deactivate all plugins.
– Switch to Twenty Fifteen theme.
– Clear browser cache and cookies.
– Reset I.P. address.
– Switch to a different wifi network.
– Try a different web browser.
As well, I am able to login to these WordPress accounts and save changes on my MacBook Pro, using the same internet connection that I use with my iMac. I know the problem is linked to my iMac, but I do not know how to solve it.
This has made it very difficult for me to add posts to these sites and to be an effective online writer. Any help and possible solutions are much appreciated. I am not a coder, so I don’t have any real knowledge of HTML and CSS. I use WordPress because it allows me to blog without any technical knowledge.
Thanks for your time.
]]>I have now this:
function save_details(){
global $post;
if($post->post_type == "booking") {
update_post_meta($post->ID,'numberSeats', "" . intval( $_POST['numberSeats'] ) );
And I want it to be something like:
function save_details(){
global $post;
if($post->post_type == "booking") {
update_post_meta($post->ID,'numberSeats', "" . intval( $_POST['numberSeats'] ) );
What sould I do to display an error message in this case instead of saving the post? Cann I display the already entered data as well?
]]>My client reports that when publishing a custom post type, that was previously saved as a draft, all the data in the custom meta boxes are lost. I can’t replicate the error, but I got him to switch to Chrome where the error still persists.
The fact that I can’t replicate the error(In any browser) makes this really hard to debug. I’m hoping some of you might have run into simmilar issues and know of a solution.
Here’s a pastebin of the PHP function that saves my meta data: https://pastebin.com/Y5zpmDCx
I’m running WordPress 3.3.1 on an Ubuntu cloud server.
Any feedback or help is greatly appreciated.