I have no idea why, but after publishing my most recent blog post, the “blog section” of the Fotogenic homepage is randomly inserting blanks every after every third blog post — but only when viewed full-screen. On mobile, there are no blanks. Nothing shows differently in the generated html–no divs in between the blog content divs. Anyone have any clue what’s up with this?
]]>Hello, when i use a plugin to create my child theme, it does not work correctly or at all.
I made changes to my site, such as the layout, photos, and when i activate the child theme, nothing is there.
I also tried to create my child theme myself and the problem is the same.
Are there any specifications for your theme to properly generate a child theme?
Thank you for your great theme.
I have a problem, i try to edit the “mt-custom-hooks.php” file to modify some elements like the_custom_logo(); but i have the impression that my modifications don’t change anything. Especially when i try to edit the fotogenic_site_branding part.
Is the logo generated by other wordpress files which take over?
I’m using this code inside my function.php file to add a second Logo.
function menushrink_logo_customize_register($wp_customize){
$wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Image_Control($wp_customize, 'menushrink_logo', array(
'label' => __('Menu Shrink Logo', 'store-front'),
'section' => 'title_tagline',
'settings' => 'menushrink_logo',
'priority' => 4,
add_action('customize_register', 'menushrink_logo_customize_register');
Now i need to add this new logo inside the “site-branding” part to be able to play with it with CSS (i want to have 2 logo). But i can’t make it works.
When i use someting like this inside the mt-custom-hooks.php” that’s not working.
$sticky_logo_url = get_theme_mod( 'menushrink_logo' );
if ($sticky_logo_url )
echo '<img src="'.$sticky_logo_url.'" alt = "logo alt test" class="custom-logo">';
]]>Hi There,
I’m a happy client for two years now but something that always bothers me and that I’d like to see resolved are 3 items:
1. The main landing page doensn’t load properly when opening on an iPhone.
The hero image section and the text that goes in the same section doesn’t overlap really well + there’s a grey area with no text that doesn’t belong there.
2. When opening a blog post on an iPhone or a tablet (Mac) the featured image is not loaded in a proper way as its completely out of proportion and not complete.
3. When opening the website on a tablet (Mac) the hero image, the image behind the testimonial section and the image behind the call to action section don’t load properly/ look good.
I would love it if you could resolve these issues and I’m looking forward to your reply.
Kindest regards,
Fenna Duin-Huizing
]]>Main image/ hero image is not visible when trying to load webpage on iPhone or iPad.
At desktop win and mac everything look ok. Also on android devices image is properly visible.
I am trying to get my footer to center on all of my pages. On mobile it looks ok, but in my web browser it is left justified.
I have tried using CSS to center align the text, which you can see is working if you compare it to the thin line above the text.
I have also removed any footer widgets from the theme customizer and it still will not move to the center of the page.
firstly, thank you very much for sharing this beautiful theme.
i,ve notice that some texts / menu overlap in the responsive version for cel phones.
the items that overlap are Subtitle / Main title (Hero Image Section) with Main Manu and Social Icons.
can you please help me?
thank you again for your help and for the great theme!
]]>The gallery is set in 3 columns, but it shows only 2.
All pics are shown but only in 2 columns. In the third there is just white.
In the admin-panel it look OK, it changes only in the frontend.
Firstly thank you for a really nice theme.
I’ve spent the last week setting it up & making it nice before I invest in the full theme.
All seems to be good except for three things.
1. The home page does not resize in a responsive manner and opens as a blurry section (see attached) how can this be added as additional css please to fix?
2. The gallery blog posts linked on the home page do not function well on an iPhone (and some other devices) in some cases it opens as a Lightbox image instead of going to the blog… is there any fix for this….
3. The testimonials scrolling on the home page; the posts do not seem to have a section to edit the ‘title’ for the client e.g. teacher / nurse, I can’t find where to edit this anywhere.
thank you again for a great theme.
do I have to install specific plugins to create one or more photo Galleries?