How can i set up the featured images on blog single post to not link to itself?
]]>My slider images on homepage disappeared after i was working around wanting to disable the search button on menu.
Now, while i have yet to be able to find out how to disable the search button that disturb the appearance of the last menu item, i have another issue – the slide image disappeared.
The wordpress theme i adopted is Engitech.
]]>Buenas tardes,
Tengo dos preguntas que no consigo resolver sobre este tema:
1. Estoy intentado editar el slider para aumentar los segundos entre la transici��n de una imagen y otra. He probado cambiando algunas l��neas del .css y no lo consigo, en que l��nea del c��digo se personaliza eso?
2. Tambi��n sobre el slider. He visto que hay varias opciones para pasar de una imagen a otra, pero quer��a preguntar c��mo podr��a pasar de izquierda a derecha las im��genes, ya que esa opci��n no la veo.
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda de antemano.
I want to know how can I change the order of the pages of the Slider. I’d created a new page and I can’t put it in the first place.
Sorry for my poor English.
I am unable to edit the text and few others on frontech theme home page. I have searched the wordpress support and found a related topic but that did not help. Kindly, help me to get over this issue at the earliest possible.
Here are the related details of the thread which is marked as RESOLVED.
==> Thread link:
==> That thread talks about this workaround but it did not help me.
ads97129 (@ads97129)
To fix this problem with wordpress 5.5, copy following code and paste into frontech theme function file :
if( is_admin() ){
add_action( 'wp_default_scripts', 'wp_default_custom_scripts' );
function wp_default_custom_scripts( $scripts ){
$scripts->add( 'wp-color-picker', "/wp-admin/js/color-picker.js", array( 'iris' ), false, 1 );
did_action( 'init' ) && $scripts->localize(
'clear' => __( 'Clear' ),
'clearAriaLabel' => __( 'Clear color' ),
'defaultString' => __( 'Default' ),
'defaultAriaLabel' => __( 'Select default color' ),
'pick' => __( 'Select Color' ),
'defaultLabel' => __( 'Color value' ),
is there a way to hide the button with css or some other way?.
picture below.
I need to remove the header and footer from specific pages.
As I am using elementor to edit the page, when I change it to elementor canvas then header and footer get removed by itself but facebook pixel code doesn’t work, and when I keep it elementor full width then only facebook pixel code works.
So, while keeping it elementor full width, how can I remove header and footer
so my facebook pixel can work easily.
I use the Frontech theme and I like it, but how can not be Infocard disabled when the top bar is disabled? Because practically when the top bar is active and the info card is active and similar too. But when the top bar is disabled, the contents of the Infocard should not be disabled. they have to do the opposite of each other. How can this be reached?
Also, your website link does not work.
thank you
Hello ,
I use Persian’s RTL language. In English and German, the fadeup section in slider option under customize , home section, slider works correctly, but in Persian it only moves normally and horizontally.
How do I fix this problem?
Thank you in advance
I need to migrate to the paid version of this template …
I’ve made the extra content section visible to add a Covid19 notice, but it only shows on my desktop browser. If a collegue looks at the site on their machine it is not showing, nor on my phone. I am baffled as to what I have missed?
Hi team,
The Home and Menu buttons on the headers do not display when the website is opened on mobile phone. The theme is otherwise doing fine.
Kindly resolve the issue and get many thanks. Else please suggest some alternate theme.
]]>I went to edit my home page and went to the WP menu Appearance/Customize and when the WP customizer opens I do not have any menu items below the header of “you are customizing your website name header. There is a widget button which says I have 4 widgets but this page does not display them and also a Need help button which takes me to the theme page which I can not find any help on.
Here is a picture of what I see.
Using the Frontech theme, in appearance – customize does not enable any option
already check the documentation and you should enable the options
can you help me
]]>Buen dia! ante todo muchas gracias..
Necesito agregar mas contenido a la pagina home, veo que “home” tiene 6 secciones definidas y necesitaria agregar una o dos mas que pudieran ser del mismo tipo de seccion que “extra content options”, he leido la documentacion pero hasta ahora no he conseguido como hacerlo! si pueden por favor indicarme como puedo agregar mas contenido a la pagina home de este sitio?
de ante mano muchas gracias
Good day,
The call to action button colour depends on the background colour, is it possible to choose my own colour for the button?
Hi. I��m very impressed with this theme. However, wonder if there is a way to remove frontech slide image and set my own Images from my PC??
Is it possible to remove the dots & arrows on the homepage slider?
]]>How can I move some individual menu items to the right? (E.g. Keep HOME, ABOUT, SERVICES on the left, But move REGISTER, LOGIN to the right?
]]>I am using the child theme for frontech and the service and portfolio home sections the theme comes with does not let me edit them. I want to be able to click the ��read more�� and ��more details�� button and be led to another page with corresponding information. Now, everytime I click the buttons, the screen just refreshes and goes to the home .
]]>Hi. I’m very impressed with this theme. However, wonder if there is a way to tweak the following:
1. Images across the theme, when clicked, display in a sort of lightbox. I would like to disable this as it is distracting.
2. The blog options section of the homepage is particularly prone to this lightbox effect, so I would like to disable it there, too.
Hope to hear from you soon.
]]>Hi there,
The “Our Services” portion of the homepage is broken stylistically. I am not sure how to manage this as the home page is not a “page”, per say. Any way to reset just this portion?
Thank you!
Dear support,
I have some pages made for slides but the link were added automatically at footer (bottom right corner).
May I know how can I hide those links from footer?
Thank you.
Dear support,
How can I modify or remove the footer?
There are “CONTACT INFO” “RECEENT POST” “ARCHIVES” “META” with black backgourd color at footer.
May I know how can I remove those items?
Thank you.
I am using the Frontech theme. How do I get rid of the (archives) and search feature on the side bar? And at the bottom of my page it shows all my pages? How do I make those 2 item go away? I have checked both sidebar menu’s and footer menu’s and I have removed all widgets. I cant figure this out. any help would be appreciated. Thank you. On some page I was able to expand the view to full page and it would hide the sidebar info, but not the footer and on some pages I can not get that trick to work. Help please.
]]>Hello Experts,
I have just installed frontech theme by webhunt, have done all but i am stucked in few areas, i do not know where can i edit or customise it.
1. Footer company addressand business hours.
2. The home page 2 headlines with readmore button
3. Footer Archive and recent post showing like empty widget.
4. Meta widget
5.All pages except home shows recent comments archive, categories and meta.
I have searched alot but could not find where they can be edited from, please someone guide me to complte my site
]]>Hello in basic setting can be “menu” button changed on three color. In basic is red. Can i change it to custom color, maybe blue or green?
Thank you.
is it possible to change every icon on “Our Service” and change it with our image / icon ?
]]>dear support,
how to create 5 columns in a row of our services?
i see only 4 maximum columns in custom panel.
Dear support,
May I know what makes the difference of the menu style?
Some looks like a button but some are not.
(“Home” and “Service” like a button with red background, but “Our Mission” “Contact Us” “Testing” are in black background.)
How can I make the appearance the same?
Thank you.