The website is at – all links work OK in all browsers on a PC or laptop.
In Chrome and Firefox on a Nexus 7 tablet, only the Home link works every time, About Us works sometimes, but Price List and Gallery don’t work at all.
In Chrome on a Nexus 4 phone, only the Home link works every time, About Us, Price List and Gallery don’t work at all. I’ve been told that it is the same on an iPhone.
I have given the menu links the highest z-index on the site. Any ideas, anyone?
]]>I have a parent page on my nav bar that has two child pages under it. When using mobile Safari for iOS (iPhone & iPad) I can tap on the parent page link in the nav bar, it will show the drop down for the two pages, but on the iPad it will just reload the parent page even if the child page it tapped unless I hold the link for the child page and then get the default iOS popup asking if I want to open the page in a new tab. If I select to open in a new tab, there are no issues and it opens up fine to the proper page, if I try and open in the same window, it just reloads the parent page. On the iPhone, it won’t do anything when I tap on one of the child pages from the nav menu.
If I open the site using Chrome on the iPad, everything works perfectly so it’s been narrowed down to just Mobile Safari.
I have no clue as to where to begin to add/change code to fix just this Mobile Safari issue. I’ve put some countless hours on getting the CSS tweaked just right for desktops and tablets so that I can launch the site to the public and this is really the only thing left as far as coding goes before I can launch. Any help would be greatly appreciated
]]>Is it possible to change the place of the title in post when using gallery format?
I want the title to be on the right of the image above the content in post and not above the image.
The H2 title in loop.php file.
I have to edit the loop.php file but what exactly??
Thanks in advance!
]]>how do i change the size of the content box i need it a little bigger to fit in phot gallery properly
thanks in foreword
On lines 92, 97 and 104 of style.css, add width statements. The widths I use here are custom so you may want to increase or decrease them to meet your needs. Especially if you customize the sidebar images as I have (notice the png’s I use) here at
.sidehead {
.sidebottom {
background-position:0px -43px;
.widget-container {
padding:0px 12px;
Happy hacking!
]]>If you have actually problems with a broken sidebar – try this:
look in your themes folder > wp-content/themes/futuristica/ >
and open styles.css > scroll to the line 103 > you will se this:
.widget-container {
padding:0px 16px;
make it look like this and your problem will be solved
.widget-container {
padding:0px 16px;
more support at our homepage crowthemes. Thanks!
]]>comments field fixed now. thanks.