After a wordpress-update all the portfolio-items are missing, also the portfolio-categories. How can I get them back?
]]>Где в настройках можно увеличить размер отображаемой отдельной страницы?
]]>Подскажите, как настроить share link с иконкой для ВКонтакте. Заранее спасибо
]]>Hi there,
I’ve been using GK Portfolio on my wordpress powered webspace and it seems there is no support available for it anymore.
Anybody got an idea which one could be a nice alternative. I’m after a minimal and clean look with a grid of images on the homepage.
GK Portfolio was great as it worked my new posts automatically into the grid, however, all alternatives I tried so far don’t seem to do it and most importantly, I don’t manage to find the image grid option in the first place.
Anybody any thoughts?
If i create a child theme and activate it, than the images are not visible at the index-page.
You just see the preloader-circle.
If i hover one of these blog-entry-images, it appears.
I use localhost at the moment.
]]>Как я могу изменить порядок записей на главной странице? Или поменять записи местами?
Hi there
Is it possible to get a transparent header & footer in order to show the background image in full?
Thank you for reply
]]>contents-galleryのphp<entry-summary>内の<Read mere>を消しても解消されません。
Hello! I really need your help please! ??
The featured Images (or Thumbnails) to my posts are not working anymore!
They just seem to be forever loading, but nothing happens. I can’t even click the images to follow the link to the posts!
This happened when I wanted to do a simple change in the functions.php (I read that tip on this forum, and now I know I made a grave mistake) a friend of mine could restore my webpage, but now the posts seem to be broken…
I would be very grateful if somebody could help me out fast T____T
thank you for your time.
can someone please tell me how to change the colour of a menu link when it was already visited? the fontcolour turns black and dissapears into the black background ?? i want to change the colour of the visited hyperlink or get rid of the colour change at all!
Hope somebody can help.
Please tell me how I can make footer bar slimmer.
Also, how can I change the footer area colour from white to black?
Hope that someone can help me out.
Thank you!
Is it possible to make style/design changes to a theme like the one im attaching?
When i say changes, i mean like:
– Adding more tabs, say like having 5 tabs in each row
– Placing the logo in the upper left hand side of the theme
– Edit the header area byy changing color etc.
Where can i place css code and what should that be?
Hi There,
For some reason my ‘Portfolio’ page thumbnails have gone blank.
They were OK earlier on, but suddenly went white. The only image in them now seems to be:
Hoping you can help,
Hi There,
Thanks so much for this free theme!
My tags and categories are displaying in the thumbnails on the portfolio pages (and I wish they wouldn’t, but I suppose adding CSS is the only way hide them?).
I’m not seeing them on the individual project pages. This is a feature that I really really want, in fact it’s one of the main reasons why I’m rebuilding my site in WordPress.
Is there a setting that I missed?
The Tag Cloud in the footer only seems to show (1) beside each tag, even though they’re used in lots of projects.
And I can’t see an option to display a cloud or list of categories anywhere.
Hoping someone can help ??
Hello and thank you for this beautiful theme! I love it! I need help in changing the tags/category in main page beneeth each entry, as they tend to show only the first word of the tag/category, appearently due to lack of space.
My second cuestion is how, when wanting to move to the next page, I change the words “page_from_” and “older post” to another (site is in spanish).
Thank you!
]]>I recently updated my wp and find there are extra spaces on the top and bottom of my vimeo videos. Finally, I found out there is something wrong with the theme itself as other themes seem work fine. When I paste the url of a vimeo video it automatically creates top and bottom paddings in the visual editor while Youtube videos don’t have this issue. I really like this theme and have used it for more than 2 years, please fix it as soon as possible. Thank you.
]]>Hi there,
I’ve set up the theme and I really like it. However, what I would like to be able to do is have my portfolio on the front page, and my blog on a different page.
I tried setting up a Gallery page: https://www.copydesk.co.uk/portfolio/
But when I change to have this as my front page, the images are huge/blurry and don’t rollover.
The only way I seem to be able to get the images looking normal is by creating a post page and posting it to the blog, but then all the other blog entries show up too.
Am I doing something wrong?
I have some problem with selecting items for the visibility conditions in the widgets: there seems to be a limit in the selectionbar, it shows only 250 taxonomy-items while I have more items.
How can I increase the number?
For some reason the images became enlarged and trimmed… They look blurry and only the center part of the image is shown, the rest is trimmed.
The same image is located inside each post, and they are not enlarged or trimmed there and also sharp.
It wasnt like that from the beginning, but I can’t find what changed
Please help
]]>I were desperate to change my font to Libre Baskerville and updated every font-family I could find on style.css to this one. Alas, my beloved social media icons have disappered leaving an empty shell behind.
It’s not only them. The search bar icon too.
After some research, I feel that since I’ve updated fontawesome to Libre Baskerville, that’s where the problem is.
How can I correct this?
I would like to pw the content of my post, but when I used WP’s default Visibilty : Password protected, it hides the featured image as well. This is not useful b/c then a user can not see that there is something to click on to then ask for the pw.
What would another way to hide the content, but still show the featured image?
I have a portfolio based on project-types and project-tags.
How do I change the title ‘blog archive’ into the variable title of either the project-type or project-tag?
First, excuse my por english. I’ll try to explain.
I like your theme but I failed to change one thing.
On inde page :
instead of the tags (here the countries) I’d like to put the date.
And I try any options, and nothing appear.
Is it possible someone to help me ?
Thank you
Is it possible to delete the header in this template? Or to make sure the header is nog visible anymore?
]]>Hello everybody,
Please have a look at https://www.luukvogelzang.nl.
In the header you see the title which contains the name of the author, i want to place an image over there, if it’s possible a background image in the place above the navigation menu. Anyone familliar with this?
I LOVE GK Portfolio with the exception of one thing: when I post anything to Facebook, whether I do it manually by pasting the link or using Jetpack Publicize, the post appears in Facebook with an ugly “caption id=……” blurb instead of the first paragraph of my post. How do I fix this? I can’t post to my Facebook page anymore because of this and I really would like to.
]]>On posts is there a way to get the title, the date, and the categories to be centered below the image?
]]>Hi There,
I really like the look of this theme.. Thank you!
Just wondering, when using the latest Post Frontpage, is there anyway to add a mouseover image together with the Post title and excerpt showing when hovering over the feature image? Please see
… something like what this plugin does on this sample page
Thank you!