Well Hello there.
When the site goes to mobile view the header image shrinks quite a bit, infact, it shrinks to much I think.
How do I control the size of the header image in mobile view?
I want it t take up a much bigger space left of to the hamburger menu.
I′m guessing with some css wizardy?
Also, if I want to keep the original menu when I go to mobile view, how would I do that?
First, i really love this theme.
To make it almost perfect, i’d like to add a google search bar, in the header, under site slogan.
Is there any way to do this ?
Thanx a lot !
How can i turn off menu on mobile view please ? I’d like to use WP Responsive Mobile Menu instead…
Thanx a lot !
]]>Hi, really love the elegance and simplicity of this theme.
I would like to change menu items so that the words are a little bigger and lighter in color – where would I do that?
Thank you!
]]>I need to move my logo from center position to the left side of the header- anyone know how to do this?
Any recommendations on what to use to create drop downs from the main nav showing the topics of other pages?
]]>Dear support, I’ve faced the issue with one web. The spaces between menu bar, the entry title and the content, are enormous huge. How to reduce them ?
Also, want to change the a:hover and a:active colors, but didn’t found where to change it. Can you , please, advice me with that?
]]>How do I remove the menu bar at the top?
I don’t want a menu, but it keeps showing up.
I’ve been at this for more than a week.
The menu just keeps coming back.
Any ideas?
]]>I know this has been asked before, but I haven’t seen an answer or solution. I love this theme but the menu items and submenu items appear in one LONG list on the mobile menu version. This makes it much harder to find the pages you are looking for. Is there a fix? I really hope there is!
]]>Visual composer is not functioning because the plugin needs an update that you can’t get unless you buy it, but since it came with the Gravit theme it should be updated by the theme maker. Please advise.
I am using a child theme of Gravit, but I get the following problem even with the stock theme.
When I try to embed a Mailchimp form (either using HTML or the Mailchimp plugin) the radio buttons and checkboxes in the form don’t display. They display if I use the default WP theme. I assume I just need to change something in CSS, but I’m not sure what. Please help!
A sample page is at: https://utopiasolutions.pw/join/
Thanks very much!
]]>Has anyone got any ideas on this?
On the full site I have created a nice structure to have pages in the main menu fall under sub-menus. However, on the mobile version is is a complete mess with all of these pages appearing in a disorganised way in the main menu.
Any advice on tidying up this or is there such thing as good sub-menu plugin?
As it stands and I am creating Pages make menu categories and putting the actual content page beneath these category pages in the structure.
how I can make the entire header stay fixed while I am scrolling the page:
here is the sample link
How can I change the current mobile menu icon from Red?
I have changed it within the style sheet but this !important part seems to over-ride it, and I cannot find where to change this:
#menu-toggle {
color: #EF3636!important;
Any help on changing this colour?
I changed the menu toggle element colour in the stylesheet but I think it will not work because of the !important part?
Thanks for any help!
I love how the gravit try site looks! I would love to make full width images like that on my site :
I am just learning and would love to be pointed in the right direction. Is it a setting in the theme? or can someone send me a CSS snippet?
Hello again folks – one important question for the identity of my site: how can I change the colour of the title for each post? I see ‘Site Title Text Color’ as an option in customization, but this doesn’t seem to do anything as far as I can see. As my site is called The Red Word it would be great if I could find a way to make each post title a single, red word…
Thanks for the help,
A (:
]]>Hi there – I’m just getting to know this theme and am rather fond of it already. One thing I’d like to do is make my own header with the same font as the Gravit logo – does anyone know which font was used for this? Seems a simple thing but I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Andy (:
]]>I can’t get the content on my pages to be truly centered. The About page and Contact page content are both shifted oddly to the left.
]]>Hello, I would like to know if there is an easy way to make the site tagline split into two lines by default. Right now it just fits the width of the div. Here is the site I would like to alter https://www.abigailbay.com/
can use child themes but other options are preferable.
]]>Is there an option to show breadcrumbs with this theme?
]]>Hi —
I’m very new to this but I’m trying to figure out how to adjust the width of my content on every page, or increasing my margins. I’d love to be able to do this in the Custom CSS part in the appearance menu, as I haven’t ventured into child themes yet. Any help out there? I would show you, but my site isn’t live yet..
Thanks -Jenny
]]>Hi there, love the theme.
I would like to change my font on the menu bar. All I have is a TTF file, I noticed there are different formats in the fonts directory.
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>On my WordPress admin site, I’ve not been able to find this theme listed. How do I add this theme to my site?
Is there a way to move the main photo/logo on the home page next to the menu bar? My menu bar happens to be at the top of the page, so I’d like the logo to be on the left side of that. Here’s my site so you can see what I mean https://www.southstreetmarketing.com
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you,
]]>Hi there!
I am blogging with this theme and even I have stated I want to have displayed only “excerpts” of the posts through “Settings” and “Reading”, I keep on getting the full length text.
Does this theme support the post excerpts? Or is there something extra i should be doing?
I have another site with another theme and post excerpts appear withouth any problem when I change the settings in “Reading”.
I would love to know why is this not happening now with Gravit and if there is a way I could make it happen, I would love to hear!
Thanks a lot in advance,
]]>Gravit says that it supports different post types such as an aside but there’s no option for that when I post. How do I get to any post type other than the normal post with the pushpin icon.
]]>Hi there,
new person here.
So I am trying to add a sidebar to my archives page (and archives php file)— link at: https://www.talipurkerson.com/category/blog)
The code I’m working to put the side bar on the categories page is:
(<div id=”sidebar”>
<?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Sidebar-2’) ) : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
however, I am having trouble figuring out where to put it in the archive php file. Anywhere I put it it messes up the rest of the page.(and it doesn’t go over top of the categories like it does pages and posts)- it just divides them or pushes everything wayy down on the page- is there a way to balance it so it is on the side of the posts and not above or below the posts(you can see the link for a reference if you scroll down)
Any suggestions? Thank you so much in advance!
Thanks again and cheers!
]]>Hi There,
New person here:
In the gravit theme I am working in- I can get my sidebar to show up in my pages and posts but not when I go to archives (www.talipurkerson.com/category/blog)
Anyone know a snippet of code I can add to either my php files or CSS file that will make the side bar on the right appear in the archives or category page?
Thanks so much in advance!
Cheers and best
]]>Hi there! New person here (and new at all of this!)
I am looking to learn how to make my right hand side bar visible in my blogroll area (it was recently visible but I can’t figure out what I did to change it) The sidebar no longer appears When I go to https://www.talipurkerson.com/category/blog/
not sure if I need to change that in a PHP file for the posts or if its changeable in CSS? and what exactly I should place there to get it to pop up again (as it does pop up in all of the pages)
(it is called sidebar a)
Any help would be much appreciated in advance! thank you so much.
]]>Hoping someone can help me… I’m trying to get my sidebar from https://www.thehomesproject.ca to appear on the side of the site, and not the footer. I’m aware the theme is one column (i’m aware now I mean, now that I looked into it after the install. Doh!). I’m wondering if there’s any way to change this or update it to a two column? I basically just want a Facebook feed on the right sidebar… any help would be so amazingly appreciated.
]]>I want to change the “home” text in the home of the blog