Warning: Illegal string offset ‘type’ in /***/****/***/***/wp-content/themes/greyzed/functions.php on line 118
]]>This theme hasn’t been updated in forever. Do you have any interest in handing it off to someone else to support?
]]>my name, jonathan chartrand, appears in red just above my navigation bar at the very top of the header banner. I want to remove it, how do I do that?
following various problems i can find via google, this theme seems not be be usable with a second level navigation: only the depth 1 is visible. no dropdown like we find in the wordpress.com hosted version.
is there a workarround for that?
]]>Hello! My site is here: https://blog.enslain.net/ but it’s actually hosted here: https://www.ladyenslain.net/blog.
The problem I’m having is, at the top, where it says “stay updated via rss or email”, both of the links go the 2nd address… and neither link goes to a RSS feed page or an e-mail page. How can I fix these two links?
Additionally, on the bottom of the front page, the “older entries” tries taking you to a URL that doesn’t exist, since the blog is not actually hosted at blog.enslain.net. How can I change this link to one that actually works?
Any help is much appreciated!
]]>I am using the blog subscriptions widget in my side bar that is part of jetpack. To sign up the text says “Enter you email address to subscribe to updates” which looks fine but once a person enters their email the text changes to “An email was just sent to confirm your subscription. Please find the email now and click activate to start subscribing.” The problem then is that the background behind this texts turns to a light yellow color and the text is unreadable. Is there a way to change this background color is an option somewhere or with the css. my blog criggers.com
]]>Love this theme but have a questions about the background image, hopefully someone can help. The background image and the content boxes line up perfectly as long as the browser is wide enough. If the browser is too narrow then the background and the content box do not line up anymore. These are not lined up if looking at the site on an ipad. Is there anyway to fix this? My site is criggers.com , thanks.
]]>Hiya folks. Having issues with the side bar shifting from the left to right when ‘shop’ and products are displayed. Normally it wouldn’t matter but it messes with the textured image on greyzed. I’m using Jigoshop for ecommerce. Obviously there’s an issue between the two but love the both of them so want them to co-exist in peace. Also when viewing the products the amount of spacing from the text ‘products’, ‘t-shirts’ etc. is massive and the images are squashed to the left even though it is ‘centered’ in settings. Spent hours trying to sort this and it’s proper doing my head in. It will probably be something simple,no doubt, and I shall feel like a thicko!! Any help greatly appreciated – cheers ?? https://www.coshvomit.com
]]>I’m using the Greyzed WordPress Theme and I struggle turning the default 1 column blog posts on the homepage into 2 columns (2 blog posts next to each other.