Hey there!
Really love the theme. Thanks for making it.
Have been using it for various sites of mine and just noticed that the layout breaks for posts containing a lot of content / images.
Any idea what the problem might be?
Thanks for looking into it.
]]>So, under other themes, I had a custom [previous_years_post_list]
shortcode I used on the front page, under the list of the ten most recent posts.
For some reason, the shortcode is not running on the Front Page template when I use the Hey theme. I can’t quite figure out why. Actually, I can’t get it to work on the posts/archive page either.
Other custom shortcodes are working in other templates just fine. But I can’t seem to get this one shortcode to generate output despite it working “out of the box” under other themes.
]]>So, the defaults on this theme are pretty ridiculously tiny, whether viewing it on desktop or mobile (I mean just look.). As near as I can tell, all the sizes are calculated based upon a “base” size of 16px, is that right? Is there some way to alter that 16px to something else, thereby impacting the sizes down the line calculated from that? Thanks.
ETA: I realize this is a somewhat ironic thing to say here where the font-size is even smaller than Hey’s.
So, I don’t currently have this site anywhere except a local install, but if I put Header Wide on the Front Page, at desktop/laptop browser widths it behaves the same as on Single.
But, if I narrow the browser width (or use the Mobile view in the editor), Header Wide has more left/white whitespace than it does on Single. I’m imagining it has something to do with Front Page being a Cover, but I’m not really sure.
Thoughts or suggestions greatly appreciated, esp. any tips on how to make it behave the same as on Single. Thanks!
]]>Block theme/style/customize thing gives me a major headache. Anyone ported this theme to a non-blocks version?