Hi Highstarter Support
Since several days the product discription and the add to cart button does not display on the product page.
Now I have activated the default Theme Twenty Twenty Four and it works, do you have an idea why?
Thank you very much for your support in advance.
Best regards
Need to remove tags & categories on my blog. Installed Theme Highstarer
Tried with css, but it is not working.
Can anybody help me?
]]>Hi Atanas
I have a client running your theme and now she likes to add an online store. Is the theme woocommerce ready? Thank you for your help in advance. Best regards, Beatrice
]]>Hi Atanas,
Looking at other Highstarter websites I noticed that, when scrolling down the page, the header image is sliding. On my site it doesn’t do that. How can I get my header image sliding?
Regards, Thom
]]>How to to open the footer links in a new tab of the webbrowser? Theme Highstarter has two links in the footer: “Designed by Atanas Yonkov” and “Powered by WordPress”. These links open in the same tab of the browser. By e-mail I asked the designer if it was possible to change this in a way that the links open in a new browser tab. Within 1 day he answered with the following solution:
Yes, it is definitely possible. You can do that with a few lines of javascript. For this, you first need to install the Simple Custom CSS and JS plugin and then add the following script:
document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() {
e.setAttribute(‘target’, ‘_blank’);
e.setAttribute(‘rel’, ‘noopener’);
This will open the footer links in a new tab.
And it works!!
Thanks a lot Atanas!
I love how clean and simple this theme is, but the site I’m building needs to be dark. Is there a way to force it to default to dark mode please? I could probably do it and hide the button with javascript trickery but I’m hoping there’s a better way.
Thanks in advance ??
it seemes, that the theme “highstarter” includes breadcrumb navigation. But so far I wasn′t able to include it properly. Our website is kind of a travel diary. the pages should be associated to at least one continent, sometimes also to a certain country. For example the page “Kerala” is associated to “Asia” and “India”. but the breadcrumb on the page shows just “Home” and “Kerala”.
What do I have to do?
Thanks in advance
]]>Hows it going, in need of some help, where in the theme editor source for Highstarter would I be able to modify to have the header image only display on the home page? or to have different header images per page?