FYI I see the following deprecated function warnings in “functions.php” for JBST 2.1.0 in WP 4.5:
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in jbst_Menu_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use __construct() instead. in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3722
and this one:
Notice: get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3662
Hi Bass,
I asked about this a while back, but I forgot to follow-up. See: Background image not displaying at:
I am still not able to get the background image to work. I tried deleting cookies and cache, restarting the browser, and all the various settings on the Customize page. My blog is:
https://www.PTSD exams.com
You had asked me if the image showed in the Preview. I think I misunderstood your question. I can see the image within the Customize section on the left, but not in the website itself to the right. Screenshot is here:
I got the image from Wikimedia Commons:
I can see the image in my wp-content/uploads/* folder when I look at it from cPanel.
When I right-click on the image within the Customize section, it gives this URL:
Any ideas?
]]>I have 2 questions first:
When i change my site from http to https the only font that i can use is “Helvetica Neue” I know that the font is http hardcoded but where, how i edit it to keep using the others fonts.
?How i add new fonts to the JBST theme font selector?
Thats all thanks.
]]>Why does come up a warning for an unsafe page in Firefox when I want to look at the JBST website?
Since yesterday (installation of WP 4.1.2) i am experimenting important display bug here (using Firefox only) : https://www.idweblogs.com/
For me, only the header menu bar is displayed, nothing else on page.
Don’t know if it comes from your theme or WP new 4.1.2…
Any idea ?
Thank you very much!
]]>First, thank you for building such an awesome theme. I’ve been searching for days for the right theme and I finally found yours!
So my question is . . . is there a way to display the user’s avatar on the account/login button on the nav bar? Thank you so much.
]]>Have no problems with the page layouts offered by default. However, for the layouts with right/left sidebars, I would like to have an empty column between the content and the sidebar, like:
col-md-8 col-md-1 col-md-3 OR col-md-3 col-md-1 col-md-8
Any guidance appreciated. Thanks!
Don’t want to break my JBST theme by writing worthless code. Could you advise how to set a theme header so I can display the Site’s name and description within a Header, with a Background Image?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Have 1pxdeep setup in a child theme but can’t figure out how to include it in the parent theme. Please advise.
BTW, excellent work with JBST.
]]>I’m having trouble finding the CSS that sets the font size for quotes in blog posts. Currently, the font size for quotes is much larger than for the regular text. If you can provide that part of the CSS, I can then change it via the theme editor.
Thank you,
]]>Hi there,
I was about to purchase that framework and thought better read all the comments first. and I am glad I did. I was only going to buy it to test it on the new plugin we are building that takes the frameworks to a whole new level. Now when I see the description on this theme it mentions to use it as a framework.
Does this theme have action hooks built in already? If so I will like to add support for it. And if you have a list of action hooks used (only if it includes action hooks) would you mind sending through. I will add it to the plugin array of supported themes.
All the best
]]>I install JBST and go make to the “manage themes” page. On that page I get a “white screen of death” (as my host calls it). That means going to my cpanel, then to files, and then on down to content/themes where I can delete JBST. That puts things right.
Something about your theme does not agree with Host Monster, who host my site. Please get in touch and find out what the problem is.
]]>I uploaded a background image but it is not displaying (not showing). I have tried various dimensions, the original was huge, 4491×3361, so I tried 782×585, and 750×561, but neither of those worked.
I also tried various settings, e.g., Repeat, Repeat Vertically, No Repeat, Fixed, Scroll, in different combinations, but that did not help.
What should I do?
My site is https://ptsdexams.com
I created a child theme, which seems to be working well for everything else.
I really like the theme. :O)
Thank you!
P.S. You should put a PayPal Donate button on your websites and join Flatrr (microdonation service), so happy customers can send you some cash. ;0)
]]>Hi Bass,
I have an older version of php (most probably php2.0). It is outside of my control to update the php version.
I had a problem already solved in this thread:
I replaced the JBST theme files as per your suggestion. I now encounter the following message:
/wp-content/themes/jbst/functions/comments-functions.php on line 15
Would you be able to help please?
I also run the framework on another site (with up-to-date php version) and so far am very happy with it! Thank you.
I set the logout in the navigation bar to redirect. Now it won’t let me log in to my own site.
Where is the redirect function located and how to I disable it via ftp?
]]>In the “shipping and handling” section of woo’s checkout page, the radio buttons and shipping method text overlap each other.
I feel certain this is a CSS issue only, as it displays the same when using my own, rather lame, bootstrap based theme… any boostrap based theme I’ve tried, does the same thing.
It’s under the ‘ul id”shipping_method’ but, I’m unable to sort this out.
Is the theme author aware of this? And, any advice on it?
Thanks in advance.
PS. FWIW, the layout works beautifully in twentytwelve. But, twentytwelve doesn’t use bootstrap.
]]>i’ve been trying to get rid of “pretty links” on my pages when i print; basically, i don’t want any parenthesized url links to show up next to the underlined link and have tried to do the “@media print…” — no success–there are so many css within a plugin, a theme, etc that I don’t know where or which one actually controls the printer friendly css. i’ve even tried to delete all references to “a[href]…” but all it does is either render the site with no styling. need help. thank you.
I updated to JBST theme version 2.1.0 (with WP 3.9.0) and I went to “Appearance > Customize” and under the “Blog Settings” option I have chosen Content in both “Display posts main page” and “Display posts search results” (the default was Excerpt).
The result is as expected in the main page and search results and the post Content is displayed, but when I go to a tag display page (https://localhost/?tag=MyTag1), the Excerpt is displayed. How can I have Content displayed here on tag pages too? Generally I would like the Content to always display and never the Excerpt.
]]>Hi, I have much table data in my posts I and would like the <table> rendering to persist in the posts listed on the front page. How can this be enabled? Is there an theme option to enable this? Currently the <table> rendering in posts on the home page is removed and the text in the <table> is displayed as a single unstructured string. <table> data in a post is rendered as such when a single post is displayed.
]]>Hello, I’d like the widgets to be on the left side of the page and not the right side. I do not see an option to make this change on the theme’s Customize list. How can this be done?
How can remove the menu button appearing in the top right corner when resizing down the window (especially on tablets and mobiles) ?
I would like to preserve previous behavior with standard menu.
Is this possible ?
Thank you!
]]>|Hi, I have been making bususersoxford.org (which is currently sat on an old domain at https://www.raildisruptions.co.uk), I have no widgets at all set in the theme, but the posts page still shows the Archives and Meta widgets. Are they specifically hard-coded into that page?
I am the new official bug reporter ??
There another problem, i have both on Chrome and Firefox at least : i need to login twice before my name appears on the connexion button and i am really logged in.
Any problem of this kind on your side ?
Thank you again
It’s me again, with another problem (well, this is not a bug on your theme), i try to make the footer sticky, as described here : https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/sticky-footer/
It kind of works, the footer gets sticky, but there is a problem somewhere with the sizes, because the footer becomes hidden in the bottom (we have to scroll a bit the browser towards the bottom in order to make the footer appear).
If you have any idea, or if you already made it… thanks you very much !
I am using your fantastic theme (v 2.0.5), but it seems i cannot upload my logo image in the customization panel.
It simply does nothing : when i click “Select a file…”, it opens a file chooser window, but opening a file does nothing.
Alternatively, if i drag and drop a file, nothing occurs.
Can you please help ?
Thank you very much
Every time I go to my registration page, I get this.
The text shows but not the actual form. When I switch to other themes the registration form shows.