When you click select options, it should give you the option to select small, medium, large, extra large, 2xl, 3xl or 4xl, but it shows blank when you click it. If I change the theme, it works fine. Any ideas?
]]>How to make navigation tabs in menu automaticaly close, while another is active? List of subpages is long, and Jetblack menu on mobile is really uncomfortable to use. For example – You open “Start”, then it expands to another 5 subpages, You click another “Start-level button” which expands for another elements, while the previuos still active…
I want that thing to work only on mobile version of site.
I find that when I enable the name and header title on the home page that it appears in the top left corner but the same words are in the middle of the top photo! When I disable that feature, it remains in the middle of the photo. How do I remove the middle duplicate wording in the middle of the photo?
Also, is there a way to change the black space between the bottom of the photo and the posts? It’s large and of no use.
]]>I have two image headers, a link to a YouTube video and a static photo. I notice that the static photo appears for a quarter second before the YouTube video is displayed. Is there a way of timing the transition?
]]>I added a link to a YouTube video under Header Media, as the theme failed to use an uploaded .mp4. The problem is the video plays without sound. Ideas?
]]>Slider Text on earth photo on homepage comes up correctly in edit, does not come up high enough to see full text live on site opening or landing page. Both Photos are the same size
Od niedawna korzystam z motywu JetBlack Pro i mam problem z ustawieniem obrazka w nag?ówku. Chodzi o to ,?e mam stworzone strony w moim menu i chcia?bym, aby ka?da z nich mia?a inny obrazek w nag?ówku. Jedyne co uda?o mi si? osi?gn?? to zmiana obrazka w nag?ówku za pomoc? obrazka wyró?niaj?cego, ale jestem pewien, ?e mo?na to zrobi? w inny sposób. Mo?e kto? mia? podobny problem i wie jak go rozwi?za?. Jestem pocz?tkuj?cy je?li chodzi o wordpressa. Je?li macie jakie? pytania odno?nie tego co napisa?em to piszcie a ja odpowiem, bo zale?y mi na tym, ?eby strona dobrze funkcjonowa?a.
B?d? wdzi?czny za ka?d? pomoc
Wojciech Marczewski
after i clicked pages>all pages> contact to edit the Contact page (Jet Black Theme), i only see all white when the page opens. thanks for any help on this.
Slider come with theme is not moving.
If i can get your help in this matter
Before you begin, make sure all the required plugins are activated is shown at the top of this page, but I can’t find which plugins are required!
Whichever theme I import it always returns Error: parsererror (200)
]]>This forum is not monitored on a daily basis, so for faster help, please submit your ticket at https://www.fireflythemes.com/support
FF Multipurpose is an actively supported theme. If you encounter any issues or have any question, we will be more than happy to help you out.
Documentation for the theme is at https://www.fireflythemes.com/documentation/jetblack
If going through the documentation does not solve your issue, feel free to add a ticket for our support team.