I have Anchor link on the navigation menu and inner page as well. It works well in the same page, but the issue arises on the inner page, when the user wants to come back to home page where anchor link is.
I have mentioned #how_it_works in the “Menus”
Please make a solution.
]]>With the update to 5.5 the mobile menu now appears in the menu box on the desktop site and does not appear on the mobile version. I have verified that it was fine in 5.4 and the problem starts when you update to 5.5 with no other changes to the site.
]]>This looks like a bug in the kage and kage green theme
When I add sub-items to the home menue there will be a box opening by moving the mouse over. Unluckily the position is worong. The main content are ends on the red line in the picture. on my iPad vor example everything on the right site of the red line will not be i the visible are. the pop-up menue needs to be on teh left site of the line
Heres the picture: https://sven-esser.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/homemenu.jpg
Anyone an idea how to position it? I tried so many things in th css file… without luck
I am trying to set a static home page, but it won’t use the desired page. site home page is https://www.pbdigest.com/test and the desired home page is https://www.pbdigest.com/test/feeds. When I set the static page to /feeds it redirect back to the “home” page that doesn’t work…
any thoughts?
]]>How do I install a favicon in kage without using a plugin?
]]>Hi, I wonder how I eliminate comments boxes from pages, posts etc. Any help is welcome.
]]>I have installed the plugin CodeStyling Localization and it say me that the theme have this error:
Scripting Guard – hardening against plugin/theme based malformed script injections
Some authors of plugins and themes does not care about how they attach javascripts into WordPress backend pages. They pollute pages from other plugins with their own script code and damage the proper function of those plugins.
The plugin Codestyling Localization introduced a high sophisticated inject detection and will show error messages, if themes or plugins try to inject their own scripts into this plugin pages. Furthermore all embedded scripts will be safe guarded and traced in case they will raise runtime exceptions. Doing so this plugin protects itself of malfunction caused by 3rd party plugin/theme authors. This will ensure the correct behavoir for this page, but expect at other backend pages malfunctioning code, because this is a global issue.
CDN – Javascripts loaded using Content Delivery Networks instead of WordPress provide files
Some Blog owner decide to replace the location where the Javascripts will be loaded from by using a Plugin. In normal cases this should work proper but sometimes WordPress includes versions of Scripts not yet hosted at CDN provider. The Guard will threat CDN usage as warning and checks if all files can be load from CDN. If not possible to load at least one file, additionally an error message will be issued to show, that this page will not work as expected.
What can I do, if I get this protection message alert?
If your Installation has this kind of problems, please contact the author of theme or plugin(s) which inject their script code either accidentally or intentionally (click message details). He/she must repair the affected theme/plugin to play nicely with other plugins at WordPress backend and/or restrict its scripts to the 3rd party theme/plugin pages only.
Theme & Plugin Authors – exclusion from Guard for developers
You may have written a Plugin or Theme that requires scripts at all pages but play nicely at backend pages. In those cases please send me an email with your repository link. I will check this Plugin or Theme and exclude it from trace, if the test will show, that it is working well.
Can anybody help me ? Thanks
I would like to add my revolution slider to the home page but I don’t know how to do it.
I’m basically replacing the “top image” of the theme with the slider.
Can you please tell me how to do it?
Thank you
I love this theme so I’m excited to implement it, but for some reason when I try to make changes to the theme using the ‘theme options’ button, nothing happens (yes, I remembered to hit save). I got the header logo text to show up but the top image, box titles, links, nothing else comes through. Is this a problem with me, the theme, or wordpress? Advice would be appreciated.