Prosz? o pomoc w problemie z któym nie mog? sobie poradzi?. Otó? za ka?dym razem kiedy wstawi? nowy wpis i zapisz? obrazek wyró?niaj?cy ten wpis, to ten obrazek samoczynnie, po paru godzinach od zapisania, znika z postu. Powtórna próba umieszczenia go na swoim miejscu jest niepowodzeniem. Musz? wtedy od nowa pobra? inny obrazek, dostosowa? jego wielko?? i zapisa? (wtedy jeszcze daje si? zapisa?), ale po paru godzinach znika ponownie i ten obrazek. Nie umiem sobie poradzi? z tym problemem. Prosz? o pomoc ([email protected]).
]]>On the desktop version the content of each page begins directly under the top navigation menu, but on the mobile version, there’s quite a bit of space between the top navigation menu and the page content. Is there a way to snug it up to the navigation bar? Is the space a placeholder in case of using an image on the page that could be removed?
]]>when I change it to static page it does not solve my problem so if there is css code to remove it please share it.
]]>i recently downloaded and activated the klean theme,and all was good until i noticed that all the thumbnails on the homepage were of differnt sizes and this gave a very bad look to it.
can someone help
This was disappointing.
Nice looking theme, nice header image in the demo, but when the theme installed and set to use a static home page, the header image does not show.
When I switched back to recent posts for the front home page, the header image appears.
Is there a setting somewhere that will allow this theme to show the header image when using Static home page? – or is this a template modification to make this work?
Is it possible move the menu from the top to the left side(header?) of all pages?
thanks in advance!
]]>Im trying to change the overlay of the featured images to dark grey with css, but can’t quite find where to edit it. Can someone advise please?
I have installed the Instagram Feed on my Klean themed WP site and it is not displaying in the sidebar. The instructions from the plugin are to use a simple text widget and insert the code [instagram-feed] into the sidebar settings, which I have done. Klean has multiple sidebars – I have inserted this code into both the “Home Sidebar Left” and “Sidebar” widgets under Appearance/Widgets/ section.
The only place the Instagram feed appears is on the blog page, (titled “Updates.”)
Can anyone suggest what I can do to have the IG feed appear in the sidebar on the other pages?
Site is https://www.elevationaerialarts.com.
Thank you!
]]>Dear klean users,
How can I translate “Recent posts” I tried a lot but cant find it ??
I am currently using my custom CSS, for my website https://www.runningtigerrecords.com
#page {
display: none !important;
#search-top {
display: none !important;
#scroll-arrow {
display: none !important;
nav#site-navigation {
display: none;
body:not(.blog) #social-icons {
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
font-size: 50px !important;
#social-icons:not(.home) span{
font-size: 20px !important;
div.header-image {
background-size: 100% 100%;
Everything is how I like it but the size of the background header is not responsive to change size for a mobile version of the site. If someone can help me with either making the page responsive to to all media sizes or to just change the size of the header image for a when someone opens on a mobile/tablet.
My social Icons seemed to have bunched within a box and are stacked on 3 columns. I would like to get them spread out horizontally on the top of the page and in the center.
Is there a CSS code for this?
Thank you.
]]>Hello please check out my website.
It does not become responsive to a smaller mobile version. The site is an extremely basic one page style with just a header image and social/contact icons. I need everything to become responsive to all screen sizes.
Please help!!
Hello I am using Klean theme.
I have hidden the main navigation menu using
nav#site-navigation {
display: none;
and I would like to also hide the mobile menu but cannot find the css code. Does anyone know it?
]]>thank you again for your lovely theme!
my problem: somewhere between v.1.18 and 1.24 my sites changed the layout of “pages” with posts from one certain category (e.g https://www.example.org/?cat=12). (sorry, i don`know the exact term for this. and i missed the design-change, checked it too lately)
now the page looks like “recent posts”: only a compostion of square crops of the posts`s Featured Images.
in earlier versions of klean these “pages” showed the full Featured Image and first lines of the post`s text, one after the other.
the new design is an interesting option but i want the old design. how can i get it back? (suggestion: make it chooseable in theme customizer)
thanks in advance,
Hi there!
I love the Klean theme so much, thanks for making an awesome theme!
I am unable to make my “News” page route posts to that page (posts don’t show up at all on my page, for that matter). When I navigate to Appearance – Customize – Static Front Page and make the posts page News, my Home page deactivates. Any ideas?
Website: https://www.johnkiernanmusic.com
Thanks for this brillant template! I will reward this for sure and if I could, I would give 6 stars. Nevertheless I’m facing the following two problems.
I want to use pages and love the thing that the title of the page, the description and the social icons are on the left as long as there is enough space and that these elements jump to the top, when the page with is to small or viewed on smart phones.
Problem 1:
I have the word “Geburtsvorbereitung” in the title, in German a word with a common length, as we write words like “page width” as one word “pagewidth”. The .site-branding pane on the left where the title is located is only 25% wide. While the description text with it’s small font fits this width easily and is able to look great until the elements jump to the top, the title overlaps the page content in the 75% right hand side at any size of the screen. One solution could be a 50%/50% split of the page width or a split where the longest word of the title is taken to set the minimal width.
Problem 2:
When the webpage is displayed on an iPhone the title is not centered on the screen, even the word “Geburtsvorbereitung” with the nice bold font would fit the screen perfectly.
I’m looking forward to your answer / solution. Many thanks.
]]>Hello there,
your theme is fantastic!
Just one question: how can I center the footer text in the home page and in the other pages?
Because in the home page the footer text is aligned left, instead in the other pages (articles, ecc..) is aligned right.
I’m using a child theme.
Thank you very much,
Your theme is really great !!
But I would just change 2 things.
I would definitely remove footer right , the gray button that can go lower .
And center the title pages of the menu and change the size and font if possible.
( Sorry for my bad English … )
thank you so much
Hey guys,
My problem is that the meta title for any of my pages somehow include the name of a specific image file.
Searching for “info:contra.store” in google shows results with messy meta titles.
“Kontakt – contrapunkt – cropped-Test3.png” … and so on.
I tried removing it via setting custom meta titles (using the wp-meta-seo-plugin), but it somehow doesn’t seem to solve the problem. The page I’m currently working on is https://www.contra.store.
After having done some research, I found out that “cropped-Test3.png” etc. are the title of the image files that i set as the “logo” in your theme (thus appearing on every page).
Here’s the link to another thread I’ve started in the plugin’s support forums: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/cant-remove-image-title-from-meta-title?replies=12#post-8754969
Thanks in advance and have a nice monday!
Now it looks not for a full screen in Firefox and IE. Before this problem was in Chrome only.
How to fix it?
Hi all,
So I just installed Avartan Slider plugin, and without actually adding the shortcode or calling the plugin in PHP it’s already in the theme. However it’s in the wrong place and I wish to move it. Has Avartan slider inserted its self somewhere, or do you check for its existence in your theme? I’ve had a look around and I can’t seem to find any references to Avartan slider in the theme :/.
]]>Hi everybody,
does anyone how to add a mouse hover effect on social icons?
thank you!
]]>Top menu doesn’t appear in mobile phone.
How can i solve this please?
First of all: Thanks for the beautiful theme!
is there a way to remove the logo from the home page (while keeping it on the other pages)?
Thanks in advance ??
Here’s an example of one of my problems. When I am signed into wordpress and then select the ‘customize’ icon, I am able to see my right side bar that shows: ‘search’ and ‘recent posts’.
However, when I am signed out or even when i am signed in without the customize tab, I am unable to see the right sidebar as apparent in the link.
Thanks for your help in advanced.
]]>I would like to standardize the featured images for my recent posts to make the homepage: https://jeremyvoigt.com/ look, well, cleaner. I’ve tried a number of things (setting the thumbnail size in settings, uploading images that are all the same size to use as featured images) but cannot seem to get these to look right. Any help is appreciated.
I’d like to remove right sidebar from one page only, and getting the content fill the space instead. Left sidebar is ok, and I want it to stay. What should I do?
I like this theme and planning to migrate my site to this one. Can you let me know if there is a way that i can replace the search box with Signup form using this theme?
I’am using the feature to display a youtube video on the front page and it works fine.
However when I load the page on my mobile it does not load/play right.
Please advise
]]>I’m trying to integrate ads into my site, which uses the Klean WordPress theme. I’m using the Adsense plugin, but for some reason none of the ads that I’ve set up using the plugin appear on the site. I was wondering if Klean is Adsense compatible.