Hi, I’m new to www.ads-software.com and the forums and developing an employee intranet site that is installed our our network server. We’re using Liquido Theme and Fluida Addons, but my trouble is with the WordPress Appearance, Menus for my primary Header Menu. I can successfully add page and custom links, but I would like to add an unclickable menu item with a dozen or more sub-items (to documents on our SharePoint library and to external web pages)…but here’s the kicker…I want those sub-items to come from a “link library” of sorts so that I can use the same list of links in different areas of our intranet and have one place where those links are updated or added to in the future. Is this possible and how?
I would appreciate as many ideas as possible to help me figure this out.
Hello, i can’t figure out how to make site’s name in 3 rows. When I try to type in more than 70 symbols it just hides behind the menu. Can you please help me?
Every time I’m created a new page, a section appears on my homepage (static homepage) with the new of this newly created page.
For instance (if you go on the link mentioned), latest page created was January 2020 (for testing purpose), and this appears right below the header. Other pages on my navigation bar like Destinations and Contact ar ealso mentioned down below on the homepage. Would anyone know how to prevent this to happen and remove it so I have a clean homepage?
Thank you,
I can’t seem to make the default water/beach image change. I tried editing header media, header image, and no luck, it stays the same.
I would like a one column (no sidebar) layout on my homepage. However I don’t want it to be full width as it is at the moment, but with some space on each side with the content centered. The top banner should however be full width.
I tried different css formula from the forums but didn’t work (additional css). When I reduce px, the top banner gets smaller and don’t take the full screen when I look at my website on a large computer screen. It seems that when I change the General layout it does only affect articles layout and not my homepage that is a landing page.
Let me know if additional info is needed, thank you.
Was wondering how I make the mobile site look like my desktop site. I created it on my lap top and got it exactly
I want it to look. However when I went to the website on my iPhone it looked nothing like what I made. The header image doesn’t even show.
I’m curious how this child theme will work with future updates of it. In other words, I make a child theme for each of the themes I use so updates of the parent theme will not affect my settings – so if this is a child theme how do I, if possible, create a child for this (Liquido) child theme? If there are future updates to Liquido, will my settings be overwritten?